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Making addon vehicles use ACE damage/crew settings?

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Hello guys,

I'm new to modding ARMA but am eager to learn.

I'd like to start off by trying to incorperate ACE realism settings "IE damage, ballistics, crew protection, fuel and ammo explosion possibilities ect. With Vilas T55 tank.

I have the tools I need to open the Config.bin files ect. Do I have to pack the T55 files in with ACE mod pbo, Or Can I keep it a seperate PBO and just tell the T55 config file to use ACE effects and parameters ect?.

Edited by TristanYockell

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Hello guys,

I'm new to modding ARMA but am eager to learn.

I'd like to start off by trying to incorperate ACE realism settings "IE damage, ballistics, crew protection, fuel and ammo explosion possibilities ect. With Vilas T55 tank.

I have the tools I need to open the Config.bin files ect. Do I have to pack the T55 files in with ACE mod pbo, Or Can I keep it a seperate PBO and just tell the T55 config file to use ACE effects and parameters ect?.

you can keep it in a different pbo just as well.

The best thing to do would be NOT to inherit from ACE classes, since it will create a dependency between those, but rather to check the values and use those in vilas configs, so you can use those without ACE loaded

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you can keep it in a different pbo just as well.

The best thing to do would be NOT to inherit from ACE classes, since it will create a dependency between those, but rather to check the values and use those in vilas configs, so you can use those without ACE loaded

The tank seems to be running error free in editor, but it does not appear to be showing damage done to hull and turret..... only engine and tracks like usual.

How does the config look so far?, bold parts are what I have added. :

class vil_t55 : vil_tank {

vehicleClass = "VIL_RU_VEH";

class Library {

libTextDesc = "T-55 tank";


faction = "VIL_RU_VEH_Army";

scope = 2;

crew = "RU_Soldier_Crew";

side = 0;

accuracy = 0.3;

picture = "\ca\tracked\Data\ico\t72_CA.paa";

Icon = "\vilas_st\t55ico.paa";

mapSize = 8;

model = "\vilas_st\bds_t55";

displayName = "T-55";

armor = 425;

nameSound = "tank";

maxSpeed = 65;

hiddenSelections[] = {"pruh"};

transportSoldier = 0;

hasCommander = 1;

class TransportMagazines {};

transportAmmo = 0;

supplyRadius = 1.7;

cost = 200000;

canFloat = 0;

typicalCargo[] = {"SoldiereCrew"};

viewCargoShadow = 1;

threat[] = {0.5, 0.5, 0.1};

class Exhausts {

class Exhaust1 {

position = "vyfuk start";

direction = "vyfuk konec";

effect = "ExhaustsEffectBig";

class HitPoints: HitPoints {

class HitEngine {

armor = 0.600000;

material = -1;

name = "motor";

passThrough = 0;


class HitHull {

armor = 0.710000;

material = -1;

name = "telo";

passThrough = 0;


class HitLTrack {

armor = 0.450000;

material = -1;

name = "pas_L";

passThrough = 0;


class HitRTrack {

armor = 0.450000;

material = -1;

name = "pas_P";

passThrough = 0;

}; };

soundGetIn[] = {"\ca\Tracked\Data\Sound\metal_door2", 0.01, 1};

soundGetOut[] = {"\ca\Tracked\Data\Sound\metal_door2", 0.00316228, 1};

soundEnviron[] = {"\ca\Tracked\Data\Sound\M1A2_track_v2", 5.01187, 1.1};

soundEngineOnInt[] = {"ca\sounds\Vehicles\Tracked\T72\int\int-tank-diesel-start-2", 1.0, 1.0};

soundEngineOnExt[] = {"ca\SOUNDS\Vehicles\Tracked\T72\ext\ext-tank-diesel-start-2", 2.51189, 1.0, 500};

soundEngineOffInt[] = {"ca\sounds\vehicles\Tracked\T72\int\int-tank-diesel-stop-1", 1.0, 1.0};

soundEngineOffExt[] = {"ca\sounds\vehicles\Tracked\T72\ext\ext-tank-diesel-stop-1", 1.0, 0.8, 500};

driverAction = "BMP2_Driver";

driverInAction = "BMP2_Driver";

driverOpticsModel = "\ca\Tracked\optika_tank_driver";

cargoAction[] = {"Stryker_Cargo01"};

driverForceOptics = 1;

forceHideDriver = 0;

class Turrets : Turrets {

class MainTurret : MainTurret {

body = "OtocVez";

gun = "OtocHlaven";

startengine = 0;

gunnerAction = "Abrams_Gunner";

gunnerInAction = "Abrams_Gunner";

weapons[] = {"vil_t55_D10", PKT};

magazines[] = {"vil_t55mag_AP", "vil_t55mag_SB", "vil_t55mag_HE", "2000Rnd_762x54_PKT"};

soundServo[] = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\gun_elevate", 0.00316228, 1};

forceHideGunner = 1;

stabilizedInAxes = "StabilizedInAxesNone";

gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\weapons\2Dscope_T90gun12";

gunnerOpticsEffect[] = {"TankGunnerOptics2", "OpticsBlur1", "OpticsCHAbera1"};

