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loadout questions

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i had a webpage in my favourites with all the ace 2 classlists (i remember it had a dark background, all the weapons with pictures and all the magazines that could be used with them) but now i changed pc and i cant remember what page it was. anyone know?

also, is there a way to have a backpack on a unit already filled with stuff at the beginning of a mission?


Edited by MirindoR

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Here's the link to the A.C.E. 2 Classlist.

To put an item in a rucksack on a unit's back upon spawning, I put the following in their init line:

addit = [this, "ACE_MORPHINE", 20] call ace_fnc_PackMagazine;

That will add 20 Morphine packages to the unit's backpack.

Remember to give them a backpack before you add things to it though! :)

So, you could put something like below, which would add a backpack to the unit and put 5 clips inside of it:

this addWeapon "ACE_BACKPACK";
addit = [this, "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 5] call ace_fnc_PackMagazine;

That backpack is a basic civilian backpack. More backpacks are listed in the A.C.E. 2 Classlist browser.

Edited by Fuzzy Bandit

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That is brilliant and answered a question for me, I have another I have spawned players with a Primary and a set of kit in a backpack but how do I add a Secondary weapon on players back?

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That is brilliant and answered a question for me, I have another I have spawned players with a Primary and a set of kit in a backpack but how do I add a Secondary weapon on players back?

Use the following command in the init line of the unit:

this setVariable ["ACE_weapononback", "weaponclassnamehere"];

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