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Camera problem... HELP!

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Hi there guys!

I'm new into this community and i've been having a trouble while making camera move in ArmA II...

When i say "move" i mean that the camera won't move to another coordinate AND neither won't look to another coordenate/object.

I use the normal ArmA I script for using the camera...

What i'm actually needing here is to know what's the NEW sript that i have to use in ArmA II.

Thanks guys!

---------- Post added at 10:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:01 PM ----------

PS: I also needed to know how to add sounds/music and i got a problem with the modules... You see, in hte ArmA II that i bought in the editor the "Modules (F7)" doesn't appear... I already readed the tread "No Editing threads here please." i'll apreciate if you could indicate to my witch ones are the editing.. or if one of these that i just asked for help..

Again, Thanks guys!

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Please do not crosspost (posting the same thread in different forums). If you posted in the wrong forum by accident, report your post and we move it.

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Can you post the script (or a representative portion of it) that you're using for the camera? "the normal ArmA I script" doesn't mean much to me...

Re the modules, are you running the current patch (1.05)? My memory could well be faulty, but I think maybe one of the first released versions of ArmA 2 didn't include the modules thingy in the editor.

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Actually now i fixed my camera problem... but anotherone just pop-up!!!

You see, i now know how to make the camera move in ArmA II, but, when i place mora than 3 coordinates into the camera script... The camera will ONLY do the last coordinate... look at this:

_camera = "CAMERA" camCreate [3586.29,3521.55,21.17];

_camera cameraEffect ["INTERNAL", "BACK"];

_camera camPrepareTarget [-53999.71,-54233.82,57903.27];

_camera camPreparePos [3586.29,3521.55,21.17];

_camera camPrepareFOV 0.034;

_camera camCommitPrepared 0;

_camera camPrepareTarget [-64971.27,66001.25,-37325.42];

_camera camPreparePos [3586.29,3521.55,21.17];

_camera camPrepareFOV 0.677;

_camera camCommitPrepared 10;

BUT, if i add one more:

_camera = "CAMERA" camCreate [3586.29,3521.55,21.17];

_camera cameraEffect ["INTERNAL", "BACK"];

_camera camPrepareTarget [-53999.71,-54233.82,57903.27];

_camera camPreparePos [3586.29,3521.55,21.17];

_camera camPrepareFOV 0.034;

_camera camCommitPrepared 0;

_camera camPrepareTarget [-64971.27,66001.25,-37325.42];

_camera camPreparePos [3586.29,3521.55,21.17];

_camera camPrepareFOV 0.677;

_camera camCommitPrepared 10;

_camera camPrepareTarget [-64567.47,46601.25,-37325.52];

_camera camPreparePos [3582.59,3521.55,21.17];

_camera camPrepareFOV 0.670;

_camera camCommitPrepared 10;

then the camera will start rolling from the last coordinate that i've gave to it WITHOUT ROLLING THE FIRST 2...

And that's all that i can say about it....

and to: Gladius, thanks but i've seen the video and that's not what i'm looking for... And the vides was made for ArmA I and i'm talking bout ArmA II..

Thanks for your help guys!

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The camera stuff is the same in both games.

Why would you think your script would have the camera pause between positions? What's there to tell the script not to immediately move to the next lines of code, thus repositioning the camera?

Normally one puts either a fixed delay using "sleep 5;" (for SQF) or "~5" (for SQS) after each camCommit 0 or camCommitPrepared 0.

One also normally puts either "waitUntil { camCommitted _camera };" (for SQF) or "@camCommitted _camera" (for SQS) so the script will halt processing until the camera has finished moving to the new position - that's for the lines you're using a delay in the committal time.

Pretty sure that'd be explained in that video Gladius linked to... again, nothing's changed in Arma 2 here, it's all the same stuff, there's no reason to do Arma2-specific camera tutorials.

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uh, sorry to dissapoint you.. but yes, they've changed... and the "sleep 5" or "waitUntil { camCommitted _camera };" didn't work...

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Hi there

here is n example of one block of a cam.sqs

_camera camPrepareTarget us2
_camera camPreparePos [7784.02,6018.03,1.34]
_camera camPrepareFOV 0.328
_camera camCommitPrepared 0
@camCommitted _camera

without the "@camCommitted_camera" line the script won't work properly. In the first line I didn't use coordinates but I'm targeting a specific unit named us2. JFI. I have no problems as long as the script lines are complete. You are missing a fundamental part with this piece of code to get your script run properly.



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uh, sorry to dissapoint you.. but yes, they've changed...

If it's changed, then why are all the camera commands still the same since Operation Flashpoint, i.e. the game before Arma 1? :)

For example, here's a thread on the forums from 2002 which you'll see is remarkably similar to what's been discussed here.

and the "sleep 5" or "waitUntil { camCommitted _camera };" didn't work...

Are you running your own script with "exec" or "execVM"?

If you're using exec, then your script needs to be written using the SQS syntax. It's what camera.sqs will generate to the clipboard, so it's common to use that for cutscenes even if you normally use SQF for everything else. However, the camera.sqs also adds the @camCommitted line, so since you've been missing that all along

SQS has a few differences to SQF, most notably with how it does branching and looping. But for a simple linear script like most cutscenes use, the only interesting differences are:

SQS is line delimited, that is, each command has to be on its own line. SQF is semi-colon delimited, i.e. each command has to end with a semi-colon, and newlines are just aesthetic.

SQS uses "~seconds" for a sleep, while SQF has a function called sleep.

SQS uses "@condition" to pause the script until "condition" evaluates as true. SQF has the waitUntil command to achieve the same effect.

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Alright, nettucker: i am using a SQF script. So if you could explain it the way that a SQF and not a SQS is... That way i could understand much easyer...

And, i propose you something guys... 'cause my problem is that i cannot apply more than 3 coordinates in my script... otherwise i'll avoid the first one and jump to the third one...i propose you something: YOU make a script with 5 coordinates in utes island and test it... If it worked for you i, for myself, will observe what you did in da script and learn it for myself without making you no more trouble okay?


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I'm at work at the moment so I can't upload an actual demo. If nobody else does beforehand I will do when I get home tonight.

SQF script should look something like:

_camera = "CAMERA" camCreate [3586.29,3521.55,21.17];
_camera cameraEffect ["INTERNAL", "BACK"];

_camera camPrepareTarget [-53999.71,-54233.82,57903.27];
_camera camPreparePos [3586.29,3521.55,21.17];
_camera camPrepareFOV 0.034;
_camera camCommitPrepared 0;
waitUntil { camCommitted _camera };

_camera camPrepareTarget [-64971.27,66001.25,-37325.42];
_camera camPreparePos [3586.29,3521.55,21.17];
_camera camPrepareFOV 0.677;
_camera camCommitPrepared 10;
waitUntil { camCommitted _camera };

_camera camPrepareTarget [-64567.47,46601.25,-37325.52];
_camera camPreparePos [3582.59,3521.55,21.17];
_camera camPrepareFOV 0.670;
_camera camCommitPrepared 10;
waitUntil { camCommitted _camera };

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I'll try but....



---------- Post added at 05:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:08 PM ----------

Wow dude, you really are a nice cinematographic guy!

i really appreciate this..

thanks cya!

PS: James cameros stills the best ¬¬

---------- Post added at 05:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:13 PM ----------

I'll do my own camera cutscene and i'll send it to ya... My E.T.A. of MY master piece is: 1 month or 2 weeks...

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