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AntiCheat Community looking for ArmA2 representation!

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Hello fellow gamers. I'm GreenBean, the founder of HackHunters which is an open community geared towards promoting fair play in the fps genre of gaming.

We've been around for about 2 years now, have built our existence from the hard work of other gamers and are here to help gamers and clans. We don't ban people but work in other ways to encourage honest game play.... Currently though, we have only a very small representation of gamers from the ArmA community and we'd like to change that.

One way we hope change is possible is to encourage fellow ArmA2 gamers to join our xfire community here: http://www.xfire.com/communities/hackhunters/

We hope that with more ArmA2 people in our community the ArmA2 stats will climb on our xfire site, and that will remind people that play other games, what a great game ArmA2 is.

We hope to see you there, and maybe you can help us serve your communities better. Cheers.

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Hya buddy,, Sounds interesting but im just wondering how you actually trace and prove that a player is hacking ? on arma its quite difficult BUT im guessing the majority would be interested in anything you have that can either catch them or prevent them joining the servers.

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Hi Taxman,

Well HackHunters doesn't actually ban people, but we do help clans prove that someone is cheating, or make suggestions on things they can do to improve their security. For other games we have several methods that can help build a case against an individual typically built around the recording of a video demo, it being the best way to show others that a suspect is doing something suspicious and, especially useful if the cheater isn't detected via PunkBuster, Valve or some other AntiCheat.

Understand that HackHunters does not have enough people from the ArmA community, which is why I'm here. With your help we can then help spread the word on all of the things one can do to put a stop to cheating and as more people add their ideas the ability for cheaters to ruin a game become less of a threat. HackHunters is truly built by gamers, it's not commercial and our yearly budget is just $180. It's a place to spread the word on the best methods to stop cheating, enhance your rig, learn about this and that, but only if people contribute.

We'd be happy to have you and others over to start building a database of knowledge for ArmA or any other first person shooter game. We already have a board for ArmA on our main website ready and waiting. :) that being the second step... the first is just getting people over to our xfire site to help represent the game to the larger community.

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Excellent 6thbravo aka 1ID UKMerc... much appreciated.

also Kalerv0, thanks for joining up. This should help our xFire gaming hours move up the stats.

Everyone should feel free to stop by our main forum too and help enlighten us with regards to AntiCheat in ArmA2. You'll have to register to see the main board.

ahh, i didn't mention but we don't just go after the individual cheater... our group has lots of other avenues to slow down and/or stop cheating like shutting down cheat websites to name one. We have a rather large directory of sites and share this info with all the other AntiCheat organizations that are out there. Check out our HunterBean SOUP for all the new ideas that people have proposed to get a little taste of the possibilities.

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I love an honest game, it makes it that much more challenging and fun for me. Although the problem that I run into being her in the Mid West USA, is the lack of honest dedicated servers and furthermore the speed that is provided.

On a good day I’ll come across about 3 or 4 good pinged servers with people in them, but eventually someone will ruin the experience for everyone else and or the server will crash due to someone connecting with ACE on a non ACE server.

Lately I just have been playing LAN due to this issue.

I’ll join in, but what I’m mostly looking for is an honest, dedicated (locked) and fast server to game in.

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Just wanted to say that I signed your petition and wish you guys best of luck and many cheaters banned.

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Thanks CrazyAce. I understand that finding solid servers that you can get on and have a decent game is an issue. One of our ideas is, instead of having just lists of banned players, supplement that with a list of totally trustworthy players. If there were such a list it would make it very easy to join servers/clans that allowed those who met the criteria to enter. For a game like ArmA2 where many clans make their servers private, it could open them up again to a whole new group of gamers.

Thank McLenin, really appreciate it. Every sig counts.

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Hey Crazyace if you want to hop onto our website you will see a poster on the front page for an upcoming mission we always allow general players who know what they are doing join up and take part even if you aint a member of the unit.

1st Infantry Division

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