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Manhattan, stuck at safe house

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Manhattan, stuck at safe house

I have completed every object in Manhattan except to investigate the safe house.

I found the town and the only house that is enterable and there is no option to search or anything. I killed a lone machine gunner standing outside.

Is there something I am missing or a way just to move on? I have spent hours on this and followed the walkthroughs and other post. This is the furthest I have gotten in the mission and to have it ruined because of a single bug is stopping me.

I haven’t played Arma 2 for a couple weeks now because of this.

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I'm not entirely sure that the safe house was enterable when I played. It went to a cutscene when I reached it. Just keep walking up to doors of random houses.

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Is this what you are referring to:

The 'hideout' marked after killing and searching the weapon smugglers

If so: the correct house is at the objective marker, maybe there are still enemies alive nearby, i think i remember around 3 - 4 hostiles.

I think it has an action to search the house (appears in the action menu). It goes to a black screen and the following dialogue suggests that you have searched the house.

I don't think that this is a mission critical objective so you can move on to the Chedaki base if you really get sick of it.

hope it helps

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I already did destroy the main base. The only tasks left are find evidence and the safehouse.

I went back to base to see if I needed to report in and the Lt. is lying next to his laptop dead (no idea how or why).

Does this mean I need to start the mission over again?

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do you mean the evidence about the bomb in moscow?

you must search the body when you eliminate the weapons smugglers. it should be an exact address and information about it. then "search the house"

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As I remember,

The 'safe house' is one of the green/red coloured ones on the north side of the road, not one of the houses that you can enter. You walk up to the (closed) door and a menu item comes up to search the house, then you get some dialogue between Cooper and base and the objective should show as completed.

Manhattan has a huge amount of bugs unfortunately, I got stuck there too the first couple of times. Eventually I watched a walkthrough on Youtube and did the mission in that EXACT order, just so I could say I'd completed it..

For me, completing that objective earlier in the mission made it work, leaving it until after the Chedaki bases seems to break the scripting here.

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