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SP Mission "The Cleaner"

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My last mission which I published with Mapfact was a mission for OFP and was called "Iron Eagles". That was in 2004. Perhaps somebody still remembers it. After that I had no more time to end projects started with. Within the last weeks I could, however, bring one of these projects to an end. Now I provide here the mission for download. This will possibly be the last mission which I publish. The title of the mission is the same one like that one of my first mission which I made approx. 2002 for OFP. It is nothing special, however, will nevertheless enjoy you hopefully.

Title: The Cleaner

ArmA version: 1.14

Type: SP

Island: Porto

Mission version: 1.0

Size: 2.56 MB

Languages: German and English (I hope the english translation does not contain any faults.)

Story: U.S. troops have occupied the Russian outpost on Porto contrarily to international law. UNO is powerless and Russia must solve the problem alone. With an unusual plan they want to reconquer the island. They send only one man, the notorious Cleaner....


- VDV Units Version 1.2 by Studio Alpha, RHS Weapons (contained in VDV Addon) = 105,28MB

Download: http://armed-assault.de/downloads/russian-vdv-and-recon-v12.html

- GAZ 2330 Tigr Version 0.7 beta by datakill = 18,47 MB

Download: http://armed-assault.de/downloads/gaz-2330-v07-beta.html

More infos in the readme file.

Note: If the mission does not end although all objectives were accomplished, somebody is still alive. Unfortunately, if an AI has gone to the trigger area, after the objective was accomplished, this can happen. In tests this has never happened, however. Find them, kill them and return into the base.

You can download the mission at:

Armed Assault Info




ArmA Mission Data Base


Assault Mission Studio


I thank the beta testers: Florian aka Chneemann and Christian aka BadAss of the former Mapfact team as well as Christoph aka Unterfeld,

our faithful Mapfact fan who has already tested many mission for us.






Edited by Wüstenfuchs

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Within the last weeks I could, however, bring one of these projects to an end. Now I provide here the mission for download. This will possibly be the last mission which I publish. The title of the mission is the same one like that one of my first mission which I made approx. 2002 for OFP. It is nothing special, however, will nevertheless enjoy you hopefully.

I remember that original "The cleaner" mission. It took a very long time to clean that airfield alone. :)

Still have it in my mapfact collection folder and I think I even converted that mission for myself to ArmA2 a while back.

But hopefully one day we will see more interesting missions from you.

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It was a beautiful time with OFP. I have published altogether 15 missions at that time. Furthermore there were many outlines which got not quite ready. Some of this were very promising. It is a pity that the much work which I have invested there is never again looked somebody.

I still have some good outlines for ArmA but unfortunately, I had hardly time to complete these missions. But one never shall say never! ;)

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Hi Wüstenfüchs,

great to see ya back and your mission.

Can still remember the bet tests sessins with BadAss.

Gonna check ya mission of course although it is SP.

Greetz Simba

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Congrats, it's finally out! :cool: Thank you for letting me test it but at the same time i've got to apologize for not having more time to!

It's a fine mission on a really nice place, skillfully crafted like one expects from Wüstenfuchs. I had great fun playing it - hopefully all of you will too!

Btw. MP versions of the Wüstenfuchs classics would be really, really cool! :D

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