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Questions about modeling a house.....

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Just a quick question.... is there anything i have to mention when im "modeling" a house for arma 2? like sthe scale of the steps or anything like this? I know yall work with oxygen 2 but im just at my very first model so im just doin it for fun (for now) so ive just made something with sketchup .....



remember its my very first so dont be to hard ;D

Edited by Due-_-

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.... is there anything i have to mention when im "modeling" a house for arma 2? like sthe scale of the steps or anything like this?

"Mention"? Sorry, not sure what you mean.

Nice model, but it only forms the "visual" aspect of a building model.

You have to add Roadway, Geometry and Memory lods before it will close to working in ArmAII.

This is typically done in Oxygen

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In school western architect use to work with the 'human size', at least i had. That was a small book with standard door size, table height, balcany, stair dimensions for comfort etc...

I forgot what the english name of that is. It is more or less based on davinci's studies


I lack time atm to check for more info, i'm sure it can be found on the net.

But from the pic you are making arabic architect and i'm sure they use a bit different dimensions as a rule.

I know a friend of me used to boght several books about arabic architect. You might want to google on that a bit aswell...

BUT we all know AI and human players need slightly more room to nagivate through buildings due to the animations in arma. I suggest you try out your creations before calling the geo final and start unwrapping them.

*Oeps, Gnats post confuses me now or did one of us misunderstood the question?

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at first thanks for the answers.....

So since im goin to be a woodworker its easily for me to get the right scales i think.... i just thought i have to follow some arma engine rules when it comes to scaling.... like the footsteps for the stairs...and so on ;C since i think ill never get it into arma cause of my lack of knowledge ill have this as a "fun" project


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stair step proprtions don't need to matchs any rules. You simply have to add a sloping face in the 'roadway lod'. Just make the 'contact surface' as flat as possible as you can get stuck or strange behavior when go up/down.

But like said, try to make hallways and doors as big as possible (within limites of what looks nice) so you can move around without getting stuck.

Oh, buildings aren't that hard and are actually very fun projects to start with. There are some basic tutorials around that should help you. Nothing has changed since OFP, beside animation setups and some cfg related items. I'm sure guys like gnat can help if you hit a problem.

Good luck.

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OK, well, just so you know;

- Scale is very easy to change in O2 (like any 3d program)

- "stairs" in OFP, ArmA, ArmAII are typically just a single plane ramp in the Roadway LOD.

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Hi Due!

Nice to see someone attempting buildings!!

I'm an absolute beginner myself when it comes to o2 and modelling - slightly less so in other areas, so I'm very much at the following simple tutorials stage...

Theres a good tutorial that covers buildings HERE... it's originally for OFP, but as someone mentioned above - not much has changed apparently... It covers all the inside walls, roadway LODs, etc stuff that you need to do to actually get your house working in-game...

Good luck!


Edited by Bushlurker

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Thx for the link bushlurker ;)

i do have some simple experience with cad and sketchup but O2 makes me have a "?!" on my head ;s so i guess it will take a while before we see anything arma ready by myself....

anyways the next freetime is planned for some tuts and so on....

this is some i made with sketchup yesterday.. took me hours





any critique & more tutorials are more than welcome

Edited by Due-_-

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Nice but personally i would made the window mesh with alpha maps. I'm sure that mesh is pretty heavy, you could better save those for some interior items like carpets, tables, crates and some other stuff that will make the house is actually beeing used...

I don't use sketchup (only tried it once and looks ok), but remember O2 only allows faces made out of 4 vertices only. Not sure if you can already convert your faces. Just saying as it is always better to manually convert them (and flip sub-edges) then let some program autoconvert them (god know why programs like max suck donkey b.lls and screwing up the model).

Ah, regarding the mesh, keep in mind you will need to make a 'shadowlod' as well (a lod that will be used to calculate what shape the shadows will look like). It is possible to use alpha maps in that aswell (Col. Klinck made a topic about it in this section). It ain't super but will perform better then full geo.

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