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Mask_lco problem

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Hi everyone,

I got a problem with the mask_lco. Basically it shows up normally in one place and then there is like a cut and a different texture is placed there instead :mad:

Here is a screenshot:


I've been trying to figure this out for a few days and nothing.

Here is the layers.cfg (the texture is called "tav_emba")

class Layers
 class tav_trava1
   texture = "tavi\tavi\data\tav_trava1_mco.png";
   material= "tavi\tavi\data\tav_trava1.rvmat";
 class tav_kamen1
   texture = "tavi\tavi\data\tav_kamen1_mco.png";
   material= "tavi\tavi\data\tav_kamen1.rvmat";
 class tav_les1
   texture = "tavi\tavi\data\tav_les1_mco.png";
   material= "tavi\tavi\data\tav_les1.rvmat";
 class tav_pisekplaz
   texture = "tavi\tavi\data\tav_pisekplaz_mco.png";
   material= "tavi\tavi\data\tav_pisekplaz.rvmat";
 class tav_asfalt
   texture = "tavi\tavi\data\tav_asfalt_mco.png";
   material= "tavi\tavi\data\tav_asfalt.rvmat";
 class tav_beton
   texture = "tavi\tavi\data\tav_beton_mco.png";
   material= "tavi\tavi\data\tav_beton.rvmat";
 class tav_emba
   texture = "tavi\tavi\data\tav_emba_mco.png";
   material= "tavi\tavi\data\tav_emba.rvmat";

class Legend

 class Colors

Here is the are of the layermask as seen in photoshop:


Here is the Tav_emba .rvmat

ambient[] = {0.9,0.9,0.9,1};
diffuse[] = {0.9,0.9,0.9,1};
forcedDiffuse[] = {0.02,0.02,0.02,1};
specular[] = {0.0,0.0,0.0,0};
specularPower = 1; // specular interpolator must be enabled
emmisive[] = {0,0,0,0};

PixelShaderID = "NormalMapDiffuse";
VertexShaderID = "NormalMapDiffuseAlpha";

//surfaceInfo = "landtext\bumps.bisurf";

class Stage1
{ // normal map
 class uvTransform
   aside[] = {10,0,0};
   up[]    = {0,10,0};
   dir[]   = {0,0,10};
   pos[]   = {0,0,0};

class Stage2
 class uvTransform
   aside[] = {10,0,0};
   up[]    = {0,10,0};
   dir[]   = {0,0,10};
   pos[]   = {0,0,0};

Thanks in advance for help :smile:

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Maybe a soft color edge? Have you tried reimporting your masks?

Have no idea what else could be the Problem....

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Maybe a soft color edge? Have you tried reimporting your masks?

Have no idea what else could be the Problem....

Yep, I tried many times and it still does the same thing :sad: this game is so unlogical :mad:

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I count 7 colours on the Mask_lco section shown... You can only have 4 colours per "segment" (segment size varies according to your world size/terrain grid, etc - but roughly 0.5km square is a good rough guide), so it could be that you've simply gone over the surfaces limit in that particular area...

If you have your mask as a photoshop file with different layers, for example - you could temporarily drop some of the colours - reimport using that temporary mask, and see if the problem at that spot goes away... if it does, then thats what was wrong and you just need to rethink the surfaces situation in that area...

You can have as many surfaces as you want - but no more than 4 per "segment" - it's a bitch, I know... I've struggled with it myself... grass, rock, sand and gravel and you're at the limit already... add a fifth in that area and one of them is gonna start displaying incorrectly...

See This Thread for what looks like a similar problem...


Edited by Bushlurker

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I count 7 colours on the Mask_lco section shown... You can only have 4 colours per "segment" (segment size varies according to your world size/terrain grid, etc - but roughly 0.5km square is a good rough guide), so it could be that you've simply gone over the surfaces limit in that particular area...

If you have your mask as a photoshop file with different layers, for example - you could temporarily drop some of the colours - reimport using that temporary mask, and see if the problem at that spot goes away... if it does, then thats what was wrong and you just need to rethink the surfaces situation in that area...

You can have as many surfaces as you want - but no more than 4 per "segment" - it's a bitch, I know... I've struggled with it myself... grass, rock, sand and gravel and you're at the limit already... add a fifth in that area and one of them is gonna start displaying incorrectly...

See This Thread for what looks like a similar problem...


I removed all the colours only left grass and the light blue colour and it still didnt work :sad: then I put all 7 colours beside the area that shows the correct texture and nothing changed.

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I'm running out of ideas...

Looking closely at the pic, it almost seems like you're getting BOTH textures there - like grass overlaid on the nice-looking gravel... is that correct? - can you see both textures there... sortof...?

One other thing you could try is to make the light blue (0,255,255) something different - see if that makes any difference - just using a different colour on the mask for that surface... grasping at straws a bit, but might be worth a try....

Also worth trying is quickly converting the mask to indexed colour with a strictly defined pallette... that will enforce just those colours to be used - no possibility of odd shades creeping in... (though once you've done that you'll need to convert back to RGB before use... and indexed palatte .png won't actually work)...


Edited by Bushlurker

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Well after removing some colours from the mask leaving it with 4 colours just like ArmA 1 and reloading the mask like 10 times if finally works, and I still remember BIS said now you can put like 7 colours or how many :bored:

What a load of BS like Codemasters with their Dragon Rising... :laugh:

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For me there is still the 4 colours/textures limit. Bis have said they have overcome the limit on Chernarus and get 6 colours/textures on a _Sat segment.

Terrain Layer Flexibility Increased

ArmA terrain technology was a lot more flexible than what we had before, and as written in Arma Technology Inside blog, ArmA 2 uses the same technology, only slightly improved. The main improvement is that by using all four channels of the ARGB mask and with some encoding tricks employed, the total number of different surfaces on a single satellite segment was increased from four to six. This may not seem a lot, but it has allowed our terrain designers to use a few surfaces which differ segment to segment, therefore the surface variability in the whole game world is now a lot higher.

Source : http://www.bistudio.com/developers-blog/show-me-the-light-3_en.html

So until somebody revealed the secret we are stuck to 4 ...

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