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ALICE not spawning civilians?

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Hey guys... im trying to use ALICE and SILVIE with default parameters but nothing happens... any idea why?

I have a functions module and a game logic... when I preview the mission nothing happens...

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What city/town are you using it in? If it is an addon theater, it may not be properly set up for ALICE/SILVIE.

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Im using an addon called Quesh Kibrul v2 ... thats the map...

---------- Post added at 05:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:53 PM ----------

and the city on that map is called Quesh-Kibrul ouest (in the editor)

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Ah - I'm not sure that Q-K has the right config entries for ALICE.

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Can that be handled by entering some parameteres into ALICE?

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Crap - then making a civilian environment suddenly seems like an impossible task :(

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Old school all the way mate. :) Place alot of different units, copy paste and fine adjust each one the places where you expect the players to move through. Triggers works great, 2 minutes before players will reach the area, you sync the trigger to all civillians waypoints. The waypoint after the sync should be "Dismissed". After that, everyone goes on doing their thing. Sitting, walking around. Like with ALICE. Exept in Quesh kibrul they will go all over the place, out in the sands and what not. Not only in the village itself.

Thats the hard-way, and my way. :)

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Depends on what you want to do. :)

For A1, I had a method of generating random civilians at random locations when the player was near a town. It was basically a rough pre-cursor to the ALICE module.

This is the foundation, a set of functions that determine where the cities are, and what their radius is:


With those, you basically set up a trigger in each city that detects a player, and then starts spawning civilians within that radius within the city.

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Ye well thats pretty much what I want... just civilians walking around giving the impression of a city environment... TRexian the download link dosent work in that thread..

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Ok - at the risk of overwhelming you :) here are the most recent version I have handy. I think these are up-to-date, though.

First, the mission init. This is what sets the whole thing up. You can use this in a test mission you set up.

["DEBUG", "", 1, 1] execVM "JTD_CityInit.sqf";

Then, the CityInit:

JTD City Initialization script
by Trexian

Purpose: run the JTD City functions

Implementation: executed from init or mission.sqm

Future plans will include greater information exchange.
Version history
01a - released at OFPEC

01b - fixed pursuant to Spooner's suggestions
- included demo mission

- civ spawning

- global variable for cities that have spawned civs

- player in list of trigger
- added global command line parameters

- passed no parameters
- returns an array of all cities in the config, and the config positions
- passed a position array (most likely from JTDCityPosition)
- determines the approximate center of the city, by density
- returns the position of the center
- passed a position array (most likely from JTDCityCenter)
- determines an approximate geographic size of the city in X (radius A) and Y (radius B)
- returns radius A/B for use in marker or trigger

The markers are created to show the scenario developer the location and size of the parameters.

This particular script loads the centers and borders in additional global arrays that are indexed in the
same order as the city list taken from the config.

First paramenter (select 0)-
"DEBUG" = shows all debug hints and approximate trigger border
"MARKERS" = shows approximate trigger border, but not hints

Second parameter (select 1)-
"PLAYERONLY" = only the player will activate the triggers set

Third parameter (select 2) - enter a multiplier for the radius.  Default is 1.  Parameter will
be used to make the trigger size smaller or larger than default.  To halve the size, use .5.
To double the size, use 2.

// start of city stuff
_i = 0;
JTD_CityTriggers = [];
JTD_CityCenters = [];
JTD_CityBorders = [];
JTD_CityDebug = false;
JTD_CityMarkers = false;
JTD_CityPlayerOnly = false;
JTD_CityRadiusMod = 1;

//special civilian spawn globals
JTD_CityCivArray = [];
JTD_CivSpawnMod = 1;

// get modifiers from command line
_temp = count _this;
if (_temp > 0) then

_tempType = _this select 0;

if ((typeName _tempType) == "STRING") then
if (_this select 0 == "DEBUG") then
JTD_CityDebug = true;
JTD_CityMarkers = true;

if (_this select 0 == "MARKERS") then
JTD_CityMarkers = true;
_tempType = _this select 1;
if ((typeName _tempType) == "STRING") then
if (_this select 1 == "PLAYERONLY") then
JTD_CityPlayerOnly = true;

if (_temp > 2) then
// also consider using finite test?
_tempType = _this select 2;

if (finite _tempType) then
JTD_CityRadiusMod = _this select 2;

// civilian specific global params
_tempType = _this select 3;
if (finite _tempType) then
JTD_CivSpawnMod = _this select 3;

// start the cool stuff
if (JTD_CityDebug) then
hint "DEBUG city init";
sleep 1;

JTD_cityPos = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "JTD_CityPosition.sqf";
JTD_cityCent = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "JTD_CityCenter.sqf";
JTD_cityBord = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "JTD_CityBorder.sqf";

