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5thSFG HellFire

Rts_build and conquer

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Hey KaRRiLLioN heres another ice cold beer "CHEERS", RTS_Build and Conquer is one neat map. Takes some real OFP know how to play it. Anyrate thank ya.

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Glad you like it!

I should have an updated version soon that will fix a few minor things, and I also have another RTS mission called RTS_LAND WAR that is based on everon instead of Malden.

I'd also be interested in hearing any bug reports or ideas that you might have. I had to do quite a few workarounds to get past some of the shortcomings in the way the action menu stuff is executed so I'm sure a few bugs crept in here and there. =)

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ya i got some sugestions.... once one side gets even one attack helo up and running, the other side is screwed unless they are 1) hidden 2) one step behind and lots of money

another things is the 'repair vehicle' option everyone (?) has... once the attack helos get all empty, all it takes is ejecting 50m up, landing, and fixing your now-wrecked helo and BAM, its all fresh and clean...

we were palying that map heavily 2 nights ago and after we got the concept down it was vanilla, save a few oddities... the hardest part was collecting money, in that either side had to drive to the HQ... drive to the recycle building?

Oh, idea... would it be a better idea to have nato start in the north end of the island and commies in the south, with the towns to conquer in the relative middle area in sort of a beltway? inaddtion have a couple towns nearer to the spawn of each respective side worth more for holding if its held by the opposing force... like a town thats 1,5km from nato respawn worth more for the commies to hold, seeing as its more difficult to hold.

thats all the ideas i can shoot off know. to everyone that saw the initial posting by karrillion but were reluctant to play, give it a whirl... its a fresh concept and is worth it.


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I think you're playing the first version of the mission, but I have updated some stuff.  Engineers and Officers are the only classes that can repair vehicles.  Due to the shortcomings with addaction, if any player is near an Engineer or officer while they are near a destroyed vehicle, then they will see the repair option.  They cannot use it though because the script checks to make sure they are an engineer or officer before repairing.  Also, the current repair time is only 10 seconds but I'll be extending build times for vehicles and such like that once I work out the balancing for all of that.  That is the hardest part is balancing missions like that.  Also in the future, repairing will cost money depending on the original cost of the vehicle so you'll really have to think about whether it's worth repairing or not.  That will balance that issue out a lot.

Also, even if one team gets a chopper built first, that won't matter as much if you have a defense built.  Using the construction vehicle (which might not be in the version you're playing) you can build SAM sites which are basically the M2Machine guns, but these have 3 kinds of ammo...regular MG rounds, 30 MM rounds and 192 57mm rockets (just like the Mi17) so if you build these (they are only about $100) then you can pretty much nail any chopper that attacks you.  You can also put these in towns and use them for defense.  Also, the construction vehicle builds Sandbag forts, Wire fences, and Camo sheds and most importantly--Oil Refineries.

Earning money--basically this is what the Recycler vehicle does.  You build the recycler and then take it to a good spot and deploy the Recycler Depot.  Then you can drive the recycler around.  When you get close to destroyed vehicles, they will be placed in the recycler (you'll know this because they disappear).  If you use the radio command 0-0-2 then it'll show how much in recycled value you have in your recycler.  Typically recycled value is about 50% of the original cost.  Drive back to your recycler depot and when you get next to it, it'll transfer that into money for your team.  With the newer versions of the mission I have vehicles placed on the map that auto-destruct (is there a way to start them already destroyed?) so that you have plenty of stuff to recycle (you can't repair these BTW).  I'm thinking of a way to have specific areas on the map that have "mineral deposits" or something that you can mine, but I haven't gotten to that yet.

The other way to earn money right now is to build a construction vehicle and then find a good safe spot and build Oil Refineries.  You can build up to 10 of them at a cost of $350 each.  Once built, they generate money at about $20 every 60 seconds or so, so you'll need all of them built to really add a decent amount of money.  This, of course, is the soft spot of the enemy. I'm also adding a Shipyard where you can build a construction boat that will create LST's as offshore refineries and as cargo ships so that you can load up your vehicles into them and transport certain vehicles to other islands.  In the current missions, you also earn money for holding flags.  In the current version you earn $100 every 60 seconds for holding a flag, and if you capture them all you get $500 bonus.  I'm trying to achieve a decent balance for money right now, because I don't want one team to amass 30 helos or something which would totally lag the server, but I don't want to limit it either, so I'm trying to make sure the cash flow is decent, but not exhorbitant.

As far as starting spots go, that is the easiest part to adjust.  Some teams like to deploy right in the middle of  a town you have to hold.  That might mean that you can guard that flag easily, but your base will get raped repeatedly by the other team when they go in to cap.  That's why I don't make it any more valuable to hold one town over the other.  Right now the main value in location is locating your Recycle depot close to a large deposit of destroyed vehicles.  In my current mission I'm also adding in a period of time where you can't deploy at the start of the mission.  This is to stop those issues where someone deploys the base immediately and screws your entire team over because it's at the opposite end of the island from where you want to be.  I also added in some extra actions that don't do anything so you have to go 2 actions down to deploy.  These current maps are also variants of Capture and Hold, but I'm thinking more along the lines of pure RTS where you'll each start off somewhere and then have to eradicate the other team's base.  Each team will also have a headquarters and other essential buildings, etc. That you have to build in order to unlock certain vehicles, i.e. attack helos.  This of course is further down the line...I need to get this stuff more balanced as it is before I pursue the whole package immediately.  Also some issues with the Addaction command (that's what makes the extra actions show up on your menu) .  Because of its current implementation I have to have more scripts than I want.

