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Server and AddOns

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I hope someone can help me. I'm completely new to ARMA2, I've learned alot, but this one has me baffled. I've searched forums and googled all day trying to figure how to add the addons and run them on a dedicated server. Everything is client side operation that I can find.

I've created a mod folder and placed the addons in it. Placed the -mod@modname at the end of my exe parameters. Then I also added the addon to the mission file (one of the missions my group likes to play).

So the best I can get is, without the mission edit, is no effect at all. With the mission edit I get this error:

Data file to short "MPMission\co40 xxxxxxxx.pbo'. Expected 1904203649b, got 1488851 B

There has got to be some trick or step I'm missing. I'm trying to add the norrn_dbo_fastrope addon to a Domination map. Does this have to be done in the editor, or can it just be added as I'm trying to do as the directions for the addon said. I've tried editing the mission through notepad and notepad++. Any ideas. Thanks.

And I hope I got this thread in the right place.

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Data file to short "MPMission\co40 xxxxxxxx.pbo'. Expected 1904203649b, got 1488851 B

means the mission file was not uploaded correctly. Upload it again.

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Ok, Its what I thought, I had to unpbo the file before editing the mission then repack it. The addon still doesn't work, but that may require some scripting. Here I go into scripting. I'm learning

Thanks Sneaker and Jman for your help. Extra thanks to you Jman for your guide. Its the primary reason I was able to get the server up 2 months ago.

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