JTD_citylist = call JTD_cityPos;
_count = (count JTD_citylist) -1;

for [{_i = 0}, {_i <= _count}, {_i = _i + 1}] do
//for [{_i = 0}, {_i < 5}, {_i = _i + 1}] do				// for testing, to limit the iterations
_citypos = ((JTD_citylist select _i) select 1);
_citycenter = [_citypos] call JTD_cityCent;
_cityborder = [_citycenter] call JTD_cityBord;

_posX = _citycenter select 0;
_posY = _citycenter select 1;
_radA = _cityborder select 0;
_radB = _cityborder select 1;

// modify radius size based on parameter - absolute value in case someone gets funny with a negative parameter
_radA = abs (_radA * JTD_CityRadiusMod);
_radB = abs (_radB * JTD_CityRadiusMod);

// ensures a minimum radius of 1
if (_radA < 1) then
_radA = 1;

if (_radB < 1) then
_radB = 1;
// set markers
if (JTD_CityMarkers) then
_trigName = format ["JTDTrig%1", ((JTD_citylist select _i) select 0)];
_JTDTrigMarker = createMarker [_trigName, [_posX, _posY]];
_JTDTrigMarker setMarkerColor "ColorRedAlpha";
_JTDTrigMarker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
_JTDTrigMarker setMarkerSize [_radA, _radB];
// set trigger
_spawnTrig = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", [_posX, _posY]];
_spawnTrig setTriggerArea [_radA, _radB, 0, true];
_spawnTrig setTriggerActivation ["ANY", "PRESENT", true];

if (JTD_CityPlayerOnly) then
// this version only activates on player in the trigger
if (JTD_CityDebug) then
	hint "Player Only Trigger";
	sleep 1;
_spawnTrig setTriggerStatements ["player in thislist", format ["nul = [%1] execVM 'JTD_CivSpawnInit.sqf'", _i], ""];  //for JTD Civ script
// any unit will set off the civs
_spawnTrig setTriggerStatements ["this", format ["nul = [%1] execVM 'JTD_CivSpawnInit.sqf'", _i], ""];  //saves the index to pass to spawn script

JTD_CityTriggers = JTD_CityTriggers + [_trigger]; // Store these variables into global array, so they are indexed to the city list.
JTD_CityCenters = JTD_CityCenters + [_citycenter];
JTD_CityBorders = JTD_CityBorders + [_cityborder];

if (JTD_CityDebug) then
	hint "City Scripts Initialized";
	sleep 1;

Then, the city position function:

/* JTD_CityPosition.sqf function.
By Trexian/hoz

The purpose of the JTDCityCenter function is to determine the location of a city area. It is almost
a direct rip of the FindClosestTown function by hoz, available at OFPEC.  All I did was change the
elements returned, and tweaked the mechanism for creating the array, as suggested by Spooner.

All credit for this function really goes to hoz.


No elements passed to it (yet), and it returns the city position from the config.

Version history
01a - released at OFPEC

01b - fixed pursuant to Spooner's suggestions
- included demo mission

//hint "position init";
//sleep 1;

_townsTemp = [];
_cfgTowns = (configFile >> "cfgWorlds" >> WorldName >> "Names");
_cfgPath = "";
_return = [];

for [{_z=0}, {_z < ((count _cfgTowns) - 1)}, {_z = _z +1}] do
_cfgPath = _cfgTowns select _z;
_typecity =  getText (_cfgPath >> "type");
if ((_typecity == "NAMECITY") || (_typecity == "NAMEVILLAGE") || (_typecity == "NAMECITYCAPITAL")) then 
	_return = _return + [[getText (_cfgPath >> "name"),getArray (_cfgPath >> "position")]];


Then, the city center function:

/* JTD_CityCenter.sqf function.
By Trexian
DMarkwick, for math
Hoz, for the FindNearestTown resource
Baddo, for findBuildingPositions sqf reference
Raven, for takeBuilding sqs reference

The purpose of the JTDCityCenter function is to roughly determine the center of a city area. 
It starts with the position passed to it (likely the config location of the city), and determines
the densities of the areas in each direction.  If one of the densities is larger than the inital,
that becomes the temporary center.  The search is repeated until the script reaches a position
that has no higher density in the surrounding area.  That position is returned.
Version history
01a - released at OFPEC

01b - fixed pursuant to Spooner's suggestions
- included demo mission


//hint "center init";
//sleep 1;
_posTown = [0,0];
_cntThis = 0;
_initArray = [];
_initCnt = 0;
_bldgTemp = "";
_bldgPos = 0;
_t = 0;
_z = 0;
_d = 0;
_tempArray = [];
_centerBool = false;
_posCenter = [0,0,0];
_direction = 0;
_cntTemp = 0;
_posTemp = [0,0,0];
_srchPos = [0,0,0];
_srchBldg = [];
_srchArray = [];
_srchCnt = 0;
_holderCnt = 0;
_holderPos = [0,0,0];
_posElem = [];
_posX = 0;
_posY = 0;

