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Guide to making 3D models and units?

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Hi guys,

I was wondering if there is some sort of comprehensive starting guide to making 3D models or something. I see a ton of people on the forum who know how to make them but I haven't seen anything... Not even sure what programs to use.

Thanks a lot!

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Don't know if it works well, but google sketchup is free, and is fairly easy to use. To port you'll need to download some programs, or just purchase the professional version (allows export to 3ds in-program)

there are some tuts for google sketchup on youtube/on their site.

once the model is in Oxygen 2, most of it is fairly straightforward, just check the manual on the biswiki

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Start by going to THIS SECTION of the Forum... Here you'll fine some pretty good basic tutorials - especially Gnats video tutorial collection, and Mondkalbs "making an addon from scratch"... this is the place to start reading - and also to ask questions as you get started...

You can also download the full BIS Arma 2 toolkit HERE

Have fun, and we look forward to seeing your first addon!


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Binkowski... I don't get it...

But thanks a ton for your help bushlurker!

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Hey guys, thanks for your help again. Just one quick question: Where do I find models used in Arma 2 to edit in Oxygen 2? I'd like to change some things on a model so I can make a mod but I don't know how. Thanks!

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But thanks a ton for your help bushlurker!

You're welcome, mate - it seems you've been moved to the right section now...

Also, since I forgot to mention it, and since Myke is far too polite to blow his own trumpet, I should also recommend...

Myke's How To make a Non Box Addon from scratch

Which you'll find is an invaluable guide for making... well, anything which isn't box-shaped really... :)


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Awesome, thanks!

EDIT: Please let me know if any experienced add-on makers or anything wants help with something as in modeling. I've been trying to start doing things myself but man it's quite hard. I figure it would be a good way to get more experienced in it.

Edited by ryguy

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"...blow his own trumpet...."...hmm...i guess you overestimate my flexibility.:D


Besides all tutorials you can find, the best way is always "learning by doing". Spend time in O2, try to create simple structures to begin with. Fire up UV Editor and explore how the appereance of the texture on the model changes when you move, scale and rotate objects in the UV Editor.

It is like learning violin, the first attempts will be horrible. But don't get discouraged by this fact. Hell, at beginning of the year i couldn't create a simple textured box. So i sat down and messed with O2, read through everything i could find, opened the sample models to see how they were done.

And this is what i'm actually doing:


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