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Ofp not running well

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Sometime when i play missions,ofp stop and my pc crashes,take me back to windowxp .i have 1gb ram and 2gb addons.

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Many possible reasons :

1- Some addons can be buggy, leading to crashes, test your addons one by one of desert island without using any mods, if one addon crash , that's a buggy addon.

2- Some built-in scripts in addons or mods can be buggy or too heavy on the computer ressources, leading to crashes. Some addons feature complex scripting, if you add them with mods that have +/- complex scripting, and play mission that have +/- complex scripting, crashing is nearly guaranteed.

3- If the crash happens always when a specific addon is used somewhere in the mission you are playing, or only happen with this addon is used in the same time of a specific mod but would not happen without the mod, script faults or script incompatibilities between addon and mods could be the reason

4- Missions scripts can be buggy or too heavy on ressources, leading to crashes. If the crash happens always at the same mission, even without mods, it could be the reason.

5- 2gb addons, that could be too much for the now old OFP engine.

If you don't need to use all of them in a same time, put them in several mod folders so OFP does not always have to load 2gb of addons at a same time.

This way you launch OFP with your custom mod folder activated to play only with the addons you want/need .

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Good advice,need to follow,

is it possible that i put a bunch of addon at a addon name folder. that make a folde @myaddon and put addon folder in it.is it make a mod.

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I had same problem. I had too much addons. try to make modfolders and sort your addons. It might help.

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I did't understand language.

One new thing if addon goes high than 2gb than there is no sound.

Edited by riffleman

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That is a Russian site. You're required to resister and login to download..sorry. Here is another link.


This works if your addons are located in the "Addons" or "Res\Addons" folders. You can choose what addons you want to load from thoses folders.

Most people choose to use "Mod Folders" to selectively load addons as needed.

It is not advisable to dump a ton of addons into the default addon folders.

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In my pc visibility is very poor i can't see any tank from distance of more than 400 metres.if there is tank fight tank fires and i can't know from where they come.

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