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Force-specific attributes

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I always disliked that the Marines advantages over Guerillas were never really properly simulated. How come they don't have body armor, why can't they run farther than the civilians (PT training)? I think that force-specific attributes given in training should be simulated, such as only the Marines or Russians having the clear declaration of enemies and what not, or perhaps the Guerillas have trouble with formations or covering each other? I found it quite unrealistic to have Marines and Guerillas evenly matched in combat performance.

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if you want to lower the ability of the guerillas lower their skill in the editor, now shut up and stop posting if it's just negative ranting... seriously get a life! Thanks Placebo ;)

Edited by SASrecon

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How is this a rant? Its just a suggestion. The skill slider does not affect the things I have presented here.

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I use GL4 to adjust the individual skillset as well as the armor mod by Mysterman (?) I believe.

It may not give you a chesset of pieces but I like the way it plays out now far better.

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I think the suggestion is fairly obvious and quite good. Even so the difference is somewhat simulated as the marines are armed with the 'superior' M16 rifle which seems capable of delivering more accurate shots at range than the typical AKM of the insurgents.


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By the way, soldiers do have more hitpoints energy than civilians since ArmA 1!

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By the way, soldiers do have more hitpoints energy than civilians since ArmA 1!

Not only this, but everything you talk about is already possible. BIS just never got round to coding it.

See ACE as an example.

(Inb4 some bullshit about "but i want it in the default game, not sum mod")

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I wonder why guerillas cannot train themselves like marines? Cannot they have the same physical parameters like marine soldiers? Sure they can. Moreover, a lot of guerillas have much more practice and experience than most of marines (e.g. afghan mujaheeden).

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They can, but not nearly as well. Think of Marines V. Force Recon effectiveness.

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