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-EC- Maciek

Ubuntu 9.10

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Does anyone tried Arma Server witch Ubuntu 9.10 (32bit, 64 bit) or Ubuntu 9.10 Server Edition (32 bit,64 bit) ? And what's the resoults ?

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I'm not personally running arma2server on Ubuntu but I'm sure it will run just fine and I know of a lot of people who run it fine under Ubuntu so.

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Now I'm on Ubuntu 9.10 Server Edition and got this:

maciej@vizjer:/home/arma2/arma2$ ./server

Unsupported language English in stringtable

Unsupported language English in stringtable

Unsupported language English in stringtable

17:09:14 Dedicated host created.

17:09:15 BattlEye Server: Initialized (v1.069)

17:09:15 Host identity created.

ArmA 2 Console version 1.05 : port 2302 - Sockets

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Looks fine to me. I don't remember exactly why those error messages appear, but it shouldn't be dangerous.

This is the key:

17:09:15 Host identity created.

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Stringtable errors usually don't matter..

Just try to connect and check the results

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I am running it on 8.04.3 and the way I start it is ~/arma2/arma2server start

But you have to edit the arma2server, server.cfg and arma2.cfg files first

I am having problems with it being announced on GameSpy, sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't

It always starts with a line:

nohup: redirecting stderr to stdout

But if that line doesn't return to a prompt it doesn't announce although I can access it over my LAN so it works. Also it seems that I sometimes have to stop and start FireStarter (IPTables config) to get it to announce.

Also - even when it's up on GameSpy in multiplayer it shows on http://arma2.swec.se as down, or if I'm lucky waiting


Edit: Should the second half of this be a new post ?

Edited by dik23

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using 9.10 Netbook Remix on my extra Destop comp. here is the variables


and add the bold if you are serving w/ mod checks ${SERVER} >>${LOGFILE} 2>&1 -server -config=${CONFIG} -port=${PORT} -pid=${PIDFILE} -mod=${MOD}

I start it with ./arma2server start or sudo ./arma2server start

Works almost perfect except for the ping on Internet list shows 2500 but when I join its correct 1-5 ping. Pinging my routers WAN ip gives me 50-60 ping which is what it's supposed to be, but that's not Linux's fault. The same comp has XP -dual boot- and gives the exact same result. The Linux server does seem less laggy and also shows +3 average FPS compared to when it's run on XP. EDIT: When I say +3 FPS I'm looking at it with the #monitor command.

Edited by Rexxenexx

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Running server 1.05 on Ubuntu Server 9.10 64-bit - Confirmed working after installing the ia32-libs.


Though I'm getting a strange time out issue randomly throughout games. Singles out players and they lose connection.

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I start it with ./arma2server start or sudo ./arma2server start

Are you sure running it as root is a good idea, esp since it's open to the world ?

I have it set up to run under a new user "game" which has no privileges and start using the command

sudo -u game ./arma2server start

Am even thinking of chroot jailing game, just in case !

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Yea that's a better way. If you're having problems with the server test it out as su and adjust your permissions if it works.

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