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VACbuilder Arma 2 profile.

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Just fyi, I have posted my second version of my Arma 2 voice command profile hosted on there main site. Loads of new commands and some new features (combo orders). It will probably save you guys allot of time both ingame or in VACbuilder if youre planing to make your own.

The profile is meant for CTI, but it can now both work in single player and high command levels. Because the voice orders are multi choice and multi hierarchy (more than one way to get to the top) I am guessing there is more than 700 individual commands by now with less than 20 being one word. They are all based on logic, speed and balance (removing the chance of wrong orders being execute by similar words etc).

I also added a single player test mission so you can get the full experience of ordering a 12 unit high command group with a 12 member full squad, or just read the map notes to learn the profile orders and so on.

You can get the profile here:


Edit: Version 202 is up now. Sry it took a while :).

Edit 2: Version 204 is up now.

Edit 3:

  JojoTheSlayer said:

I will update this thread when the new v204, with Track IR commands, are up.

That new version of 204 is now up.

Edit 4: v205 Arrowhead is now up. (Final)

Edit 5: Since you cant use the Arma 2 test mission in Arrowhead alone. I have added a training mission for Arrowhead.

Same version name v205 and its uploaded now. (Hot fix/Final)

Edit 6: v302 is up.

Edit 7: v304 is up. Details on page 3.

Edit 8: v305 is up. Details on page 5.

  Media said:
Edited by JojoTheSlayer

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Alright JoJo so I already commented on this in the other thread but i've had a chance to try it now so I can tell you what I think.

At first I wasn't really sure about this, until I started getting used to it and playing warfare online (that drew me to it in the first place when you were talking about it being good for warfare as warfare is practically all i play :p ).

Now I can see all the hard work you've put into it come out when i'm playing, I almost feel like im as fast as an AI commander is with my orders, when I come up against enemy players and their squadrons they dont even know what hit them haha!!!

The only suggestion I really have would be for you to make a seperate version for the english keyboards, I read in the readme that some commands I will have to fix myself as you have them set to the norway keyboard layout (i think theres three in total). I went into the vac builder thinking i'd do it myself but goddamn theres so many commands it was actually pretty daunting so i closed the vac builder lol

I hope to see you on the battlefield eventually man (even though I probably wont seeing as I live in canada but hey you never know) :war:

Edited by last_apoc

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Thx for the feedback.

I am glad to see you have no big issues using it even if youre not using VAB builder. Now the reason I didnt make a US one is because even if I set Windows to US keyboard I had no way of testing if it worked ingame... If I sett windows to US keyboard and press æ it will become a ', but VAC ingame it will not execute ' even if its the "correct key" according to ingame keybindings (ingame says ', not æ ). VAC however will execute æ...

But I am sending you a test build via PM.

I would really like if you could test it for me.

Its a Rapidshare link so I cant post it here because theres a 10x download limit. :) Anyway, just import that one. Dont worry it has another name so it wont overwrite or conflict with your default one. Start a game, load the profile and I want you to test the following voice command and see if you get wanted effect.

Note 1: Make sure VAC is on, by doing a voice command you know work first.

Note 2: All the tests can be done in the VAC test mission.

Note 3: If you dont have a default Arma 2 keybindings build just make another profile and load that one. This way you dont need to change anything to your personal profile.


Before test: Press F2 to have one soldier selected.

Voice Command: (Select none)

Wanted effect: Presses the "Select all units" key ` twice.

You see: Every soldier gets selected and then deselected.


Before test: Dont have any soldier selected.

Voice command: (All teams menu)

Wanted effect: Every soldier is selected and you see the move-reply menu.

(Similar as "Team red menu" which should work on your default)


Before test: Switch to 3rd person.

Voice command: (Salute player)

Wanted effect: The player you control does a military salute.


Before test: Get into the pilot seat of an attack helicopter and have a AI gunner. (There is a attack helicopter you can board in the VAC test mission)

Voice command: (Switch to manual fire) or (disable manual fire)

Wanted effect: You Toggle manual fire on/off while getting a confirmation message from the game.

Once you have tested it on your Arma 2 copy get back to me in this thread and report what happened with test A - D. If everything works you can just as well use that one and I will probably update the downloaded version with both a NOR and US option.

Edited by JojoTheSlayer

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Thx for putting in so much work and sharing the results with us. Seems like a lot of work and testing to get it right.

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Alright I had a chance to try out tests A through D and I am happy to say they all worked out perfectly!

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  last_apoc said:
Alright I had a chance to try out tests A through D and I am happy to say they all worked out perfectly!

