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New mission!

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Yeah, so I have finally become a mission author!

My mission can be found at


If anyone would be willing to host it for me, that would be very kind smile.gif

Enjoy smile.gif

EDIT: you have to open a new window (ctrl-n) and copy+paste the url into the new browser window. geoshitties sux ass sad.gif

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Oh yeah, any questions, comments, concerns, post here or mail me smile.gif

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Thanks very much guys, very much appreciated smile.gif

Black Feather, go right ahead, but can you answer me this? When do you reckon are you going to have a review ready?

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I dunno actually Jmaster is meant to do that but I haven't seen him since easter soon though, if you make anymore I'll put them up too.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Black_Feather @ April 08 2002,03:36)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I dunno actually Jmaster is meant to do that but I haven't seen him since easter soon though, if you make anymore I'll put them up too.<span id='postcolor'>

Ok, will do smile.gif Thx a lot smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (russin @ April 08 2002,08:09)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">is this a multi-player ?<span id='postcolor'>

Single-player smile.gif

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wow.gif Oh man ! Great war mission ! Thank goodness for mortars and grenades !

I broke central perimeter, from there I cleaned left perimeter, neanwhile another group cleaned right one. I lost half of my men. I didn't break final perimeter but men from other group captured the hill. (16min/1400pts)

What I missed there was medical support. I mean no medic in my group but 1-3 medics with support waypoint so I or other group can call if someone need them.

BTW: I think you could do MP version. It's not ideal for internet play but it should be great for LAN party. smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Bart.Jan @ April 08 2002,19:54)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">wow.gif Oh man ! Great war mission ! Thank goodness for mortars and grenades !

I broke central perimeter, from there I cleaned left perimeter, neanwhile another group cleaned right one. I lost half of my men. I didn't break final perimeter but men from other group captured the hill. (16min/1400pts)

What I missed there was medical support. I mean no medic in my group but 1-3 medics with support waypoint so I or other group can call if someone need them.

BTW: I think you could do MP version. It's not ideal for internet play but it should be great for LAN party. smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

I'm very glad that you liked it smile.gif

If you look around at the base camp, there's a field hospital, I thought that would be enough smile.gif

At the moment I am considering MP version, but I want to see what people's reactions are first smile.gif

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LOL , give me another 3 boxes of mortors or a weapons select at the mission start and I'll take the hill by myself smile.gif If your good with mortors you can plop them right or left of the move waypoint and kill alot of em.

I was really tempted to kill some of my own men to get their weapons. But a good flanking tactic can save the day to bad west sides AI didn't know that , it got messy and it said I lost to many ppl. But all my team made it without any loss? Cool ending though!!!!

Oh ,at the very start where the truck is loaded it takes off like me on A fridaynight bar binge ,running into things tounge.gif

I give it 4/out of 5

Great work!!!!

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Excellent mission!

After the first try I went to the ammo boxes and switched out the mortars for grenades and more M16 mags. That worked well enough. But what really helps is picking up a LAW launcher or RPG from a dead guy. Works wonders on a machine gun nest.

The flanking maneuver to the right seemd to work as well as anything. I did manage to win it by going straight up the middle too...but I also lost a lot more guys.

I agree that a medic in the group would help. I'd be able to send my guys to the medic instead of losing them to the medic station.

Overall...terrific mission. Great work. Just teach that truck driver how to miss the fence in the beginning! I was laughing so hard when I saw that...

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LOL! Yeah, that is quite funny at the beginning tounge.gif

In earlier versions, the truck would go to the far right and avoid the fence totally, so I put some obstructions in the way. Then, when I expanded on the base a bit, it went into a totally random direction confused.gif

I cleared the path through the gate and for no apparent reason he now drives through it......just about wink.giftounge.gif

The tank and M113 are there as bumpers more than anything else tounge.gif

I think its quite funny tounge.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (PopUpTarget @ April 09 2002,17:32)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I did manage to win it by going straight up the middle too...<span id='postcolor'>



I haven't managed that yet tounge.gif

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No respect deserved. It was pure luck. I low-crawled the whole time. I came across a dead RPG soldier and took that. I used it to take one nest. Then I found a dead LAW soldier (by that time there were plenty of dead soldiers around). I used the LAW on two more nests. I managed to take out the machine gunners and regular soldiers by either directing my guys to target them, or by firing very carefully and crawling away after each shot. The last two guys never even saw me.

To be honest...it was intense. I found myself leaning toward the monitor to try and see through the foliage better.

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I like it! (Well, except for that "trapped inside a spinning washing machine" feeling I got from the truck ride cutscene.)

I agree that this would be an awesome MP (coop) mission. Well done.

Incidentally, I will be involved in a mission hosting site opening soon, and we would be happy to host your mission also. biggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Major Fubar @ April 09 2002,19:00)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I like it! (Well, except for that "trapped inside a spinning washing machine" feeling I got from the truck ride cutscene.)

I agree that this would be an awesome MP (coop) mission. Well done.

Incidentally, I will be involved in a mission hosting site opening soon, and we would be happy to host your mission also.  biggrin.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Thanks smile.gif

If you want to host it, please go right ahead smile.gif

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Update: Shadow, the big man himself has reviewed my mission and gave it 4 stars out of 5 smile.gif Here is his review:

"A mission with simple layout, but a very high difficulty. There ain't that many enemy units in this mission. But they are very well hidden and at good tactical positions. Your objective is to capture a hill on Everon. But first you have to walk up to it (thru a heavily defended forest). A "service depot" at the mission-start area really comes in handy when you get wounded (I say when, because you WILL be hit -sooner or later), and/or need more ammo. The ammo is of no concern as your buddies seems to drop like flyes when the M2's start thundering down on you. Just walk/crawl 5 meters in any direction and you most probably will find ammo. As the author puts it so well "It also tries to capture some horrors that the OFP warrior faces.", This is TRUE. Keep your head down and crawl from one tree to the next and you should stand a good chance of surviving this mission. The intro is average, the author mainly used in-editor camera-functions. But it gets the job done. This is one of the better missions among the simple ones out there. If you want tension, action and a great atmosphere, then GRAB THIS MISSION.

Reviewed by SHADOW

on a P-III 1GHz,512MB,Ge-Force 3

in a white case called Aopen HX08 (noisy fan included)"

Cheers mate smile.gif

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You beat me to it, bud biggrin.gif LOL

I was just about to post it hehe

Great mission, bro' . I love the tension and atmosphere smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Shadow @ April 10 2002,22:11)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Damn!

You beat me to it, bud biggrin.gif LOL

I was just about to post it hehe

Great mission, bro' . I love the tension and atmosphere smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Thanks very much smile.gif

Your review and your praise mean very much to me smile.gif

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yes in deed a pretty hard mission a multi player version would be cool to i mean coop... good job !!!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (russin @ April 11 2002,07:03)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">yes in deed a pretty hard mission a multi player version would be cool to i mean coop... good job !!!<span id='postcolor'>

Cheers mate smile.gif

In the meanwhile, we have another MIRROR up smile.gif

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Is there any chance I could open it up and replace all the units with 'nam units? As long as you don't mind that is.

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Great mission. I had to kill most of the enemy myself to win. I'm a KIA hog. biggrin.gif

Stood by ammo crate and used all the mortars to bombard defensive perimeters from a distance.

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