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A Smed

Dead AI stay in Vehicle.

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Its a strange question i know but i have used search for this question but all the words if used in the search engine hasnt revealed anything.

Anyone know how i would go about keeping dead AI in Vehicles like you had just shot them while they where driving.

If i put them in the vehicle and lower their health bar all the way down to the end and start the mission they automaticaly fall out of the vehicle and onto the floor isnt of hunched forward or leaning back in the seat.

I know this is weird but im trying to set up a ambush that in the mission you come across. Thanks:D

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If you have a HMMWV (M2) named v1 you would put this in the init box

v1g setdamage 1;v1d setdamage 1

and set the damage to the vehicle by using the slider.

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Ok thank you thats awesome, Only problem is the soldiers in the cargo are still alive. If i set their own healths bars all the way down they automaticaly flop out of the vehicle.

I did try and put their health bars back up to full and see if that script would kill them but it didnt.

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Place an undamaged vehicle named v1

put all your men in the vehicles.

then create a trigger

set the timers to 10 secs or set it up in away that it only goes off after all units are inside vehicles

and in the on act box put

{_x setdamage 1;}forEach units v1;v1 setdamage 0.7

oops that only works for all units grouped to the vehicle.

Edited by F2k Sel

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Place an undamaged vehicle named v1

put all your men in the vehicles.

then create a trigger

set the timers to 10 secs or set it up in away that it only goes off after all units are inside vehicles

and in the on act box put

{_x setdamage 1;}forEach units v1;v1 setdamage 0.7

oops that only works for all units grouped to the vehicle.

Awsome, Works perfectly. Just for those that plan on doing the same as i have you have to set the trigger to activate with which ever side you use (i.e I was using ACE2 PLA so i set the trigger to independent, without it it dosent activate).

Thanks again mate. Great help :yay:

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