_posElem = _this select 0;				// position array passed to function

_posX = _posElem select 0;
_posY = _posElem select 1;
_posCenter = [_posX, _posY, 0];			// initial setting of the "center"

_initPos = _posCenter;
_initCnt = 0;
_centerBool = false;
_direction = 0;

while {! _centerBool} do
	_posTemp = _posCenter;
	_holderCnt = _initCnt;
	_holderPos = _posCenter;
		for [{_d = 1},{_d <= 8},{_d = _d + 1}] do	
		_direction = _direction + 45;
// builds an initial array of buildings within the search area
// the distance could be tweaked, depending on the results

		_srchPos = [((_posTemp select 0) + sin (_direction) * 100), ((_posTemp select 1) + cos (_direction) *100), 0];
			_tempArray = nearestObjects [_srchPos, ["HOUSE"], 100];
			_t = count _tempArray;
			_t = _t - 1;

// this is a quick routine to make sure the buildings found are occupiable
				for [{_z = 0},{_z <= _t},{_z = _z + 1}] do
					_srchBldg = _tempArray select _z;
					_bldgPos = _srchBldg buildingPos 0;
					if (((_bldgPos select 0) != 0) && ((_bldgPos select 1) != 0)) then
						_srchArray = _srchArray + [_srchBldg];
		_tempArray = [];
		_t = 0;
		_srchCnt = count _srchArray;
		_srchArray = [];
// conditional to determine if the search is greater than the original
			if (_srchCnt > _holderCnt) then
			_holderPos = _srchPos;
			_holderCnt = _srchCnt;
// conditional to determine if the search yielded a position different than the last center - that no higher densities were found
			if (((_holderPos select 0) != (_posCenter select 0)) && ((_holderPos select 1) != (_posCenter select 1)) && ((_d == 8))) then
			_posCenter = _holderPos;
			_initCnt = _holderCnt;
			_d = 0;
		_tempArray = nearestObjects [_holderPos, ["HOUSE"], 50];
		if ((count _tempArray) < 1) then
		{_tempArray = nearestObjects [_holderPos, ["HOUSE"], 100];};
// makes the center over a building
	_posCenter = getPos (_tempArray select 0);
	_centerBool = true;


Then, the city radius function:

/* JTD_CityBorder.sqf function.
By Trexian

The purpose of the JTDCityBorder function is to roughly determine the size of the city being analyzed.
It first determines the baseline density for the center of the city.  The analysis is different,
depending on whether it is a high-density or low-density city.  The script uses a circle of the given
radius (_radius) to compare the density within the circle to the initial density in each cardinal direction.
When it reaches a certain percentage (_densityCutoff) of the original ratio, it considers that the outer
extent of that direction.  The script uses the longer of North/South for the B radius, and East/West for
the A radius.  The _radiusFactor is basically something to increase/decrease the size of the radii by an
artificial amount, depending on the needs of the developer.  This can also be achieved by altering the
returned elements in the calling script.

Also, within the script, the areas to tweak are:
- the first conditional determines the definition between "big" and "small" cities
- the _dist is the increment for the center of the search
- the _radius determines the size of the circle the search examines to determine the ratio to compare
to the initial ratio
DMarkwick, for math
Hoz, for the FindNearestTown resource
Baddo, for findBuildingPositions sqf reference
Raven, for takeBuilding sqs reference

Version history
01a - released at OFPEC

01b - fixed pursuant to Spooner's suggestions
- included demo mission


//hint "border init";
//sleep 1;

// these are the main tweakable values
_densityCutoff = .2;
_dist = 0;
_radiusFactor = 0;

_initCnt = 0;
_t = 0;
_d = 0;
_tempArray = [];
_centerBool = false;
_posCenter = [0,0,0];
_direction = 0;
_cntTemp = 0;
_posTemp = [0,0,0];
_srchPos = [0,0,0];
_srchCnt = 0;
_radA = 10;
_radB = 10;
_tmpRatio = .2;
_angle = 0;
_radius = 50;

_posElem = _this select 0;
_return = [];
_posX = _posElem select 0;
_posY = _posElem select 1;

_posCenter = [_posX, _posY, 0];
_tempArray = nearestObjects [_posCenter, ["HOUSE"], 100];
_cntTemp = count _tempArray;
_posCenter = getPos (_tempArray select 0);
_initPos = _posCenter;
_initCnt = _cntTemp;
_initRatio = _cntTemp / 100;
_centerBool = false;
_direction = 0;

// conditional to determine whether to use the Big City function or not
if (_initRatio < .75) then
	_radius = 100;
	_dist = 50;
	_densityCutoff = .2;
	_radiusFactor = .75;
	_radius = 150;
	_dist = 50;
	_densityCutoff = .1;
	_radiusFactor = 1;

for [{_t = 1},{_t <= 4},{_t = _t + 1}] do	
	_tmpRatio = .9;
	while {_tmpRatio > (_initRatio * _densityCutoff)} do 
			_d = _d + 1;

