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Proper installation of new maps

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Sorry, I couldn't find this via the forum search....

Could someone outline how to (manually) install new maps in Arma2?

I'm a bit confused about the folders... whether you create a <MapName> folder in the Mods folder, or a Mods folder in the <MapName> folder, or what. Just wanted to make sure before I mess up my vanilla installation.

I'm running Arma2 with the latest patch (1.5... or something to that affect).

Will all the files for the map stay within the containing custom folder, or is there 'spillage' (files being written/created to the core Arma2 installation. Just asking, as I want to know how easy the maps will be to remove manually too.

If manual installation (of maps) is 'dangerous', what currently is the easiest/best map manager app?


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Its very simple. Usually maps already have a proper folder made in the zips.

For example my two custom maps use folders @duala and @panthera. You unpack them to your root folder of the game (ex. d:\games\arma2\) and then simply run the game via shortcut parameter: -mod=@duala;@panthera;@whateverrrr

Be sure to use proper delimiter signs and it should work. You can simply turn on/off maps or any other mods by simply editing this shortcut parameter. And avoid putting anything into default arma2/addons folder, it can cause quite a headache when you loose track of installed stuff.

If mod/map doesn't appear in game you probably forgot to put them in correct folder. You always need to have another folder named addons/ in the @map/mod folder, its the place where .pbo (content) files are stored. .bisign files are usually along with pbos, just leave them there, they are signed files used for dedicated servers running "signed stuff". As a player/client you don't need to install any server keys that are usually along in the zips. They are only for dedicated server admins.

Hope that helped.

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Thanks for the quick reply. Ya, you'll have to excuse me... Even though I'm quite computer savy, I'm seemingly useless when it comes to Arma2 stuff!

What is the @ symbol at the start of each of your names? Is that to be taken literally, or is that some iconography in the forum to indicate a folder or something?

I tried installing one map (Podagorsk?). Didn't seem to have everything in one folder that I could drop in the root without having loose files (not in a folder). I'll look at it again, but I remember I stopped right there for that reason.

So, the shortcut parameter things can be for multiple maps (separated by a semicolon)? That'll allow you several maps to be available in the selection screen?

Oh, incidentally, what is the -winxp parameter that I've seen some people use? Currently, I'm using that (although I'm not sure what it does), plus -cpucount=2 and -nosplash on my P4 dual core WinXP Pro 2gig RAM system. Anything else I should put in there (or remove)?

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The shortcut is used only if you install the maps to a different mod folder. If you install them into your original addons folder (not recommended), you do not need a shortcut. Also, multiple maps can be installed in one addon folder.

Just drag and drop. :D

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I'm going to try one out and see...

---------- Post added at 09:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:04 PM ----------

Nope, didn't work... but I'm sure I'm just doing some thing wrong. Something simple.

I created a folder in the root Arma2 directory, and loaded the contents of the map zip into it.

I then put -mod=[foldername] in the shortcut parameter

If I have multiple parameters (as I do... the -nosplash, etc), to I need to separate THOSE with semicolons too? Or can I put -winxp -nosplash -mod=[foldername]

(BTW, by [foldername] I mean the name of the map folder I created, not literally [foldername]... Just in case you were wondering)

Do I need to put an @ in the folder name or something?

Oh, I should point out that this is strictly for singleplayer... although I suppose it would be wise to make it MP compatible... just in case.

---------- Post added at 10:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:13 PM ----------

Okay, after watching a tutorial video on YouTube, I got the map to show up. It was the @ symbol thing (...I never heard of using an @ at the start of a name), as well as having an Addon folder inside that folder.

So, that works... but the problem NOW is that the insertion point for that map (for the MyMission/Combat session (Mission Wizard) is off the map someplace... so my copter drops us off in water... and I can't grab and drag the insertion point, since I can't even see it (...it's in the black area outside the map, it seems. I can't seem to define a dropoff point, so I'm not entirely sure what to do now.

Anyone have any ideas?

---------- Post added at 10:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:45 PM ----------


Not sure what I did, but suddenly now I have a proper insertion point visible on my map that I can now move around. I tried jumping from one map to another, and for whatever reason, that seemed to do the trick.

Everything seems working now with this first map, so I think we're good! I'll try out the other maps. Man, it's nice seeing a new map...

Thanks for your help, guys...:yay:

Edited by ladlon

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Hi, when using the mission wizard it can happen on some maps that you will spawn outside the map or in the water, it really depends on the map.

Best way to explore and enjoy a map is in the editor where you can go where you want and play how you want it.


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ladlon, @name should be literal folder name, @ is pretty convinient when you sort by name and see what you have installed, for example: @ace @fdf_mod @podagorsk etc.

You can actually make a folder named @maps and in it a subfolder /addons/ - you copy all island pbos in that folder. Its your free will, just be careful not to over due it. Some addons are written terribly (mines are not any different, heh), occasionally check arma2.rpt file where all logs are written during the play. If an addon is filling up (like hundreds of lines) this file usually you can expect a nice CTD (crash to desktop) during MP sessions.

