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Placebo and red please read,

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If you receive it and want to place it to your site so i can have a link to upload the mission anywhere please let me know. thx.


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And if someone else is interested to host my mission too i won`t say no. I just don`t know where to put the file.

file is 1.10 meg.

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Could you upload my tank rally mission too? It would be nice. It's 1,98mb.  smile.gif

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Sorry, I have been really busy I will get round to reviewing missions by the end of next week.


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Do you host any campaigns, Black feather? I would have one under construction and it will be completed in a month or two.

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I quickly gave your mission a bash, I found some problems

In the text where it says "he say"

It should be "he says"

And the test is in the middle of the screen, move it to the bottom.

When the T72 came it said something about locking ? I didn't know what you meant by this.

And the resistance camp is right next to the enemy base, I think they need to be a bit less near to each other.

Maybe another law soldier in the resistance sqaud.

The intro was great though - good work.

Verry nice idea when you fix some of these things send me the mission and I will review it propally.

@King Nothing

I will host missions and campaigns at :


My email is : graham@graham-g.freeserve.co.uk


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Thanks, RED. I will send it to you via email as soon as it's ready.

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I dunno about that it depends on the size of the campaign, we intend to get a new site soon so we will be able to then.

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Red please read the readme.txt that came with my mission file and look at the bottom of the page. thx

The lock thing as nothing to do with the tank. When you go to use the helico a message will say ALl vehicule lock etc etc. I also believe, adding a law soldier would become too much easier in the mission. Nor it wo`nt change anything.  Also the little resistance camp is near because Well why not? They are waiting for you there so you can go kick some ass.

So i guess there is nothing wrong here.

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Sorry I didn't mean to offend you, I was just giving you my opinion on what I would change if it were my mission.


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That's a great mission. I love the Russian equipment that's just dropped there.

A problem I was annoyed with is that it seemed to be over reliant on waypoint activasion. I took out the whole area and got into the truck. But it wouldn't go anywhere. So I killed him (a bit harsh, perhaps) and then decided to drive myself.

Then these LGB'ss came in a video and because you can't drive whislt the video's going, I got whipped.

Next time, I told an ai driver to do it for me, but the mission didn't end.

I next resorted to, giving the ai a move to next waypoint (because I can't see them) and following him to where he stopped, I then looked for something to do. In the end I re-blew up the Russian equipment.

Eventually, I did finish it, but it was a bit of a hassle.

In conclusion, I think the truck driver is only supposed to drive when the objectives are achieved (which I though I had, but when I checked again the SCUD objective was unchecked, so I re-blew them up as well, that checked it!wink.gif).

So this problem might be my fault, but it's worth a check any way?

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Hosting from geocities won't let u have a leech link. The url just can't work unless we've been on geocities.

You can always send it in to me, I can host it on my ISP's server.

BTW, for all of you guys, i've made a mission pack of a couple of the most popular missions on GS.


My latest CTF (beta, no vehicle re-spawns yet)


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Thx for some feedback. Honestly i thought i would have more but oh well. Cyberdyne about the truck it should be only because of one ojective missing like you said. But one thing sure is make sure you don`t board the truck before all your team has because they will leave without you. Once again like i said in the readme i don`t speak english really good so there will be some spelling mistake. Anyway there will be a next mission from this one.


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Actually probably no because i need "Oxygen" the 3d editor to do it. But if i can i will figured something out. But you might find new things in the next mission..


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