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seize area

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how do i set up a trigger to make a simple seize the area misssion, kill all hostiles in town and the mission is done?

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Place a trigger with the size covering the seize area.

Set activation to opfor or blufor if they are the enemy.

Set trigger to Not present.

Set trigger type to End

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its working thank you.

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i have one more question, i want to add a brdm as a reinforcement for the opforce (blueforce ist seizing town), so it should not be in the town directly, it should come later , i dont want to place a waypoint and move it to the town, because i just want it to come when the town is being attacked. in the editor assistent i just placed the armed reinforcement (brdm) just far away from the town and it came after the town was under attack, how can i do it?

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make another trigger which covers the area where you'll be when you want the brdm to start moving towards the town, set it on blufor-present-once.

Give the brdm one waypoint close to it, and then another one in the town. synchronise (f5) the trigger to the first waypoint and it should start moving as soon as you enter the trigger area.


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