			_dist = _d * _radius;
			_direction = _t * 90;
				_srchPos = [((_posCenter select 0) + sin (_direction) * (_dist)), ((_posCenter select 1) + cos (_direction) * (_dist)), 0];
				_tempArray = nearestObjects [_srchPos, ["HOUSE"], _radius];
				_cntTemp = count _tempArray;
				_tmpRatio = (_cntTemp / _radius);
		_d = 0;
// conditional to determine which direction we're looking at
	if (((_t == 1) || (_t == 3)) && (_dist > _radA)) then
			_radA = _dist;
	if (((_t == 2) || (_t == 4))  && (_dist > _radB)) then
			_radB = _dist;

		_radA = _radA * _radiusFactor;
		_radB = _radB * _radiusFactor;
		_return = [_radA, _radB];				



Then, an init for the civilian spawning:

/* JTD Civilian Spawn script
by Trexian

Purpose: determine how many civs to spawn

Implementation: executed from generated trigger.  MUST HAVE CIVILIAN ON THE MAP.

Will likely include a loop for vehicles eventually.

Ver. History

- used with the 01b version of released JTD City Functions

- added array for cities with spawned civs

- added server check

- included global parameters

if (JTD_CityDebug) then
	hint "DEBUG civilian spawn init";
	sleep 1;
	hint "VERIFY manual placement of civilian on map.";
	sleep 2.5;

// this section sets up the basic parameters
_index = _this select 0;

_name = (JTD_citylist select _index) select 0;		// name of nearest city
_cityCenter = JTD_CityCenters select _index;		// center of nearest city
_cityRadA = (JTD_CityBorders select _index) select 0;
_cityRadB = (JTD_CityBorders select _index) select 1;
_posSpawn = [_cityCenter select 0, _cityCenter select 1, 0];	// unnecessary?
_cntArray = 0;

if !(isServer) exitWith {hint "not server"};

if (JTD_CityDebug) then
	hint format ["city = %1", _name];	// debug
	sleep 1;

// Global city civ array functions-
// want to use index of current city, so we can get distance to any city in array

if (_index in JTD_CityCivArray) exitWith
	if (JTD_CityDebug) then
		hint "exiting because city exists in array";
		sleep 2;
JTD_CityCivArray = JTD_CityCivArray + [_index];

// radius not changed by parameter, value from original calculation; can be changed by different parameter
_randCivs = floor (random ((_cityRadA + _cityRadB) / 5));

// modify number of civs by global parameter from the city initialization
_randCivs = abs (ceil (_randCivs * JTD_CivSpawnMod));
if (_randCivs < 1) then
_randCivs = 1;

if (JTD_CityDebug) then
	hint format ["civ number %1", _randCivs];
	sleep 1;

// change the _randcivs to whatever number you want
for [{_q = 0}, {_q <= _randCivs}, {_q = _q + 1}] do 
//for [{_q = 0}, {_q <= 1}, {_q = _q + 1}] do 
[_index] execVM "JTD_CivSpawn.sqf";
sleep .2;


if (JTD_CityDebug) then
	hint "Civilian Spawn initialized";
	sleep 1;

Then the actual civilian spawning:

/* JTD Civilian Spawn script
by Trexian

Purpose: spawn some civs randomly, behind the player, with random waypoints

Implementation: executed from generated trigger

Hoz, for the FindNearestTown, doFollowUnit references
Baddo, for findBuildingPositions sqf reference
Raven, for takeBuilding sqs reference
Spooner, for iterative triggers
Xeno, for support and testing

Taken a bit from JTD CivAmble
estabish basics

Randomized AI movement
Established chance that the AI will follow the player

Spawn in buildings
Enter buildings

Made to work with the JTDCity scripts, release ver. 01b
Spawn position is in a 120 deg arc on the oppposite side of the trigger from the player

Changed "cycle" to "dismissed"

appears to have global array functioning
appears to properly delete civs

added alive-ness check for deletion
changed back to cycle - dismissed resulted in greater number of loiterers
further changed the building entry stuff to alleviate loiterers 
bug - dudes still walk off building tops
added debug/global parameter stuff



spawn in or on far side of buildings.
- get number of civs to spawn
- get number/location of buildings
- - problem in that the building array only takes 1 number for radius, and doesn't do ellipse
- - maybe take the average of the two radii, or the longer, I guess
- randomly pick building
- - random binary to decide if spawn in building
- if outside, get direction of player to building
- - pick position random distance on that vector past building, spawn there


Develop better way of getting vector from player to center of town rather than direction player is going/looking

if (JTD_CityDebug) then
	hint "Civilian Spawn started";
	sleep 1;
//defines and scopes