gunnerForceOptics = 1;

gunneroutOpticsModel = "\ca\weapons\optika_empty";

memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos driver";

memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos driver dir";

animationSourceBody = "otocvez";

animationSourceGun = "otochlaven";

class Turrets : Turrets {

class CommanderOptics : CommanderOptics {

body = "otocvelitele";

gun = "obsgun";

animationSourceBody = "com_coppula";

animationSourceGun = "com_coppula";

animationSourceHatch = "hatchCommander";

memoryPointGunnerOptics = "commanderview";

memoryPointGunnerOutOptics = "";

gunBeg = "commanderview";

gunEnd = "commanderview";

forceHideGunner = 0;

minElev = -25;

maxElev = 60;

initElev = 0;

minTurn = -360;

maxTurn = 360;

initTurn = 0;

weapons[] = {};

magazines[] = {};

outGunnerMayFire = 0;

inGunnerMayFire = 0;

gunnerForceOptics = 1;

gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\weapons\2Dscope_RUAA5";

gunnerOpticsEffect[] = {"TankGunnerOptics1", "OpticsBlur2", "OpticsCHAbera3"};gunneroutOpticsModel = "\ca\weapons\optika_empty";

gunnerAction = "T72_GunnerOut";

gunnerInAction = "T72_Gunner";

proxyType = "CPCommander";

proxyIndex = 1;


primaryGunner = 0;

primaryObserver = 1;

gunnerIsCommander = 1;

commanding = 1;


class loaderOptics : NewTurret {

body = "gcp";

gun = "OtocHlaven_1";

weapons[] = {"DSHKM"};

magazines[] = {"50Rnd_127x107_DSHKM", "50Rnd_127x107_DSHKM", "50Rnd_127x107_DSHKM", "50Rnd_127x107_DSHKM"};

animationSourceBody = "OtocVez_2";

animationSourceGun = "OtocHlaven_1";

animationSourceHatch = "Hatch_loader";

stabilizedInAxes = "StabilizedInAxesNone";

selectionFireAnim = "zasleh_1";

memoryPointGunnerOptics = "loaderview";

memoryPointGunneroutOptics = "loader_weapon_view";

memoryPointGun = "loaderpointgun";

forceHideGunner = 0;

gunBeg = "loader_muzzle";

gunEnd = "loader_chamber";

minElev = -25;

maxElev = 60;

initElev = 0;

minTurn = -360;

maxTurn = 360;

initTurn = 0;

hasGunner = 1;

primaryGunner = -2;

primaryObserver = -2;

outGunnerMayFire = 1;

inGunnerMayFire = 0;

gunnerForceOptics = 1;

gunnerAction = "T72_CommanderOut";

gunnerInAction = "T72_Commander";

gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\Tracked\optika_tank_driver";

gunneroutOpticsModel = "\ca\weapons\optika_empty";

memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos driver";

memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos driver dir";

gunnerName = Loader;

proxyType = "CPGunner";

proxyIndex = 2;

startEngine = 0;

class ViewOptics {

initAngleX = 0;

minAngleX = -30;

maxAngleX = 30;

initAngleY = 0;

minAngleY = -100;

maxAngleY = 100;

initFov = 0.5;

minFov = 0.5;

maxFov = 0.5;


class ViewGunner {

initAngleX = 5;

minAngleX = -30;

maxAngleX = 30;

initAngleY = 0;

minAngleY = 0;

maxAngleY = 0;

initFov = 0.5;

minFov = 0.5;

maxFov = 0.5;


class HitPoints {

class HitTurret {

armor = 0.870000;

material = -1;

name = "vez";

passThrough = 1;


class HitGun {

armor = 1;

material = -1;

name = "zbran";

passThrough = 0;






class Damage {

tex[] = {};

mat[] = {"vilas_st\r55\t55_body.rvmat", "vilas_st\r55\t55_body.rvmat", "vilas_st\r55\t55_body_de.rvmat", "vilas_st\r55\t55_gun.rvmat", "vilas_st\r55\t55_gun.rvmat", "vilas_st\r55\t55_gun_de.rvmat", "vilas_st\r55\t55_tlt.rvmat", "vilas_st\r55\t55_tlt.rvmat", "vilas_st\r55\t55_tlt_de.rvmat", "vilas_st\r55\t55_tlt2.rvmat", "vilas_st\r55\t55_tlt2.rvmat", "vilas_st\r55\t55_tlt2_de.rvmat", "vilas_st\r55\t55_wheel.rvmat", "vilas_st\r55\t55_wheel.rvmat", "vilas_st\r55\t55_wheel_de.rvmat", "vilas_st\r55\t55_track.rvmat", "vilas_st\r55\t55_track.rvmat", "vilas_st\r55\t55_track_de.rvmat"};



Edited by TristanYockell

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thats because you need to add the selections (vez,zbran,telo,motor) in the p3d wich you cant because it's binirized . ask vilas he might give the mlod to edit

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Consistency in these matters is of great importance to Vilas according to my recollection of a recent discussion, I'm sure he would accommodate you by creating whatever selections were required or suitable equivalents. This is a good initiative, I hope you can collaborate successfully together.

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