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Spawning arty smoke shells without arty?

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I wanted to simulate some artillery smoke shell firing, however I would rather avoid actually placing real/virtual arty units on the map and using the arty module if there is an easier solution.

I tried just spawning the shells ("ARTY_Sh_105_SMOKE") at various places but no smoke seems to be generated. Spawning smoke grenades (or HE arty rounds seem to work fine), but those don't provide a sufficient amount of smoke.

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_i = 0;

while {_i < 8} do


_k = createVehicle ["SmokeShell",[(position _base select 0), (position _base select 1),50], [], _size, "NONE"];

_i = _i + 1;

sleep 1.0;



just increase i and the other parameters to get a more extensive smokescreen

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The problem is smoke grenades won't "stack" to cover a bigger area when dropped on top of eachother. While I could spawn many smoke grenades to cover a wide area, I can't spawn them to cover a higher area, which is what the artillery shells are good for, but I can't get them to spawn without actually getting the artillery module to fire them.

This is how 6 rounds of M119 smoke looks like (with the default artillery dispersion) - that is many many times higher than the smoke grenade smoke...


Edited by galzohar

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Take a look at my WP effects for the ACE marker grenade. The cloud is denser and rises higher, like real WP. Use something like that for your smoke and it should make the effect you are looking for.

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Is there no way to just spawn an artillery smoke shell and make it work, just like you can with smoke grenades in the above example? If not I'll probably just resort to the 2nd-simplest solution which is just to have virtual artillery pieces firing the smoke with fire missions...

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Smoke1="ARTY_SmokeShellWhite"  createVehicle [getpos _point1 select 0,getpos _point1 select 1,0];

Try this is will create the smokeshell type thats the same as used by the M119 if it has a ARTY_30Rnd_105mmSMOKE_M119 magazine loaded.

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