_civArray = ["Civilian2","Civilian3","Civilian4","Civilian5","Civilian6","Civilian7","Civilian8","Civilian9","Civilian10","Civilian11","Civilian12","Civilian13","Civilian14","Civilian15","Civilian16","Civilian17","Civilian18","Civilian19","Civilian20","Civilian21"];
_speedArray = ["LIMITED", "NORMAL", "LIMITED"];
_behaveArray = ["CARELESS", "AWARE", "AWARE", "CARELESS", "CARELESS"];
_posPl = getPos player;
_dirPl = getDir player;
// integrate global values
_index = _this select 0;
_name = (JTD_citylist select _index) select 0;
_cityCenter = JTD_CityCenters select _index;
_cityRadA = (JTD_CityBorders select _index) select 0;
_cityRadB = (JTD_CityBorders select _index) select 1;
_posSpawn = [_cityCenter select 0, _cityCenter select 1, 0];
// local values
_disSpawn = ((_cityRadA + _cityRadB) / 3);	// distance to spawn - started as average of radii, then 1/3 total
// may use "max" command to choose the larger of the two
_civCnt = count _civArray;   				// count number in civilian array
_civRnd = floor (random _civCnt);  		// random number 0 to number of civilians, basically
_civSel = _civArray select _civRnd; 		// select random element of civilian array
_wpDis =  (random 50) + 50;   			// random number 50-100 for waypoint distance
_wpDir =  random 360;    				// random waypoint direction
_wpNum = ceil ((random 3) + 3);   		// random number of waypoints 3-6
_disCheck = 0;							// will be the check for distance between spawned civ and player
_follower = false;						// for follower conditional
_followerCnt = 0;							// counter for follower conditional
_rndBeh = 0;								// random behavior select
_rndSpd = 0;								// random speed mode select
_followerCnt = 0;							// sets follower iteration counter
_bldgArray = [];							// array of buildings near spawn point
_bldgCnt = 0;							// building count
_rndBldg = 0;							// random building select
_bldgSpawn = "";							// building select to spawn into
_bldgPos = 0;							// building position for spawn
_i = 0;									// iterator
_rndPos = 0;								// random building position selector
_bldgNear = "";							// nearest building for entry routine
_rndTime = random 20;					// random number to add to behavior timer at the end
_t = 0;									// temporary iterator
_tempArray = [];							// temporary array
_bldgDist = 21;							// distance of civ to nearest building
_distRand = 0;

// TEST - spawn where player isn't looking
// _dirPl = (_dirPl+180)+((random 60) - 30);
// if (_dirPl >360) then {_dirPl = (_dirPl - 360)};

// spawn on side of city opposite player
_dirPl = (_dirPl)+((random 120) - 60);
if (_dirPl >360) then {_dirPl = (_dirPl - 360)};

//_dirPl = random 360;				// test for random direction around player
_distRand = random 50;

// _distRand = 1;					// for testing

_disSpawn = (_disSpawn + _distRand) ;			// tweakification

_xSpawn = (_cityCenter select 0) + sin (_dirPl) * _disSpawn; 
_ySpawn = (_cityCenter select 1) + cos (_dirPl) * _disSpawn; 

// checks if surface is water; if it is, spawn just 20m from center
if (surfaceIsWater [_xSpawn, _ySpawn]) then
	_xSpawn = (_cityCenter select 0) + sin (_dirPl) * 20;
	_ySpawn = (_cityCenter select 1) + cos (_dirPl) * 20;

_posSpawn = [_xSpawn, _ySpawn, 0];

// creates civ at a point, might be setpos'd to a building
if (JTD_CityDebug) then
	hint "civ spawned";
	sleep 1;

_grpSpawn = createGroup civilian;
sleep .4;
_civSpawn = _grpSpawn createUnit [_civSel, _posSpawn, [], 5, "NONE"];

_rndBeh = floor (random 5);
_rndSpd = floor (random 3);
_civSpawn setBehaviour (_behArray select _rndBeh);
_civSpawn setSpeedMode (_speedArray select _rndSpd);

// building checks to see if the AI spawns in a building
_tempArray = nearestObjects [_posSpawn, ["HOUSE"], 100];			// radius 100, can be tweaked
_t = count _tempArray;									// count number of buildings in array

//for each building, find at least one building position
//this should serially select each building in the array, then remove it if position 0 (1) is 0,0,0

_t = _t - 1;
for [{_x = 0},{_x <= _t},{_x = _x+1}] do 
_bldgSpawn = _tempArray select _x;
_bldgPos = _bldgSpawn buildingPos 0;

if (((_bldgPos select 0) != 0) && ((_bldgPos select 1) != 0)) then
	_bldgArray = _bldgArray + [_bldgSpawn];
_tempArray = [];													// resets the temparray
// need to create array of those to be removed, then remove them