Thx and thats great.

il probably send VAC site a dual version....

Ok, made two versions. Both Nor and US.

Was planing on making a German as well, but there are some key issues that has to be set manually anyway so it wasnt worth the extra space in the file.

(The file jumps 50% for each language profile.)

But I have also updated the readme so that Issues and solutions now have a really detailed way to help people fix those few keys themselves. Maybe you should take a look Apoc and see if you understand them? Considering you though that VACbuilder was a bit over whelming. Now its just follow step by step KISS style (Keep It Simple Stupid, its a military term not an insult :) .)

Theres also a section in the readme under all the basics commands that goes into what uncommon, but useful commands there are in the profile for people that dont want to do to much in vacbuilder.

I also added some new commands:

No target tree. (No target and cancel target is old ):


All teams no target

one -twelve no target

Team X no target

Force move:


With the VAC thread there has been a few people that really enjoy the force move order from Group Link 4 Special FX Edition by SNKMAN.


So I have added single player orders, they dont work on servers that dont have the mod, so people can use this excellent order. FYI its the catalog name with credits Group Link 4 by SNKMAN.

Force move

one - twelve force move

Team X force move

All teams force move

I am sending it to VAC now so I guess it will be up in a day or two.

il update the original post when it is. v202. (Edit: Its up now)

  Antigoon said:
Thx for putting in so much work and sharing the results with us. Seems like a lot of work and testing to get it right.


Most of the core testing was done with v1 in CTI. Once that was done I got more and more ideas on what I wanted the more I got killed in CTI, or when I didnt manage to do stuff fast enough. For example with v202 I was playing the game a few days ago and I said, "two no target", forgetting to wait between "two -- no target" and not wanting to use "cancel target" (puts everyone in no target). Figuring no target wasnt stressful it wasnt in there in v201, but its a order you might use often enough in CTI. So now thats in there :D.

Voice command, voice profile, voice commanding, voice software, game voice, shoot voice, Pilfius, vac,

Edited by JojoTheSlayer

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Uploaded v204 to the site now.

*Not a huge update, but I redid the training mission so now you can use the radio to get a taste on how the profile works. I also did something similar for High Command, made A10 ai able to take off and updated the notes on the map. (Might be a few spelling errors in the mission though :p)

*Fixed one order that was not working and removed a few surplus phrases because of false positives.

("All teams menu" order), ("Ammo low", "Fuel low" phrases.)

*Added one advanced new order for CTI which is meant for getting reinforcement.

Basically you give one voice order and the program does the rest which results in the unit driving your way or similar.

Heres how it works.

A) Set a waypoint where you want the reinforcement to go.

(Shift + left click, or "add waypoint" voice command on the map)

B) You should not have any current live ai teams as team white.

C) Buy a new unit and when it spawns use the order.

(X = Red, Green, Blue, Yellow or White.)

"Team White to team X Armor mode" or

"Team White to team X Infantry mode"

This will sett the current newly bought unit, which defaults to team white, to that team color, sets it to armor or infantry mode and tells it to move to the waypoint.

(Note: If there is no waypoint present the unit will not move.)

(Note2: The reason you can do team white to team white is if you have used all the four teams and want the 5th team, white, set and on otw.)

Edited by JojoTheSlayer

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Did a few Youtube videos about my profile. Similar to Fish44s video.

Never done youtube videos before so its not professional or anything, but it shows how the profile works. If you notice I am using a few orders for Track IR5, which is not in the original v204, but I have added those and resent a new v204 to the vacbuilder site. I dont consider it worthy of a new version name, but I did it because I am using a few of those commands in the video.

I will update this thread when the new v204, with Track IR commands, are up. (Edit: Its up.)

Part 1:


(Just left the first bad start in there because I though it was a little funny. :) )

Part 2:


(If you happend to be the only one on earth to not know what it is by now :p ) Edited by JojoTheSlayer

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That’s a lot of hard work, put into an awesome list of voice commands!

The only minor issue, is that you used tactical view .NUM a couple of times, in combined orders. To me, it doesn’t add too much in that short timeframe, and when it’s disabled it looks it upsets the combined voicecommands.

To have better look at the size of the profile, I took excel, and it where about 19 pages! , but still logical and easy to use ingame

Thanks a lot for sharing, will definitely use this! :bounce3:

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Thats a very impressive demo you've posted there Jojo. Did you have to spend a long time training the software to recognise your voice or was it pretty quick?

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Thx :)

  Birdseye said:
That’s a lot of hard work, put into an awesome list of voice commands!

