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falling from sky

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What script do i need to start the game where my character is doing a halo jump from 5000 metres? I tried looking up the script on the wikipedia but got pretty lost with anything that looked like it did the trick. I don't want to have a plane or chopper just have the man falling

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Yep use the above line of code, changing the number at the beginning for how high you want to spawn in metres.

If you're looking for a respawn HALO jump:

Ok add this to the init of your unit:

_xhandle = this addEventHandler ["killed", "_this execvm 'respawn.sqf'"];

Then, create a file called respawn.sqf and add this to it:

_unit = _this select 0;

waituntil {alive player};

_unit = player;
[_unit, 5000] exec "ca\air2\halo\data\Scripts\HALO_init.sqs";

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That first code

[player, 2000] exec "ca\air2\halo\data\Scripts\HALO_init.sqs"

Do you put this in the init field or is that a script document you put in the mission folder

edit. i just tested it and it works fine thanks. also thanks for the respawn tip

Edited by Archamedes

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