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Searchlights just for an eye candy?

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Guys, to make it short:

Searchlight doesn't really work, right? I mean, AI is absolutely non-affected by that. They don't see anything even if searchlight points at it, right? I tried that without any success.

What's your experience? Will your AI without NV actually see if you light their LOS?


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This should be modded in. AI respond to absolutely everything as I am aware, from gunshots to suppressive fire, it would be great if this worked.

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What's your experience? Will your AI without NV actually see if you light their LOS?

My experience are the same as yours and while the AI is "inside" the searchligt they are almost deaf as well. Guess it's since the searchlight is actually a vehicle class it obstructs sounds just like in a car, guess it's a simple config bug/oversight.

I've played around with a simple addon that improves the usefullness of searchlights when used by the AI by giving that "vehicle" NVG's as well as disabled the sound obstruction/occlusion, if interested to test it let me know (FYI - it's not signed and WIP).


Edited by KeyCat

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I know that if the enemy doesn't have NVGs, and you are standing near it, it will react to you if a vehicles headlights are pointed at you, but not before. I would think the searchlights would do the same thing.

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I know that if the enemy doesn't have NVGs, and you are standing near it, it will react to you if a vehicles headlights are pointed at you, but not before. I would think the searchlights would do the same thing.

Should try it out later. Thanks.

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AI will by default turn his light on you if he knows about you. Information sharing can be done with a little bit of scripting, unsure how much and far they share on their own. Going from a low knowsabout value (unknown) to a higher one (enemy), usually doesn't take that long by itself.

Even if the AI may not get a visual/spotting aid from the lights, when they point it at you, you get a significant disadvantage: Blooming. You get problems seeing, and your disadvantage is AIs advantage.

I haven't really tried much with this, I admit.

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