The only minor issue, is that you used tactical view .NUM a couple of times, in combined orders. To me, it doesn’t add too much in that short timeframe, and when it’s disabled it looks it upsets the combined voicecommands.

To have better look at the size of the profile, I took excel, and it where about 19 pages! , but still logical and easy to use ingame

Thanks a lot for sharing, will definitely use this! :bounce3:

Yeah, the modes, or combo orders, use , Num (Once). This is because the profile is primarily made for CTI and that most CTI games are played with ,NUM on. As in not the realism setting. The thing is, if you for example try the combo order "+ Return NOW" (Sets units to safe and then return to formation, not just return to formation), you will notice that it dosent use , NUM, but not using the , NUM means that the orders become longer. You have to reselect selected units over again if you dont use , NUM and that might throw people off and will not give the visual clue to when the combo is over like , NUM does. Also, about length. While "Return NOW" is only a few commands. The longest combo order with , NUM, "Team white to team x infantry mode", is 27 combinations. Doing that without , NUM would increase it further, take longer and risk becoming fecked up by the player for a lack of visual combo start/finish clue.

In short, using , NUM for combo orders is a design decision based on whats most common in CTI games and in that regards what was most effective.

Hope that explains it.

If you are playing CTI realism I suggest you just sett everyone to "scan horizon" and armor to "engage at will". Then manually press 8, 7 (line formation) to get them ready. If you get into contact just say "danger". Which is a panic like order because by just saying danger, similar to "cancel target" instead of "no target", will set everyone in danger status. Thats probably the fastest way in realism and it might even be faster than a none , NUM combo order would be as well.

  Killerwatt said:
Thats a very impressive demo you've posted there Jojo. Did you have to spend a long time training the software to recognize your voice or was it pretty quick?

I did not spend any time on teaching the software. :D

For me it was plug and play from the start, but I did pay attention to similar sayings and tested a few words against each others. Example, if you look under any eight (8) something order you will notice that the activation phrase, voice command, for eight is actually "ate". Because unless you have perfect speech, which most people with an acenst dosent have, the program has an easier time confirming "ate" as 8 instead of the correctly spelled eight.

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Bump. v205.

Just a small update to include a few Arrowhead commands and sound effects.

The file name has also been changed to reflect that it works for both versions. This is the final version btw.

From the readme

  Reveal hidden contents


Added training mission for Arrowhead. For those that dont have Arma 2 original.

It will probably be uploaded to the VAC main site in a couple of days (Edit: Its up. Note: The file keeps the name, v205)

Edited by JojoTheSlayer

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Whats new:


1. Profile is allot faster. Went over all the commands.

2. Added a map marker catalog with loads of map marker voice commands.

3. Improved individual soldier ordering both in fps and command hud.

4. Added a INT international profile. So you only have to change a few keys ingame instead of every command in the profile if you dont have a US or NOR region keyboard.

5. Changed Return NOW order so it will better force your infantry to disengage from the enemy even in auto danger. See part 2.

* Feel free to provide any feedback you want.

YouTube videos about the new stuff.


Part 1/2 [ Whats new? Ambush!!! ]


Part 2/2 [ Open Fire!!! + Return NOW ]


Edited by JojoTheSlayer

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Hi Jojo

I didn't thought you could improve much on your old profile, since it was almost perfect, but you did!

Had a go with it, and it's so extensive. It's simply fantasic to play with the new speed, and the changes and additions you made are very good, like the move now, command move, and to add the markers. But also a very good readme and some nice videos, which explains a lot!

Big chance I overlooked, but I havent seen autohover, and switching to the next/previous group with SHIFT-F11/F12 I couldn't find.

Perhaps you could include the admin commands to make the profile complete, and get out and eject don't have default controls in arma. Maybe you could include these in the profile & readme?

It's very big profile, and I will get back to testing later this week! ;)

PiLfIuS users are missing out on a great profile :D

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Great ideas. I will see what I can do.

I have already plotted down a few solutions.

I think I understand what you mean with:

"...and switching to the next/previous group with SHIFT-F11/F12 I couldn't find."

But I am not totally sure.

A) Do you mean that if, eg, F2, F3 and F4 where team red you could just press shift+f2 to select team red.

B) Just the F11, F12 keys to go to next page of infantry units.

C) Do you mean there is a key press, unknown to me, where you can cycle through the teams?

D) Other...

Edited by JojoTheSlayer

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Just a small update. Took a little time getting it on the site.


Whats new:

*Credits updated.

*Removed both listening toggle and push to talk keys in all profiles to remove most common issue of not getting the profile working on the first try.

