SpetsnazWarriorX 0 Posted July 14, 2002 I want to make a series of cutscenes for my mission. What I would like to have is one at the beginning of the mission, before the mission actually starts, and another when a certain unit dies. I've read all the camera scripting tutorials, and they look bloody hard! I guess I should stay away from making cutscenes...? Or is there an easy way to make them - I have them all pictured in my head, all I need for them is to come alive Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bosun 0 Posted July 14, 2002 Okay well, l haven't attempted cutscenes until recently so this infor is really kindergrade stuff, but it might get you started.  If you make yourself a little testmission, player and one unit (setbehaviour careless and put your rifle on back) place them a couple of meters apart.  Copy the following script into a cameratest.sqs and put in your mission file.  Then activate with trigger or waypoint.; [player] exec "cameratest.sqs" titletext ["camera test...","PLAIN DOWN",3] ~2.4 _cam = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0] _cam cameraeffect ["internal", "back"] _cam camsettarget player _cam camsetrelpos [0,0.5,1.6] _cam camcommit 0 @camcommitted _cam ~2 titlecut [" ","BLACK IN",2] _cam camsettarget unit2 _cam camsetrelpos [3,1.5,1.6] _cam camcommit 6 @camcommitted _cam ~2 _cam CamSetFOV 0.05 _cam camCommit 8 @camcommitted _cam ~2 _cam camsettarget unit2 _cam camsetrelpos [0,0.9,1.7] _cam camcommit 5 @camcommitted _cam ~2 _cam cameraeffect ["terminate", "back"] camdestroy _cam ~1 exit Now just change some of the numbers and play.  Sorry forgot, name your second unit=  unit 2.   The three numbers; first is left to right,  0 being unit's center. Second number is front and back.  Third is the height.  _cam = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0] _cam cameraeffect ["internal", "back"] these two lines create the camera. _cam camsettarget player _cam camsetrelpos [0,0.5,1.6]; these two give the camera to whomever you designate. In this case the camera is on player, 0= center, 0.5= very close, 1.6= height of camera. _cam CamSetFOV 0.05    ; this line zooms the camera in or  out. _cam cameraeffect ["terminate", "back"] camdestroy _cam ~1   ; these lines obviously kill the camera and return you to your mission. Now as l've said...kindergrade stuff....so hopefully some movieveterans will give you more. (LauryThorn/dvChrisDeath). Hope it gives you a start. ps.  Simply put all you have to do is create camera, place camera (ie player, other units, vehicles, etc) move it in, out, rotate, (porn) and then destroy the camera. One more thing; _cam camcommit 6 @camcommitted _cam ~2 The first line (6) is how long it will take camera to move to and from positions. The second (~2) How long camera will stay in that position. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites