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AI cant Board Chopper

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hi guys,

I am making a Dropship for the Warhammer 40k mod and for some reason i cant get the OFP Ai to board the dropship with a squad.

what im i missing?

Edited by RaZoR X

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In your model Memory Lod, do you have some pos cargo vertices that can be accessed by the AI ?


If you don't have such vertices in the memory lod, the AI can't climb in cargo, and if those pos cargo vertices are placed where an AI can't reach it, they will not climb either.

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HI Sanctuary ! :)

yes, I have a pos cargo .

If I am the commander I can load my troops into the vehicle but if I assign an AI squad with a GET IN wave point, the AI will not board chopper.

I am having the same problem with Disembark, I load the Dropship with squad the AI pilot will not land to disembark with a GET OUT wave point.

if you have the time, I could send you my beta so you can take a look at it.

Edited by RaZoR X

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I think it is a mission editing problem, if it was a model problem you could not order the AI to climb in the helo if you are the commander.

You mention the GET IN waypoint for the AI, but have you synchronized this GET IN waypoint with the LOAD waypoint of the helicopter ?

And if it does not work, in the GET IN waypoint, have you tried to add in the "On Activation" line the following :

"_x assignascargo NAMEOFTHEHELICO" foreach units group this; "[_x] ordergetin true" foreach units group this

One of those solutions should work.

EDIT : for the get out not working, try this :


Edited by Sanctuary

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This may happen for 2 reasons that come to mind;

- They think the vehicle is damaged or out of fuel

- They squad leader can't board the main pilot position maybe

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The problem is that your helicopter is way too heavy.

While a human player can slowdown accordingly to his flight plan, the AI is just unable to handle a flying brick.

Lower your geometry lod weight to +/- 6000

I tested with 6000 in weight and the AI does not miss the waypoint and hopelessly fly in circle totally unable to understand the concept of slowing down before approaching.

It can then land at its LOAD waypoint synchronised with the AI squad GETIN waypoint, and it will land at its UNLOAD TRANSPORT waypoint synchronized with the AI squad GETOUT waypoint.

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THANKS Sanctuary!!!!! you are the MAN!!!!!

---------- Post added at 03:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:47 AM ----------

well the dropship flies better now but i cant get the AI to tell his troops to board chopper :(

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this is a simple mission editing issue.

Assuming stormbird is name of vehicle.

Put a trigger around all the units you want to board Stormbird.

name trigger something like strmbrd_trps

set trigger condition to anybody

then type in activation:

{_x assignAsCargo stormbird,[_x] orderGetIn true}forEach list strmbrd_trps

see what happens....

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this is so weird, the only way i could get the AI to board chopper is the Load command

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