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General stratagies (no pun intended)

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Curious about something.... Half the time I play a random session, I find myself in the middle of a field, with little to know cover to be found in any direction for quite a distance... or, I have to get to a destination that is on the other side of a huge open field.

What is the 'proper' way to deal with such a situation?

Also, please mention any general stratagies you could suggest to people beginning Arma2, or not familiar with proper military technique (...aside from the obvious 'Don't get shot' and 'Seek cover'). Stuff like when to use what formation, etc.

Just in general...

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dont wonder into areas that have not cover or concealment. those areas are known a "kill zones", and with good reason :p

if you are in an area that is known to be hostile, and you need to cross an area that is open, try to avoid it at all costs. move around it. stay in areas that have C&C

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Ya, for sure... but my point is that a lot of times you START in the middle of a field... or you have to cross it (and going around it would take an insane amount of time).

If you start in the open, do you just pick a direction and run until you reach some trees or something?... or, is running going to just make you more visible, so you should move crouched instead? It's a bad situation, obviously, but what is the best action when faced with it?

And as far as having to cross a huge field... is the general consensus then to go around it... regardless of how far that journey might be?

Also... my teammates seem to be pretty relaxed if there's no known enemies around, and stand around, out in the open. Is this 'smart' behavior (since they seem to handle things fine when there ARE enemies around), or do I need to order them to keep low, etc? Basically, I'm asking if they are wisely autonomous when enemies AREN'T around as well?

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If you have to cross an open field spread your men out in something like a line or wedge formation and perform bounding techniques. Bounding is when an individual or a group move up about 10-30 meters while being covered by the rest of his team from behind.

Scenario # 1: An open field, have yet to make contact with enemies and your objective is far away. Put your men in a wedge or vee formation. Set up on the opposite side of the field and scan for enemies for a minute or two. If the coast seems clear, send a segment of your team (lets say you have a four man team) men 2 and 4 to move into the field about 30 meters. Once they get to the waypoint, have them lay down and scan the area as you and your other teammate move up past them about 30 meters. Repeat this process until you feel safe and are across the field.

Scenario # 2: Open field, made contact in a village behind you and the objective is not far from the field. Look on your map for alternate routes to the objective, roads with buildings or scan the geography and topohgraphy for a favorable route. If none can be found prepare to move into the field with "bounding overwatch". Scan for enemies while safely beyond or at the edge of the field for about 3 minutes. If none are seen proceed with bounding overwatch, send half of your team members 20 meters into the field have them lay down and scan for enemies. Move 20 meters past the other half of the team and lay down. (Lets say you come under fire here, about halfway across the open field). Option 1: Engage threat by yourself as your teammates scan for more enemies. Option 2: Pop and throw a smoke grenade in front of you, have half of your team suppress the threat as the other half move up and push through the smoke. Option 3: Pop and throw a smoke grenade in front of you, retreat all together to safety and from there engage the threat or find another way around.

General Tips:

In urban areas deploy your team to a staggered column, good for covering 360 degrees.

For searching for a single man or objective deploy your team in a line formation, you will cover the most ground this way.

Always have something between you and any sort of threat.

A thread and guide contributed by Dslyecxi about Tactics, Techniques, and beyond:


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And as far as having to cross a huge field... is the general consensus then to go around it... regardless of how far that journey might be?

In most cases yes. But be careful if you stick to the treeline when moving around a field. I have had AI ambush my squad before while maneuvering around an open field. When moving through the forest etc. it is wise to send detach a fireteam to move ahead of the main group.

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If there's a huge open plain which I have to cross, say to be in lasering-range of the enemy base; I would look at the map and find the most direct route with decent cover, most of the time a small detour will give you a very handy line of trees which you can stick to.

If you hear an enemy air vehicle you want somewhere where you can quickly get to, even a bush will conceal you well if you're prone. ;)

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According to Murphys Law:

Teamwork is essential - it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.

When you have secured the area, make sure the enemy knows it too.

Tracers work both ways.

Some other guides:


Try to be creative and unpredictable - your opponent could have studied all the tactic books too. ;)

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Ya, I TOTALLY need to start learning and utilizing things like formations, postures and sending men ahead.

Most of the time, I'm just walking, and the guys are following... doing whatever the sim's AI tells them to do. If anything, I'll do things like 'Regroup' or 'Go to...', and sometimes assign a target to the entire group, or just one member. That's about it, sadly. I know I'm missing out on a TON as a result... and the experience is a fraction of what it could be.

Still wrestling with the interface quite a bit... which is one of the reasons I haven't really dove into the more advanced commands.

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What sort of missions are you playing atm?

Different tactics are used for different scenarios

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Up to a few days ago, I was playing a custom scenario I created... Me and 3 other guys, randomly placed on the map, the Secop module and Ambient Combat modules running and providing me with random missions.

So, escort, patrol, secure crash site, destroy target, etc (from the Secop module).

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Yep, I saw and read those (...although the Ranger Handbook is new to me, so I'm reading that now).

Thanks, guys

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