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Changing SOM Module Aircraft

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Hi everyone! I am making a mission where you can call in close air support (CAS) with SOM Module. The thing is that as default, what comes as support is 2 A-10's and as you might know this are not the only aircraft used for this. I want to substitute them for 2 Apache's. I've seen this code for the "transport" support but that code doesnt work for the CAS. Thanks for all your help and hope I finish learning the different things to make my first Single or Coop Mission.:bounce3:

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i too would like to know the answer to this question too, because it looks stupid seeing the US army have F-35B in support, instead of a F-16 or F-15. even though their air force.

Edited by Militantsausage

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You're better off using this: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8337

Plane type can't be changed, see: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=89520

IT CANT BE DONE!!! :mad::mad::mad::cry: Thanks for the link, I downloaded it but I am going to bed now so I am going to test it tomorrow. Thanks and Ill post tomorrow as soon as I test it.

---------- Post added at 06:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:05 AM ----------

i too would like to know the answer to this question too, because it looks stupid seeing the US army have F-35B in support, instead of a F-16 or F-15. even though their air force.

Yes, that is so wrong. Anyway, I was planning to make a code to simulate different tactics with the Apaches. I am reading a book called "APACHE: INSIDE THE COCKPIT OF THE WORLDS MOST DEADLIEST FIGHTING MACHINE" By Ed Macy, and he discribes some of the tactics he used in combat in Afghanistan, plus I have some documentries and other books that describes some of this things too. I dont know how hard is to make it, if possible that is, but I think it will be something similar to the UAV flight pattern. Dont get me wrong I mean the programming not the actual flight pattern of the UAV.

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You're better off using this: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8337

Plane type can't be changed, see: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=89520

Ok, I've checked the Drapers air support but for some reason I can make it run. I followed the instructions and I cant make it work.

---------- Post added at 08:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:04 PM ----------

Use Mando Missiles. Besides the fact it's epic, it's extremely flexible.


Mando Missile is Incredible! Thanks, Y never thought it was that good. But I cant use the Mando Air Support Console maybe becuase I dont know how to gain acces to it. Been looking around and I saw the only video in youtube that talks about it and he appears to have it in the menu. Any help?

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thanks, ill try to send him a message or create another thread of how to use damn scripts. As I said, I cant run anything inside a script.

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