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Any such thing as a generic empty object?

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First - the rationale. In order for me to use the say3D command, I have to make a non-dead object "say" it. So when a unit is killed, if I wish for that unit to emit a sound, I cannot use say3D because it doesn't work on "dead" objects.

However, I can spawn a custom invisible cube and have that object "say" the sound. But, that then writes a dependency into the mission when I use the editor, something I don't want.

Is there such thing as a basic, simple invisible object that BIS include that I can use? I don't wish to use the invisible helipad because it has functionality I don't require or want. I just need a basic, anonymous invisible object, as simple as possible (single point object would be great) that I can use instead of spawning a custom one and thus inventing a dependency I don't need to have.

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Probably not exactly what you are looking for, but how about a simple Game Logic? For instance, I know you can do a selectPlayer to a Game Logic... maybe they can talk as well?

Aside from Game Logics though, I'd be interested as well in a pure empty object you're talking about (that not on a side, etc)... good question!

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Probably not exactly what you are looking for, but how about a simple Game Logic? For instance, I know you can do a selectPlayer to a Game Logic... maybe they can talk as well?

Well any object can be used, as long as it is "alive". Taken in the context of what behavior I've seen so far in ArmA2, that should really be redefined as "not-dead" :) because any object can be made to talk, as long as it's not dead.

Aside from Game Logics though, I'd be interested as well in a pure empty object you're talking about (that not on a side, etc)... good question!

I considered GLs, but really they're entirely too functional for the simple task I need them for, and I'm trying to absolutely minimise the addon footprint as much as possible.

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I higly doubt that you can lower the footprint below a GL. AFAIK a GL "does" nothing unless told to do so. Unlike units a GL does not have any significant AI routines.

That said, a GL has no model to be rendered and no AI routines and also does not affect AI units (unlike the invisible helipad which may cause choppers try to land there). A GL becomes only "alive" if any command is given and only for the amount of time it needs to complete the command(s).

Although it would be a matter of research how much 1 (or several 100) GL does or doesn't affect performance. But i doubt we speak about several 100 GL's in your case.

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Thanks for the replies everyone, I used a Game Logic. Works OK and no invented dependencies :)

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