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A few more questions about difficulty levels

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I did a search and couldn't find the exact answer I was looking for. When I go to customized the Player AI and Enemy AI difficulty levels I'm presented with a slider that goes from .1 to 1.0

What exactly is that referring to? Armor level? Accuracy? Overall Intelligence (taking cover and flanking procedures)?

Thanks for the help! :)

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So I dropped the precision down to .5 - and dang... they are still deadly accurate. I wonder if my graphic settings or control is hindering me. It's darn hard to hit them when all you see is a tiny dot.

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It just takes some time. This game has a pretty steep learning curve. I was the same way at first. You definately have to remember to stay low and go slow. This is not designed to be a fast paced FPS.

If you spend some time searching through these forums you should come up with alot of threads about tactics, AI command and help for newbies. That is what I did as well as many others coming into Arma 2 who never played Arma 1 of OFP. There is a guiide written by Dyslyecxi that many people call the bible of Arma, I have read through it and got a lot of helpful tips, even though it is geared towards multiplayer.

You must be patient and willing to invest some time into this game to see it's true potential. Good luck;).

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