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Attach Vehicle to Trigger

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I am trying to attach a empty vehicle to this trigger in a waypoint script so when it is present it will switch. I have named the vehicle in game to veh1 and now trying to associate it with the trigger. Below is the code I am currently using anyone have any ideals ?

_trg0 = createTrigger["EmptyDetector",getmarkerpos"trig1"];

_trg0 setTriggerActivation ["Vehicle", "PRESENT", true]

_trg0 setTriggerArea[50, 50, 0, false];

_trg0 triggerAttachVehicle "_veh1";

_trg0 setTriggerType "SWITCH";

_trg0 synchronizeTrigger [_waypoint1];

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If you named the vehicle in game to veh1, why you name it in the script _veh1 ?? ;)

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Yep. Same goes for _waypoint1, if you named it waypoint1 in the editor :)

The underscore prefix is just a convention for naming local variables I think...


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Yep. Same goes for _waypoint1, if you named it waypoint1 in the editor :)

The underscore prefix is just a convention for naming local variables I think...


It's not just a convention, adding an underscore will actually define the variable's scope as local to that script.

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