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Overview.html help

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Hello, I'm trying to make an overview.html file for one of my missions but I'm having some trouble getting the picture to show up.

	<title>Crash and Grab</title>
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
	<p align="center"><img src="pic.jpg" width="256" height="256"></p>
	<p>US special forces extract a downed pilot from an enemy camp.</p>

In my missions folder there is an image called "pic" which is a jpeg file. I'm using EMSI's Arma 2 Edit program to make the overview and the text will show up fine however arma 2 cannot find the image. I've tried pic, pic.jpg, pic.jpeg etc but it says it can't find the image.

How do I get the image to show up? I've followed the guide in the biki but I'm stuck. :(

***Ah sorry ignore this, I got it to show up***

Edited by AnimalMother92
figured it out

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Here is an overview I am using for a campaign that is in development:


<title>Operation Kibruli Freedom</title>

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<p align="center">by Andy455 - v0.1</p>
<p align="center"><img src="overviewpic.jpg" width="512" height="256"></p>
<p align="center">Brief description :)</p>


I have the picture in the main folder, and note that dimensions are all 2^n (2,4,8,16,32 etc) but width and height can be different.

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don't use 512. I had problems with that. I changed mine and it shows up fine now every time. In the mission folder I have the image which is 256x128 named "pic" and it is a jpeg

	<title>Crash and Grab</title>
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
	<p align="center"><img src="pic.jpg" width="256" height="128"></p>
	<p>US special forces extract a downed pilot from an enemy camp.</p>

That's what's been working for me at least.

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I couldn't get it to work either by using the .jpg extension. It does work with the .paa extension though. There's a plug in somwhere which permits you to save as paa format in photoshop. I have no idea why but I couldn't make it work with jpg format.

Kind regards


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Last night I was able to get a 256x128px .jpg working fine for mine, but I'm pretty sure that you can't go much bigger than that.

I know that .paa also works - as linked by cuel, you can use TexView to convert a .tga file into a .paa (pretty sure .jpg won't work as TexView is horribly unstable and will crash at a moments notice-- best thing to do is drop in the .tga, save wherever and drag to your folder if necessary), then simply link the .paa as you would your .jpg. But again, if you have the correct dimensions, you should still be able to use .jpg.

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