_bldgCnt = count _bldgArray;									// count number of buildings in array

// at this point, _bldgArray should only contain buildings within 100 of the civ that have at least one buildingPos

if (_bldgCnt > 0) then										//building spawn conditional start
// at least 1 inhabitable building exists within the radius of the position
	_rndBldg = floor (random _bldgCnt);
	_bldgSpawn = _bldgArray select _rndBldg;
	_i = 0;			// building position iterator
	while { format ["%1", _bldgSpawn buildingPos _i] != "[0,0,0]" } do	// counts number of building positions
		_bldgPos = _bldgSpawn buildingPos _i;
	_i = _i + 1;
	_rndPos = floor (random _i);
	_civSpawn setPos (_bldgSpawn buildingPos _rndPos);

	if (JTD_CityDebug) then
	hint "civ in bldg";
	sleep 1;
};														//building spawn conditional end

// this ends the building spawning; after this, the unit gets regular waypoints

// set waypoints

for [{_i = 0}, {_i <= _wpNum}, {_i = _i + 1}] do
{                    												// start wp index iterative loop

_wpDis =  (random 50) + 20;   									// random number 20-70 for waypoint distance
_wpDir =  random 360;    										// random waypoint direction

_xWp = (_posSpawn select 0) + sin (_wpDir) * _wpDis;
_yWp = (_posSpawn select 1) + cos (_wpDir) * _wpDis;

_wpPos = [_xWp, _yWp, 0];

_wp = _grpSpawn addWaypoint [_wpPos, _i];  						// adds waypoint selected at index _i

// conditional to decide which kind of waypoint to make it
if (_i == _wpNum) then
		[_grpSpawn, _i] setWaypointType "CYCLE";		// had better performance than "DISMISSED"
	} else
		[_grpSpawn, _i] setWaypointType "MOVE";
_rndRad = ceil random 15;    									// creates random radius for the wp
[_grpSpawn, _i] setWaypointPosition [_wpPos, _rndRad]
};            														// end wp index iterative loop
// while distance < 300 loop? Tweaked to 500 for JTDCity implementation
_disCheck = _civSpawn distance player;
_follower = false;
_followerCnt = 0;

while {(_disCheck <= 400) && (alive _civSpawn)} do										// sets distance to delete AI
{																// distance loop start

	if (JTD_CityDebug) then
		hint format ["distance %1", _disCheck];
		sleep 1;

	sleep _rndTime + 10;											// random sleep from 10-30 second
	_rand100 = random 100;
// if follower move toward player

	if (_follower) then											// follower conditional start
		{													// civ is player follower
			group _civSpawn move getPos player;
			_followerCnt = _followerCnt + 1;
			sleep 20;
		{													// civ is non-follower
			_rndBeh = floor (random 5);
			_rndSpd = floor (random 3);
			_civSpawn setBehaviour (_behArray select _rndBeh);
			_civSpawn setSpeedMode (_speedArray select _rndSpd);

				if (JTD_CityDebug) then
				hint format ["Beh %1 speed %2", _rndBeh, _rndSpd];
				sleep 1;

// enter building routine

			_bldgNear = position _civSpawn nearestObject "HOUSE";				// get building nearest civ
			_bldgDist = _civSpawn distance _bldgNear;
			if (_bldgDist < 50) then				// building near conditional start
				_i = 0;										// building position iterator
				while { format ["%1", _bldgNear buildingPos _i] != "[0,0,0]" } do		// counts number of building positions
					_i = _i + 1;
				_rndPos = floor (random _i);
				//group _civSpawn move (_bldgNear buildingPos _rndPos);		// doesn't work well
				_civSpawn moveTo (_bldgNear buildingPos _rndPos);
				waitUntil {(_civSpawn distance (_bldgNear buildingPos _rndPos)) < 5};
				hint "entering building";
				sleep 1;
				group _civSpawn setCurrentWaypoint [group _civSpawn, 1];
			};				// building near conditional end

// random chance to follow - 20%; tweaked to 10%; tweaked to 1 to make it almost impossible
			if (_rand100 < 1) then								// set follower conditional start
					_follower = true;
				};												// set follower conditional end
		};														// main conditional end
// reset follower status - 50% chance + iterations greater than 20
		if ((_rand100 < 1) && (_followerCnt > 5)) then			// reset follower conditional start
				_follower = false;
				_followerCnt = 0;
			};													// reset follower conditional end
};																// distance loop end
sleep (random 10);
deleteVehicle _civSpawn;

if (JTD_CityDebug) then
	hint "civ deleted";
	sleep 1;
sleep 1;

// 10 percent chance that city is removed from array
if ((random 1) < .1) then
if (JTD_CityDebug) then
	hint "removing city from array";
	sleep 1;
JTD_CityCivArray = JTD_CityCivArray - [_index];

Now, no guarantees with this stuff.... I haven't tested it in A2. Specifically, I'm not sure of the array for civilians. Those classes may have changed. I think it worked with A2 just in terms of finding the cities, but I don't know.

This is at least the framework I settled on - there's probably a dozen ways to improve it. In fact, it might be easier to figure out what needs to be added to get ALICE to work in Q-K. :D

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Looks like a bit to big a task for me... I guess I will have to make the civilians by hand :S

---------- Post added at 07:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:41 PM ----------

Reading about http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Ambient_Civilians I cant see why another island shouldnt work? Default it will use the whole island...