I'll also probably be adding in some AI troops that you can create to help defend the base.

Thanks for the suggestions.  I'm thinking I need to write a manual on this mission...I tried putting as much as possible in the briefing, but who ever reads that anyway? =)

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BTW here's the latest versions of the RTS missions along with a couple of 3-way CH missions that I've made.

Oh, CH=Cap and Hold =)


I haven't had a chance to properly test the latest versions on my dedicated server but they should work just fine.

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Dude that map rocks ! it is by far the best map I have ever seen . It put the words "Team Work" into best use. which is what set's it apart from the others.

The only thing I say say it needs other than some bug's "ie: anyone can repair , cant build more than one collector.." are the bases farther apart . But I think you might have that covered now.

Other than a few things , Keep up the great work ! Cant wait to see more maps like this !

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I've updated the RTS missions and added a new very large one where you fight for control over all of northern Everon. It's a bit different in that you don't take flags, rather you must occupy territory for 60 seconds without any enemies present. Each territory has a gray marker in it and those are the control points for each area. If you keep a presence at any captured area, the enemy cannot take it from you unless they keep you off of it for 30 seconds. Then it's "contested" territory (turns yellow on map) and they have to hold it for 60 seconds without enemies present to capture it.

You get points and money every 60 seconds you hold it.

Also, SAM's are in the mission along with oil refineries. SAM's look like normal machine guns but they also have 30mm ammo and Rockets. Great for defense.

Here's the link:


There are also 2 3-way CH missions in there along with the 3 RTS missions.

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I just realized tonight some stupid typo errors that I forgot to get rid of in the latest versions of my missions. The engineer and the recyclable vehicles weren't working as a result. Here's a zip with the latest versions.


It includes:

RTS_TW_Everon War

RTS_CH_Build and Conquer

RTS_CH_Land War

These are 3-way Cap and holds:


CH_Land Grab

BTW the TW mission is a bit different. You don't take flags, you must occupy a certain area on a territory for 60 seconds to take control. If you take control the enemy cannot take it until your team is driven off it for 30 seconds. Then they contest the territory and have to hold it for 60 seconds with no enemies present to take control.

I'll keep updating the file on that link as I do things to the missions.

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Karrilion ,

Your maps rock man , Its the best thing to real I have seen on OFP. I wanna know your IP for your dedicated server.

Keep up the good work man.

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Excellent maps, very original!

Get them now!

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I've done some more work on the missions to add a bit more options to them. Here's what I've added and the link:


Timeleft--tells how much time is left in mission

NATO and Soviet leaders have more options now:

After a base is built, it can later be moved for a price: Factory $1000, AirBase--$1000, Recycler--$400

You must still have your original Mobile Base somewhere around because it will move the base to that unit, so drive your Mobile factory to it's new deployment zone and then activate the new build command.

In order to make things easier to identify, I also made it so that when you walk up to any of your mobile base units, the action menu will identify it.

All of these options are now available on the Radio Menu. Because of limited space, I'm working on a much better options menu. Basically each leader will be able to "turn on" their option menus using a hidden radio command that only they can see. Then I'll have options for changing the timelimit while in-game, moving bases, etc. I'm also thinking of allowing commanders to stop purchasing.

I've also gotten barracks in the works now so you can build squads to protect your assets. Right now I almost have it so that you can join any group quickly and give them orders, then you can join a different group and give them order, etc. It's a bit dicey since there are definite limitations on this. A simpler solution would be that you can build barracks on the territory that you want to protect and then the soldiers built there would automatically be assigned to guard that area. I'm still trying to see which would cause the least Multiplayer lag.

I'm also working on a mission that has nothing to do with Territory control, rather it's more like a typical RTS where you have to seek out the enemy base and destroy it.

Anyway, I hope you all like the changes.

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that sounds great Karrillion! we are looking forward to exiting,new maps from you!

WTG,and all the best to one of the premeir mappers out there!

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By reading all those reactions about your maps, makes me curious about them.. where can I download them ?


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Wow this is great, now all i need to find is where to play them. btw do you have any 2 sides CH maps?

Black Knight

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Yep, I have 2-team and 3-team Cap and Hold's, CTF's etc. I'll post a link to a zip with all of my missions later. Right now I'm finishing up a couple of options menus for the CTF's.

You can play the missions at several dedicated servers. My server also plays them

My server address is:'s OFP Bootcamp

Radishville T-1 also plays them at Radishville.myip.org (can't remember the ip)

Fraghaus also plays them--www.fraghaus.com (server ip's are listed there I think)

I'll try to finish up these changes today and post a link later.

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KaRRiLLioN, man! Keep up the great work!!! The best stuff there is in online multiplayer! Excelent job!!! Did u come up with that idea from C&C(just wondering)? Anyway thanks for making all of us happy wink.gif

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Yup! Awesome maps u got there !!! I just finished playin on your server, and they were cool! I NEVER had that much fun tounge.gif Can't wait to see more of them biggrin.gif

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Hi, where can I download the lattest version of RTS_TW_EVERON WAR.Eden.pbo ?

It would be usefull with version number, and e-mail adress inside the mission.

thx very much for this nice map

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The latest versions will always be posted at that link earlier in the thread, i.e. this link:


I'm constantly trying to improve the mission, so keeping up with version numbers would be a bit tiring. =)

I'm going to try to post my entire map pack today as well.

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