Hope that helped.

Oh and about other parameters:

This is mine, so let me explain it:

D:\games\a2\arma2.exe -mod=@duala;@panthera;@sbp;@ace_sbp -nosplash -world=empty -cpucount=2

I use Win7 Home 32-bit, so I don't use that -winxp parameter.

Its pretty obvious where my game is installed and what mods I use:

@sbp: Slovenian soldiers addon

@ace_sbp: is a custom version of ACE that our team uses for squadnights (1.4gb zip)

@duala & @panthera are islands that I use for mission making/playing

-world parameter is very useful, since Arma2 loads up in second or two when you use empty parameter. With that parameters that crappy huge Chernarus doesn't load up as I never use it anyway. Instead of empty you can put the name of any map you're using currently.

-nosplash is very useful. Its nothing more disturbing as waiting for credits to roll at the intro while you CTD and your friends are waiting for your return to the server ;)

Edited by IceBreakr

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Or do like me. Since i have many islands i make 1 called:

@islands/addons/files go in here

Now there are some islands that cant be mixed. Kulima gets a lot of collision errors together with many other islands for example. But in general you can have a bunch of them in the same folder. Im not running launchers so i cant have 1 modfolder for each island as it would be too long modline for my poor shortcut. :)

And yeah, the @ sign is there to separate the modfolders from all the other folders in the ARMA2 directory. Easy to see them as they bunch up with that sign at the beginning. They are not needed though. Just good practise and tidyness.

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Hi all

BIS has a Wiki it is your friend:


Read that page it explains Mod Folders, as you can see the process has not changed since BIS's OFP.

This is an example target line for an ArmA shortcut with several Mods

"C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2.exe" -nosplash -mod=@cba;@ace;@acex;@acex_sm;@zcommon;@Islands

That one which is lauched by a shortcut named

Launch ARMA II with ACE Zeus Islands

Remember you can have multiple shortcuts to ArmA each with a different mod set up and different name to tell me what they launch.

Here are some more example shortcut names I run; some like the Few even have different Icons to arma

Launch ARMA II (vanilla ArmA)

Launch ARMA II with ACE(for wandering round various ACE servers)

F16 Launch ARMA II (modern aircombat)

Launch ARMA II with ACE Zeus

The Few (a WWII mod)

Launch Arma2 Beta Patch(for testing ArmA II betas)

Etc. Each has a different target line.

If you are playing a lot of MP then I suggest using Yoma’s add-on Sync tool to handle all this as it automates it all.

Terox's ARMA 2 MULTIPLAYER GUIDE manual (writen for the Zeus community but used by many other communities explains a lot of this) http://www.zeus-community.net/important/arma2_mp_guide.pdf

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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Cool. Ya, I got it working. I'll read that mod folder thing, as all this (@ symbol, etc) was new to me when I posted this.

Am I right in using the -winxp and -cpucount=2 if I'm using a P4 dual core WinXP Pro system?

I'm probably not going to have a huge number of maps... Maybe 6 at most, I would imagine. I just installed my first extra map... that Podagorsk(?) one. Seems to work (including the insertion point now).

About the only issue I have with that map is the %#$@ fences!! I spend most of the mission running along fences, trying to find a gate or a break in it. The guy who made this (otherwise excellent) map went fence crazy! I wish there was a 'cut a hole in this #^@% fence so I don't have to run 5 miles along the length of it' command! :mad:

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You dont need cpucount since ARMA2 sets that automatically. You only need it if you want to limit a cpus cores. Like a quad and you want to run only 2. -winxp is only for SLI i think? Never used it myself. Skip all those switches if you dont need them. I have only -nosplash -world=empty

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...About the only issue I have with that map is the %#$@ fences!! I spend most of the mission running along fences, trying to find a gate or a break in it. The guy who made this (otherwise excellent) map went fence crazy! I wish there was a 'cut a hole in this #^@% fence so I don't have to run 5 miles along the length of it' command! :mad:

If they are short fences you can step over them with the default [V] key.

In Vanila ArmA If they are big fences you can blow a hole in them with the default satchel charges or an M136/RPG round or have an armoured vehicle or helicopter rocket breach for you. After experiencing many ambushes at entrances, a standard mission maker trick you learn to breach walls and fences, most communities I have played with breach rather than go through the entrance.

With ACE you have wire cutters and C4 for breaching.

We need Harvey Wall Bangers and E-Z Breach water Impulse and Tamp inflatable bladders for det cord shaped charges as well. I am sure we will see them as options in the future. But for them to work properly all walls need to have Breached LOD and a fixing point for the breach charge.

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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Ya, I'm talking about the tall wire fence with the barbed wire on top. I just didn't want to waste a satchel (or alert the enemy) for a lousy wire fence...

It's really just this one user map. Way too many large, fenced off areas without breaks, and very few gates (usually just one). Really annoying! Ya, using cars and stuff are simple solutions, but only if they are available.

I'm still running vanilla Arma2... but plan to install ACE2 soon. Just getting used to the core game first.

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