*Added Server commands to make it easier to kick disruptive players or similar.

*Added a few new commands to Aircontrolls, Map Markers, Selecting and soldier select orders. Updated INT profile for two new keys. Minor tweaks and updated readme files including sounds txt.

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This is addon of the year.

Seriously. You've managed to make commanding AI a whole new kind of fun. The greatest hurdle to commanding the AI is the cumbersome Keyboard command system... and you've surmounted that hurdle.


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  Spamurai said:

This is addon of the year.



LoL, thx, but I could only partially agree to among the Top 10 or similar hehe.

Glad you like it though :)

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Hi JoJo, thanks for your efforts, this is really cool. Was playing around with this today and its working pretty good. Now i just need to learn the commands...

For some reason "two" never worked, then i just added "too" onto the list, that did it.

Just some minutes ago i said "four" and it closed my game... :D

Where can i find that entry? Thats too dangerous for my like, i want to delete that command. :)

Thanks! Great addition to the game.

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  sxp2high said:
Hi JoJo, thanks for your efforts, this is really cool. Was playing around with this today and its working pretty good. Now i just need to learn the commands...

For some reason "two" never worked, then i just added "too" onto the list, that did it.

Just some minutes ago i said "four" and it closed my game... :D

Where can i find that entry? Thats too dangerous for my like, i want to delete that command. :)

Thanks! Great addition to the game.

Its probably a heavy accent that makes you have issues with two. :)

Press the speaker icon next to two here to compare.

There are no commands that closes the game.

Only thing I can think off if that you have held down -alt- and then used the voice command "four", which selects the fourth soldier with the key F4.

Ergo, Alt+F4 in your case.


I just went over all the commands that use alt in some way. Command watch and watch position trees and all of those commands unToggle the alt key when they should. Those are the only commands I can think of that could be causing a conflict unless you in some way have a sticky keyboard issue or similar. If you are playing with extremly low fps ingame it might also mean the commands happens faster than the ingame game can pick up. In your case not unToggeling the alt key during one of the commands, but you should probably have noticed that by other commands like "Team blue watch north" or other longer commands not working properly in your case then. Other than that I dont know why your game could have closed.

See if you can reproduce the error oh and thanks for the feedback. :)

Edited by JojoTheSlayer

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I was able to reproduce it. You were right, i was holding down ALT. But i had nearly 40fps... :confused:

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  sxp2high said:
I was able to reproduce it. You were right, i was holding down ALT. But i had nearly 40fps... :confused:

Could you clarify.

You, as in your keyboard or similar, where holding down the -alt- key or the profile in some way was?

If you have stable 40fps you should have no issues with the orders speed.

Its only a issues on some of the longer commands under 20fps.

How did you reproduce the error?

Are you sure you havent changed something when you removed stuff?

I have never had this issue where the game has shut down like you explain and I use the profile every time I play Arma 2.

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Yea it's me holding down ALT (free-looking-around) :)

I tested this a couple of times and every time it closes my game... I have not deleted anything from the profile. Only thing i've changed was adding some phrases to already existing commands.

For example: I added "Scratch one" to "One down". Just some stuff like that (not much so far)...

But no worries, its not such a big problem, now that i know it. If i'm the only one with that problem you don't have to spend time try fixing it. :)

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  sxp2high said:
Yea it's me holding down ALT (free-looking-around) :)

I tested this a couple of times and every time it closes my game... I have not deleted anything from the profile. Only thing i've changed was adding some phrases to already existing commands.

For example: I added "Scratch one" to "One down". Just some stuff like that (not much so far)...

But no worries, its not such a big problem, now that i know it. If i'm the only one with that problem you don't have to spend time try fixing it. :)

Just upload your brain to rapidshare and il fix this issue for you.

Hehe, just kidding. Glad you managed to figure out the issue. :p


Finally trying to get my profile on Armaholic.

Forum link if anyone is interested.

Just have to wait and see on the submission, I guess.

(Submission is not the forum page fyi.)

Edited by JojoTheSlayer

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I have a question.

I have trouble with the "Scan Horizon" and "Watch Direction" orders (described here), so I don't like using these orders on vehicle AI in my squad. However, I noticed that some voice commands put the vehicles into these modes automatically.

Do you have a Voice Command that fixes that?

I have to fix it by getting out of my own vehicle and telling my own crew to "No Target"... but I have to tell Gunners/Commanders in my convoy to dismount and then "No Target".

It's rather arduous and complicated so I avoid "Scan Horizon" and "Watch Direction" orders when ever I can. But... it would be great if they worked... (I wish BIS would fix this).

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