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How create flag (not flagcarier) exactly panel

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Hi, a tru to create my flag, a model "panel" is corect:

1."xsize", "ysize" Property name chenget to my flag size.

2."ycount", "xcount" Property name same as BIS: 5/6 (not chenge becose not know about this parametr).

3.All model have nemed selection: "latka", "pevne", "volne".

My Config.cpp:

#define protected	1
#define public		2
#define true	        1
#define false	        0

class CfgPatches {
class NPMisc {
	units[] = {PORTOTIP};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 0.1;
	requiredAddons[] = {};

class cfgVehicleClasses {
	displayName = "NEW_PROJECT";

class cfgVehicles
class FlagCarrier;	

class Bazef_vlajkstozar : FlagCarrier 
	scope = public;
	accuracy = 1000;	
               model = "\PROJECT_MATERIA\Bazef_vlajkstozar.p3d";
	displayName = "PORTOTIP";
	vehicleClass = NEW_PROJECT;


class cfgNonAiVehicles 
class ProxyFlag 
	autocenter = 0;
	scope = 2;
	reversed = 0;
	model = "";
	simulation = "flag";
	selectionFabric = "latka";
class flag_Bstozar : ProxyFlag
	model = "\PROJECT_MATERIA\flag_Bstozar";

My Models.cfg:

class CfgSkeletons

class Default
isDiscrete = 1;
skeletonInherit = "";
skeletonBones[] = {};

class Flag: Default {};

class FlagCarrier: Default
skeletonInherit = "Default";
skeletonBones[] =
class Bazef_vlajkstozar: FlagCarrier
skeletonInherit = "Default";
skeletonBones[] =

class CfgModels
class Default
sections[] = {};
skeletonName = "";

class Flag: Default
sections[] = {"latka"};
class flag_Bstozar: Flag
sections[] = {"latka"};

Problem: Flag after attaching witch FlagCarrier stay static (does not develop on a wind)

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Hi, it won't help you but back in OFP days i did a lot of try to implement a custom proxy flag with a proper config and binarized p3d flag model, without any success. My guess was that those proxy flag models are hardcoded (ie only BIS ones are allowed).

The question is : why do you need your own proxy flag model ? Because of ArmA2 default flag size ?

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class CfgCloth


class flag_Bstozar


//stepSize = 0.002; // high end - perfect stable

stepSize = 0.005; // stable

//stepSize = 0.01; // nearly stable

//stepSize = 0.02; // slightly unstable

colPoints = 10; // number of knots in x-direction

rowPoints = 10; // number of knots in y-direction

stretchCoef = 1000; // stretch force coeficient

fricCoef = 1; // friction coeficient

windCoef = 10; // wind coeficient

gravCoef = 1; // gravity coeficient



make this part of config.cpp, maybe it help

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i tried around a little to see if i get it done, no success. i have a idea for a workaround, but need to test that first if its possible or not. other possibility would be to create a animation for it as rtm file, i tried that once but it looked pretty shitty. but to be honest in your example they look pretty cool and if the flags would be made of strong fabric they wouldnt be moving to much anyway unless there is a storm.

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no luck with this, workaround i had in mind also didnt work (thought maybe as thingeffect or animal since airfriction is used there). the more i think about the less i understand it. flag usually were proxies which couldnt be animated in the past, but the flags worked anyway. if wind affects flag (which it does) why does the flag have no geometry lod with weight assigned. and if the cfg cloth does the magic, why do we not get it to work. its strange problem, i also find a \\special model

entry somewhere, so maybe its hardcoded but i don´t know for sure. what i know is that i cant remember any addon since ofp which had a custom size flag that were functional.

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Yep well be cool, if someone from BIS help us :rolleyes:

BIS where you? ;) maybe we mast send message to BIS?

Edited by engener

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