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forceSpeed vs limitSpeed

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Can anyone explain to me the difference between forceSpeed and limitSpeed?

I find it a bit strange that I have to use forceSpeed to slow a group down, instead of limitSpeed which "sounds" more correct.

ForceSpeed sounds like something you'd use to keep speed up (but the information claims it is the opposite, hence we have to highly similar commands), i.e. during getting away from scripted incoming indirect fire zones no matter the speedmode. Whereas LimitSpeed sounds like something you'd use to keep speed down, when limited speed mode is not slow enough.

In order to slow a group of infantry down compared to regular limited speed mode, I have to use forceSpeed, as limitedSpeed doesn't seem to work. So, two commands of very similar function, what is their intended use?

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I can't get either limitSpeed or forceSpeed to work.

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The biki says something about running it in a loop, that should work.

From the biki description the only difference i that limitSpeed works with km/h and forceSpeed works with m/s

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;1844071']The biki says something about running it in a loop' date=' that should work.

From the biki description the only difference i that limitSpeed works with km/h and forceSpeed works with m/s[/quote']

Yup, thanks for the help. This is the loop script that I used:

"this setVariable ["limitSpeed",5];

0=[this] spawn {

while {canMove (_this select 0) } do {

(_this select 0) limitSpeed ((_this select 0) getVariable "limitSpeed");

sleep 0.1;



then I used this command to set the actual speed:

"<chopperName> setVariable ["limitSpeed", 100];"

Thanks for the help!

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