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How to fix a choppy mic

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Hi fellas,

I'm still new to ARMA 2, i've come from project reality.

I've been playing for about 2 weeks now, learning stuff everyday.

Anyway when i talk people say i have a choppy mic. How do i fix. I have a logitech mic, and people hear me fine on project reality, and ventrillo, team speak, etc..

How can i fix this, thanks.

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This sounds like a thread for the troubleshooting forum. ;)

Anyway, you'll need to provide some more information. The main factors involved in VoN quality are:

- your soundcard + driver

- the mic (which model)

- which Arma2 version you are running (vanilla 1,05 or beta?)

- the VoN quality setting on the server (probably hard for you to determine)

- your internet upload speed

It would be best if you could provide as much info on those points as possible. If you are running vanilla 1.05, trying a beta patch may remedy the problem. I believe VoN problems were addressed some time ago.

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I haven't since the game release been able to get people to understand me across VON, even when playing with my neighbours at a 100Mb/s connection, instead resorting to TeamSpeak3, so some of us are just bad off I guess =/

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Some people say they can hear me fine some can't. How do use that VoN quality setting to determine which servers you most likely have good voip on?

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Many people have a hard time understanding in-game voice chat, some due to quality and some due to volume. For me I can hear everyone just fine quality-wise on the servers I play but the volume is just too low so unless they speak quite loud I can't understand what they're saying (and same goes for when I talk on in-game voice chat, if I don't practically yell they don't hear me). It seems to be more of a problem with the game than your microphone...

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