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Need help with offroad vehicles

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I am working on a small mod that would allow only the 4 wheel drive vehicles to have minimal effect when going offroad. I don't want to mess with the terraincoef if at all possible as thhis will afect speed and road grip. I have tried setting preferRoads = 0 and perferedRoads = false and both had no affect. I thought about having the vehicles inherit the tank class, instead of the car class, but I figured that would give alot of variables to the vehicles from the tank class that may cause other problems. Does anyone have any ideas on this as I have been going through all the vanilla PBO config files tryig to find the necessary variables. Thank you for any direction in this and if I can get it working the way I think it can I would like to release it for everyone to use if they would like to try it. I know it is a simple mod (it is my first mod) but I figure there might be someone out there who would use it :).

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sorry misread what you were doing.

'ignore' :)

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Why not tyr terrainCoef ?

Cars are typically like a value of 6

Things like Tractors are like a value of 1

Please dont take this personal, but you need to start formating your posts. Continuous lines of text with no breaks is a SHYT to read.

Edited by [APS]Gnat

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