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Medic role & gameplay

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I have a question about the Team Medic role in Arma2.

What i can see playing is that no matter the injury, a medic in the team can heal you. For gameplay i understand it's practical as every mission cannot always include extraction for many reasons, background first. But then i think about the First Aid module and i wonder if it should be used instead to limit somehow their "abilities"...

I suppose injuries of a certain kind cannot be treated on the field so the better solution to me seems to be the elimination of medics and assignement of first aid abilities on certain members (2 max).

What do you think about it ? And then: Can is assign first aid option to single members when creating a new unit ?

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I agree that medics should not be about insta-heal to 100% :)

IMO the medic should be able to:

Stop bleeding (so you don't get worse)

Apply medication & support (bandage) (so you can regain a *little* ability)

However, I also think that medics is not about micro-managing actual wounds, I think we should, as a gamer, accept that our Medic avatar has the ability to heal without having us (the gamer) make decisions we don't really need to make :)

Like being a pilot. I don't need to know all the intricacies of flying to use a helo, I *assume* the pilot can fly, therefore as a pilot, I can fly :)

To that end a medic's available actions shouldn't really be any more complex than "heal". :)

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Misunderstanding... I don't mean actions as first person, but general ability. One: to heal, but intended in stop bleeding and apply medication like you said; nothing more.

After a 7,62 bullet hit i can't figure how to put together again a poor guy just because there's "the team medic". Maybe "save his life", ok. But nothing more...

I wanted to know if this can be added to single unit's members via the unit .pbo or just by the editor...

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I saw a video the other day, it was Arma 1, but it was pretty epic.

One guy got shot and was bleeding on the floor. His teammate goes up to him and clicks "check body". Upon clicking, he was given a diagnostic of the soldiers condition. Example: "dead", "bleeding heavily" etc.

He was told he was bleeding heavily and needed urgent assistance. The medic bandaged him and applied morphine and some other stuff. The other soldier didn't magically get better again, but he was able to get up and scrape his way through the fight :)

Having to call a medevac would be epic on an uber scale though. Imagine a full scale heliopter rescue, it would put a new meaning to the word "be carefull".One injured soldier and the mission is over.

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Medevac module is already in, but i think about background. For example we just released the first version of GRU units: those guys have tendency to act far behind enemy lines, often on foot. A MI-8 rescue mission wouldn't be so practical...

About diagnosis and so on... i think it would be a useless addition. Maybe it's sufficent to have longer treating times ?

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I saw a video the other day, it was Arma 1, but it was pretty epic.

One guy got shot and was bleeding on the floor. His teammate goes up to him and clicks "check body". Upon clicking, he was given a diagnostic of the soldiers condition. Example: "dead", "bleeding heavily" etc.

He was told he was bleeding heavily and needed urgent assistance. The medic bandaged him and applied morphine and some other stuff. The other soldier didn't magically get better again, but he was able to get up and scrape his way through the fight :)

That's the ACE1 medical system, they addded a menu, but it's nearly the same in ACE2.

It's pretty epic and made up really immersive missions when I played it alot in ArmA1-MP, especially with no respawn (respawn=easy mode, I dislike respawn missions).

If a soldier got shot and his heart would stop, you would need to give him an epinephrine shot, but some missions were scripted so only medics could deliver epinephrine. Now think of that SL crying out over VON to get a medic at his position, his AR was dying while under heavy fire, command denying the request of a medevac, the order to retreat and leave your dying comrade behind... epic game.

See some ArmA1 ACE footage uploaded by me back then:

Be sure to watch 4:10 of the first vid, that's where a panicked M113 runs over the wounded after taking rpg shots.

Edited by Icewindo

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Now think of that SL crying out over VON to get a medic at his position, his AR was dying while under heavy fire, command denying the request of a medevac, the order to retreat and leave your dying comrade behind... epic game.


Even if the wounded chap was an ai id feel well bad lol

not many games could make me feel like that . . .

i can understand where your coming from this would be great online but from a gameplay point of view when playing with ai, getting to the end of a mission and then getting hit by a stray bullet (which im sure is imposissible in arma, each bullet seems to have my name writen on it lol) then to die because my ai decides, he'd rather run away with exsitement with his new found leadership, than heal me, would drive me mad :mad::).

this is based on the arma 2 first aid modual

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Jesus christ that was epic.

That is what Arma 2 is for. Clan based gameplay. Spectacular!

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Jesus christ that was epic.

That is what Arma 2 is for. Clan based gameplay. Spectacular!

I believe you're talking about video footage which is actually from a public TG server running ACE. ;)

Not necessarily clan based. Although plenty of TG members played in them.

I'm sure ArmA2's time will come one day.

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I believe you're talking about video footage which is actually from a public TG server running ACE. ;)

Not necessarily clan based. Although plenty of TG members played in them.

I'm sure ArmA2's time will come one day.

Wow, public..omg.


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Wow, public..omg.


Yep it's public for ArmA2, though only the Bravo server (both servers were public in ArmA1 and in ArmA2 for a time, but to filter some random tk killing people out a password was added).

But don't worry, you don't to join TG to get the password if they play on the Alpha Server, infact, there are more free members playing at TG as Regulars from my experience.

All you need to is to freely register at http://www.tacticalgamer.com,understand some of TG's conduct (e.g. no slotting in at a mission start before sb. tells you so/no swearing/respect command and leaders/don't use global channel/don't use side channel for random talk) and configure a ts password to join the ts server where the password will be shown. As for Sundays, sometimes events will be hosted where you will have to join up in the forums to participate, but these are really the blast, as the player count easily may rise to about 50 players.


Edited by Icewindo

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I'm joining :D


Edited by Guest

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