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deleteWaypoint question.

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I was wondering if it's possible to call the deleteWaypoint function for every current waypoint in a groups "waypoints" array?

I can't seem to get the syntax right. Any help is appreciated.

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not sure. I always just use forEach.

{ deleteWaypoint _x} forEach waypoints <group name>;

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Try this

    _currentgroup = group player;
   _newGroup = creategroup side player;
    [_x] joinSilent _newGroup;
   }foreach (units _currentgroup);
   deleteGroup _currentgroup;

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deleteWaypoint [_group, 0];
deleteWaypoint [_group, 1];

This will delete the waypoint 0 and 1 of the _group.

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try this

_grp = group player;

_index = currentWaypoint _grp;


if ( _x select 1 < _index ) then {

deleteWaypoint _x;


}foreach waypoints _grp;

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Is true. This delete all waypoints, not sure if not concluded waypoints will be deleted aswell, I think always mantain a waypoint. if Im ok, you can create a void waypoint or set move position leader unit, that creates a waypoint to currentpos, and then doing delete.

{ deleteWaypoint _x} forEach waypoints <group name>;

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try this

I tested this , but my Waypoints a still there.

_grp = group player;
_index = currentWaypoint _grp;
if ( _x select 1 < _index ) then {
deleteWaypoint _x;
}foreach waypoints _grp; 

_playerGrp = group player;
positions = [position r1, position r2, position r3, position r4, position r5, position r6, position r7, position r8]; // hier die Namen der Heli-H eintragen

_i = ceil random (count positions);
wposition = positions select _i; 
wp1 = _playerGrp addWaypoint [wposition, 0];
wp1 setWaypointType "MOVE";

_i = ceil random (count positions);
wposition = positions select _i; 
wp2 = _playerGrp addWaypoint [wposition, 0];
wp2 setWaypointType "MOVE";

_i = ceil random (count positions);
wposition = positions select _i; 
wp3 = _playerGrp addWaypoint [wposition, 0];
wp3 setWaypointType "MOVE";

wp4 = _playerGrp addwaypoint [position grendpos, 0];
wp4 setwaypointtype "MOVE";
wp4 setWaypointStatements ["true", "smp1 sidechat ""You a back in Base + 500 $""; cash = cash + 500"];

This is my code... everytime you will get a new route. And if you call the script again all old WP, should be deletedt.

The Code itself works, but the Waypoints a still there after i recall the script.

any ideas ?!

Edited by Anemia

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sorry for doubble post ...but i need help at this :j:

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Waypoint is not data type, but array containing [group, ID]. When you delete waypoint, all following IDs are decreased by 1. Using foreach therefore won't work.

This will do the trick:

while {count waypoints groupName > 0} do {deletewaypoint (waypoints groupsName select 0)};

You can also use copyWaypoints for copying waypoints from group which have none.

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while {count waypoints groupName > 0} do {deletewaypoint (waypoints groupsName select 0)};

How can i make this apply to any groups waypoint inside a trigger?

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How can i make this apply to any groups waypoint inside a trigger?

well, wps dont show up in triggers list, but if you use round triggers you can use distance to determine if they are inside, note you need perfect circles, 50,50, not 60,40 or anything else for this to work.

also trigger will only detect objects, so if group is outside of trigger, they will not be able to catch them, im asuming there can be both cases, so we use a connstant running script instead of the trigger.

run this code whenever you want to remove waypoints of any group of a specific side wich have their wps "inside" the trigger.

here we asume the trigger is 500,500 large, meaning a distance of 251 means outside, 249 and lower means inside, can also now use a marker instead if trigger have no other function.

_triggername = myTrigger;
_size = triggerArea _triggername; // get diameter, then calculatre radius below.
_inside = (_size select 0)/2;
_grp = _x;
// here we do for east side units only, change [b]== east[/b] to [b]in [east,west,resistance][/b] for multiple sides.
if ((side _x) == east) then {
		_wp = _x;
		if (((getWPPOs _wp) distance (getPos _triggername)) < _inside) then {
			deletewaypoint _x;
	} foreach waypoints _grp;
} foreach allGroups;

place the entire code inside a while loop to check it on intervalls..

while {true} do {
here goes the code
sleep 5;  // add in a sleep to keep resource demand at minimum.

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That all worked perfectly and seeing this in action i realize i do not need to try and deletelocation from my other thread.

Thank you :)

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also Shuko, a member of these forums have a script/function to place and i belive also find objects or positions inside oddly shaped areas/markers, so you might want to take a look at that, but i have not used it myself and cannot say anymore on that.

if you feel like you need the oddly shaped rectangles or whatnot for areas, instead of perfect circles i recomend you look into his post here:

look a litlle further down in his thread for pictures on the use, you have full control on areas and can blacklist parts etc...


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Yes, I know of Shuko.. I'll investigate that script, cheers

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