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how to delete a specific AI from my squad?

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For example, I have 5 AIs in my group and I want to delete the third AI from my group. How to wirte the script for that?

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In the mission editor writing

Remove = [group this] execVM "Remove_Unit.sqf";

in the init field of the group leader where you like to remove the 3. unit.


_group = _this select 0;

_unit = units _group select (count units _group - 3);

deleteVehicle _unit;

Edited by SNKMAN

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A little correction to the above:

Since SNKMAN wrote the script execution line like Remove = [group this] execVM "Remove_Unit.sqf"; you can change the first line of the script to _group = _this select 0;

That way the same script will work regardless of which group it is used on.

Also I think he did a little error with the selection of who to remove. If the group for example counts 4 units his script would remove the the #2 one (4 - 3 = 1. The list of units would look like [soldier1,soldier2,soldier3,soldier4]. solder2 would be the one at index=1 in that array, and not soldier3). :)


A more elaborate version of the script could be:


_group = _this select 0;
_number = _this select 1;

if (_number > count units _group) exitWith {hint "Cannot remove unit. Number out of bounds."};

_unit = units _group select (_number - 1);

deleteVehicle _unit;

Run the above script with remove = [group this,X] execVM "Remove_Unit.sqf"; where X is the number of the unit want to remove.

Edited by Inkompetent

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Also you may want to do a check if (_number > count units _group) exitWith {}; to avoid trying to delete units that don't exist.

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Thank you so much SNKMAN, galzohar and Inkompetent. I searched the internet for a long time but without solution.

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Your welcome cityfamer.

The result of 3 minds is a pretty good solution. ;)

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