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New Compact US FOB for Vanilla and ACE2

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Compact USMC FOB - v2

I must say that I consider this more a new variation of the old base than an update.

If you liked the first one or maybe felt it was a little lacking on certain points. then i hope this will please you.

General info:

I hope this Setpos template is useful to you. I will continue to build and release bases improving as much as i can.

Being inspired by FOB's made by other people in the community I decided to put a little more effort in to what I've already done before I'll release any more bases.

The mayor changes are:

- Refurnished the Interior trying to make the base seem more realistic.

- Improved the ECP's making it possible for the AI to actually drive in and out of the base.

- A 100% add-on free version and a US Army version with ACE2

Overall Features:

- Guarded and occupied by Soldiers


- Helipad (With FAARP and a Helicopter)

- 2 ECP's (drive able for AI)

- Mess hall for officers and soldiers.

- CASH (Combat support hospital)

- Static defenses

- Vanilla and ACE version

Additional info:

I have copy/pasted 2 tables with equipment attached from Soldier2390's great FOB templates (I was to lazy to position them my self)



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Last version was rather framerate unfriendly. I think it was due to all of the AI.. although it was in singleplayer.

I'll check this out, I love templates

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I put a bunch of soldiers in the barracks area for making some screenshots. I think they are the reason.

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Thx for informing us! :thumbsup:

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Nice base you made here, I just love it! :) Did you think about making one like this but for the russians? It would be great if you did one! Just a suggestion :P

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