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ALICE relies on special config entries, the BIS Location functions are related, too.

There are some threads here on it, including one that suggests how to fix it. Can't seem to find it quickly, though....

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Hey thanks for this thread and thanks TRexian for this script.

But one question for TRexian, what are the last to things named. I'm pretty sure the last script is named "JTD_CivSpawn.sqf", got that from the 5th script, but what's that 5th one's name? And where do I execute it? Does it go directly in my init.sqf or is it named "JTD_CivInit.sqf" and is executed on the map some where? I tried using a trigger with a civilian in it but I'm not sure I set the trigger up right.

I'm gonna use this on QK in my current WIP mission. Thanks for making this, I just wish all the map makers would update all there maps ASAP so mission on them actually have some ambiance.

Edited by Manzilla

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Ah, right - I think I ran that last script from the init of the mission. :) If I don't get back to this, remind me. :)

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Alright now I'm a bit confused. Could you just throw this in a quick example mission so I can look at it that way? I can't seem to get the civies to spawn on Q-K. I've changed the class names for them as well.

Great script though to supplement the lack of some map makers not making it ALICE compatible. ;)

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I'm still having a bitch of a time setting this up. Could you whip together a quick example mission showing the set up. I've tried on and off for about a week but I just can't make it work.

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Hey mate, sorry I haven't come back to this. :(

Here's a quick upload of a mission in A1. Believe it or not, it'll probably work if you just drop the files (other than the briefing stuff) into A2. I recall specifically trying to make it so that it was "portable."


But, it is really freaking complicated - at least by my standards. :)

I'll try to distill down the civ-spawn parts for an A2 mission.

(Also, beware, there's some boring dev text files in there that show how truly erratic my thought patterns are.)


Just realized that zip didn't have the actual script-functions in it. Here is a zip that has those. They should be the same as what I posted earlier, though.


Edited by TRexian

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Thanks. I'll try it.

But how can I get this mission to work in A2 with out Sahrani and the other AddOns in the mission.sqm?

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I think using CAA1 would work, but I feel really bad about having forgotten your issue. :(

Here's a quick mission that uses the files. I tried it and it looks like it works. Amazingly, no rpt errors either. :)


The mission is both a pbo'd mission and the mission folder. When you play the mission, open the map, and the city borders should have red markers over them that show roughly the boundary of the city. It will be centered on the perceived center of the town. When you cross the boundary into the city, there'll be a hint showing the name of the town. At that point, start looking for civs. (I find the JTD_Camera a useful addon for that task.)

Like I said, when I just tested it, it amazingly seemed to work fine. :)

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  TRexian said:
I think using CAA1 would work, but I feel really bad about having forgotten your issue. :(

Here's a quick mission that uses the files. I tried it and it looks like it works. Amazingly, no rpt errors either. :)


The mission is both a pbo'd mission and the mission folder. When you play the mission, open the map, and the city borders should have red markers over them that show roughly the boundary of the city. It will be centered on the perceived center of the town. When you cross the boundary into the city, there'll be a hint showing the name of the town. At that point, start looking for civs. (I find the JTD_Camera a useful addon for that task.)

Like I said, when I just tested it, it amazingly seemed to work fine. :)

No worries bud. I'm in no rush.

Thank you bud! I don't have CAA so it would've been difficult to try. I appreciate it.

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Let me know if you have any questions or problems with it. It may still have some application for various dynamic missions in A2.

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Another way would be to use a patrol script on civilians, and assign "neighbourhoods" for them to 'patrol'.

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Just happened to come across this thread while searching for something else...

ALICE relies on special config entries, the BIS Location functions are related, too.

There are some threads here on it, including one that suggests how to fix it. Can't seem to find it quickly, though....

I think I might have written that post... I'll summarise briefly, just in case it's of any help...

(also - THIS post on the old CAA1 thread and the next few pages are worth a read)...

ALICE relies basically on two things - location info in the island config, and suitable houses included in the island... you can patch in the location info easily - not so the actual houses...

I did a patch for CAA1 for Sahrani to add ALICE support... (get that HERE and tear it apart to see how its done)... amazingly, it worked, more or less... I can only therefore assume certain A1 houses have the appropriate memory points... though I didn't get many civs - so possibly only a few houses have them... not sure about that issue... However, it also enabled TRexians Ambient Civ Traffic, so it's a start... tho I dunno which houses Quesh Kibrul uses...

If Floosy decides to update QK then you'll be sorted since he'll add new config entries plus appropriate houses...

Since you can't currently do anything about the houses - a config patch is worth a quick try I guess...

Here's all you need to do...

UnPBO the island - look for the config.cpp... (I'll use examples from Sahrani below since I don't have QK handy - but the principle is the same)...

