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vehicle freelook and targeting

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One of my biggest dissappointments with ARMA II is that you don't have any mouse cursor anymore, like you had in OFP (and I think this is the case for ARMA as well). When targeting, it was very usefull to be able to highlight targets with your mouse while driving, and selecting with right mousebutton, ordering to fire with left button. I can't see why this has been changed, becouse it worked so good in ofp. It's really annoying that you'll have to toggle between targets with TAB, and during a flyby, it forces me to fly over again to hit what I want. The target command menu is not a valid option either, becouse it's so difficult to reach.

Same with driving cars, very limited view without freetrack/trackIR. Before, the view followed your cursor. What about adding this as something you can choose in options or something?

I can't see how this is hard to include, when it has been a part of previous titles.

Thank you

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You can already free view in vehicles. Double tap ALT for permanent freeview in vehicles, and hold alt for temporary freeview (where it only is as long as you hold ALT down)

As far as I know, there is no way to do the target thing in the regular game, maybe someone will add it in a mod in the future.

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But one thing I can tell you is annoying:

When you as squad leader try to zoom with right mouse while driving in a weapon mounted vehicle but your character says:

"2, target that house / civilian!" --> *BAMM* *BAMM* *BAMM* *BAMM*

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Thats true... And absoloutely pisses me off tbh... I'm not too keen on the new squad controls but meh...... I can just about deal with it...

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But one thing I can tell you is annoying:

When you as squad leader try to zoom with right mouse while driving in a weapon mounted vehicle but your character says:

"2, target that house / civilian!" --> *BAMM* *BAMM* *BAMM* *BAMM*

It's for this reason that I un bound that control from my right mouse button and bound it to something else.

Now my right mouse button is purely zoom in.

This change was also inspired by 1 too many TK's in MP.:eek:

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