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Is there a config.cpp tool/editor

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I appologize if this is the wrong place for tis question but this was the only tool forum I found for ArmA2. Is there an editor for making a config.cpp script? I am new to game scripting and a bit intimidated by the technical language and where to put the proper spaceing and all the different symbols, i.e. ;{}[] and such:crazy:. I was just wondering if there was some sort of simplified editor for config.cpp files similar to ArmA edit which allows for creation of breifing, overview, custom units, custom crates and description files, and if there is not, would it be createable?Thanks:)

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For briefings you could use A2B Editor by EMSI.

He also made an editor for descriptions: A2D Editor.

You still can use ArmAedit for most tasks, I think someone added the A2 weapons to it but not 100% sure.

For everything else you could use an enhanced texteditor like Notepad++ or Notepad2 (both are free).

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I highly recommend NotePad ++ with the i0n0s plugin for syntax hilighting and other useful functions. :)

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For briefings you could use A2B Editor by EMSI.

He also made an editor for descriptions: A2D Editor.

You still can use ArmAedit for most tasks, I think someone added the A2 weapons to it but not 100% sure.

For everything else you could use an enhanced texteditor like Notepad++ or Notepad2 (both are free).

Thank you Wolle. I have downloaded and used all of those tools. I really like the ArmA edit as it creates a basic script for you when you use the wizards, which is what I was hoping to find for the config.cpp files. I would like to try to start simple by config-ing some wheeled vehicle specs but am not yet comfortable with creating the structure of the text for it. It is a bit intimidating like I said, and I am new to modding.

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Hey TRex

Where did you find the i0n0s plugin at

Can't seem to find a download link anywhere


I highly recommend NotePad ++ with the i0n0s plugin for syntax hilighting and other useful functions. :)
Edited by Stang

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Here you go:

Edit - I removed the link as I'd linked to the ArmA1 version - and W0lle got the right one!


Probably good to register at OFPEC - lotsa good information in the forums there.

Edited by TRexian

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