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Conditions problem in SQF - HELP !

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Hello everybody, I have a problem with my function. Take a look at it:

_list = [1,2];
_numb1 = _list select (random 1);
_numb2 = 0;
if(_numb1 == _numb2)then
	player sideChat "1 machinegun will be created";
	player sideChat "2 machineguns will be created";

The problem is that "else" doesn't work. I return both "player sideChat..." commands. Look like _numb1 is equal to _numb2 and it's not at the same time :/

BTW the script will be used for random number of machinegunners for spawning guerilla's camp.

I eaven checked what do I return from _numb1 and it's returning 1 or 0 randomly (so randomising thing does work 100%).

Why the hell that "else" doesnt work like it should ?

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Can't you make it even more complicated? :D

Just kidding, how about this:

if (isServer) then {
_count = ceil (random 2);
player sidechat format ["%1 machinegun(s) will be created", _count];

Btw, what do you think would "random 1" return?

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The main target of this function is to create one or two machineguns so:

if number is 0 then create 1 machinegun (create mg1)

if number is 1 then create 2 machineguns (create... mg1, create... mg2)

One of the numbers - _numb1 should be random 0 or 1

_numb2 is static number - just 0

When condition reaches true by _numb1 and _numb2 being equaled, then we will have 1 machiegun, else, we gonna have 2 machineguns.

Not just sideChat :)

But THX for reply anyway :D

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_list = [1,2];
_numb = _list select (random count _list);

if(_numb == 1)then
	player sideChat "1 machinegun will be created";
	player sideChat "2 machineguns will be created";

I would use "switch":

_numb = 1 + (random 1);

_numb = round _numb;

switch (_numb) do
               case 1 :
	        player sideChat "1 machinegun will be created";

               case 2 :
	        player sideChat "2 machinegun will be created";

More easy:

if (floor (random 100) < 50) then
	player sideChat "1 machinegun will be created";
	player sideChat "2 machinegun will be created";

Edited by SNKMAN

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Thank you sooo much, SNKMAN.

Now I realised that the problem was about _numb1.

"Switch" construction is looking much better for me.

BTW I did it about 10 minutes ago, I changed _numb2 to 2 xD

_list = [1,2];
_numb1 = _list select (random 1);
_numb2 = 1;
hintsilent format ["_numb1 %1 _numb2 %2",_numb1,_numb2]
if (_numb1==_numb2) 
	then {player sideChat "1 machinegun will be created"} 
		else {player sideChat "2 machineguns will be created"}

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Hmmm....ceil (random 2) will spit out either 1 or 2, your goal is to create either 1 or 2 machineguns.....i already thought you will not just spit out a sidechat message but i don't see the problem to use _count as definite number of machineguns created.

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Your welcome.

Yes "switch" really looks much cleaner and you can add way more conditions without looking complicated.

_numb = (random 5);

_numb = cail _numb;

switch (_numb) do
               case 1 :
	        player sideChat "1 machinegun will be created";

               case 2 :
	        player sideChat "2 machinegun will be created";

               case 3 :
	        player sideChat "3 machinegun will be created";

               case 4 :
	        player sideChat "4 machinegun will be created";

               case 5 :
	        player sideChat "5 machinegun will be created";

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Oh damn it. Now I know what was a problem.

Looks like it's not working in this construction:


And it works when it's looking like this:


Why the hell it should be in one line and it doesn't work another way (more clean and nice looking way) ?

Is it because I'm using this script just with "[] exec "intel\testing1.sqf"" ?

I didn't used preprocess or precompile etc. - that's why ?

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Try removing the ; in red below. I've also made some indenting changes to make it look "cleaner"

if(SOMETHING1) then
if (SOMETHING2) then

In short don't use "};" after if when you have an else, just use "}".

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@ Loyalguard How do you execute the function that you posted before ?

Because when I execute it like [] exec "function.sqf" then yours doesn't work :(

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