In the config.cpp you'll find entries for every town... they'll look something like this...

class Rashidah

That gives you names and location coordinates, so fire up notepad and, for every one of these, you have to create a matching "citycenter" - like this...

class Sara_Rashidah_CC
name = "";
position[] ={9585.79,11109.2};
type = "CityCenter";
radiusA = 100;
radiusB = 100;
demography[] = {"CIV",1,"CIV_RU",0};

... then add a CfgPatches header, a bit like this...

class CfgPatches
class caa1_c_town_names
	units[] = {};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 1.04;
	requiredAddons[] = {""};
class CfgWorlds
class Intro;
class Sara: Intro
	class Names
		class Sara_Rashidah_CC
			name = "";
			position[] =
			type = "CityCenter";
			radiusA = 100;
			radiusB = 100;
			neighbors[] = {"Sara_Paraiso_CC","Sara_Balmopan_CC"};
			demography[] = {"CIV",1,"CIV_RU",0};

		class Sara_Balmopan_CC
			name = "";
			position[] =
			type = "CityCenter";
			radiusA = 100;
			radiusB = 100;
			neighbors[] = {"Sara_Chantico_CC","Sara_Ambergris_CC"};
			demography[] = {"CIV",1,"CIV_RU",0};

*snip..... etc, etc, etc

... save it as "config.cpp" - put it in a folder called eg: "ALICE_Support_QK" and PBO it up...

You'll then need to make that microaddon a "required addon" for your mission and include it in the download...

No guarantees - since it's all so very dependant on "suitable house models", but that should get Ambient Civ Traffic kicking in, at the very least...


Edited by Bushlurker

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Don't know if this is obvious, but I couldn't find anything so I'll just post it here.

I've spent quite some time trying to get the ALICE and SILVIE modules working on a custom island (FDF Podagorsk in this case) without any config editing. (The advantage being that mission makers don't have to create a config-fix-pbo to get the modules working.)

Tried various suggestions I found on these and other forums, read through the wiki and looked over the location functions. And finally I think I have it working - to a certain degree at least.

Vehicles will spawn, civilians will walk around and do stuff, chimneys smoke etc. In fact, while testing this, I actually noticed for the first time civilians driving from one town to the other.

So, what to do:

1) Place a logic of type "City Center" in each town on the map and give it a name (e.g. the name of the town).

2) Place ALICE and SILVIE modules. In each init line put

this setVariable ["townlist", [logicName1, logicName2, logicName3]]

(replace logicName1 etc with the names of your logic you created in step 1)

3) In player's init line put:

[[logicName1, logicName2, logicName3], [getpos player, 100000], true] call BIS_fnc_locations; nul = [] execVM "setNeighbors.sqf"

(again replace logicName with the corresponding logic names)

4) In your mission folder, create a setNeighbors.sqf file. Now this is the tricky part. We have to define the neighbor connections for each town.

The BIS_fnc_locations creates location names like BIS_loc_custom_0, BIS_loc_custom_1 etc. When previewing the mission, these location names will be displayed on the map. Use these names to create the neighbor connections in the setNeighbors.sqf:

BIS_loc_custom_0 setVariable ["neighbors", [bIS_loc_custom_1, BIS_loc_custom_2, BIS_loc_custom_3, BIS_loc_custom_4, BIS_loc_custom_5]];
BIS_loc_custom_1 setVariable ["neighbors", [bIS_loc_custom_0, BIS_loc_custom_2, BIS_loc_custom_3, BIS_loc_custom_4, BIS_loc_custom_5]];
BIS_loc_custom_2 setVariable ["neighbors", [bIS_loc_custom_0, BIS_loc_custom_1, BIS_loc_custom_3, BIS_loc_custom_4, BIS_loc_custom_5]];
BIS_loc_custom_3 setVariable ["neighbors", [bIS_loc_custom_0, BIS_loc_custom_1, BIS_loc_custom_2, BIS_loc_custom_4, BIS_loc_custom_5]];
BIS_loc_custom_4 setVariable ["neighbors", [bIS_loc_custom_0, BIS_loc_custom_1, BIS_loc_custom_2, BIS_loc_custom_3, BIS_loc_custom_5]];
BIS_loc_custom_5 setVariable ["neighbors", [bIS_loc_custom_0, BIS_loc_custom_1, BIS_loc_custom_2, BIS_loc_custom_3, BIS_loc_custom_4]];

Here we have 5 locations, all connected to each other. It's totally up to you which locations you connect to each other.

That's it. Preview the mission, wait a minute or two and civilians and vehicles should be spawned.

To remove the location markers on the map, simply remove the true at the end of the function call in player's init line (step 3):

[[logicName1, logicName2, logicName3], [getpos player, 100000]] call BIS_fnc_locations; nul = [] execVM "setNeighbors.sqf"

I've made a small demo mission showing you how to set it up correctly:


Apparently FDF Podagorsk is required for this. ;)

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