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Steal the Boat

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Hi guys

Sequel mission to Steal the Ural, creatively titled, Steal the Boat. This mission should be more of a challenge as it uses DAC and covers a large area. Would have had this out earlier but I was busy with other things and was enjoying my Christmas holidays too much. Thought I would wrap it up for new year. Hope all of you enjoy it.

Old Download:


v1.0 Download:



WW4 mod:




Happy new year! Hope it's good for all of you.

Edited by Snafu

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Did anybody manage to give it a go yet?

I started last night. I'm not getting very far...keep getting nailed by roving patrols or armor. This is a tough one, but so far no bugs or complaints.

I'm experimenting with different strategies...barreling through with the truck (I made it to the boat, but with a truck-load of dead soldiers), on foot...we survive for a while, but gradually get killed off. I'm not giving up though...just need to work through it.

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Yah i completed,by luck when i target bmp from t55 crew is dead.i get in as driver no one shoot at me i easliy completed this one.hurrah!

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I started last night. I'm not getting very far...keep getting nailed by roving patrols or armor. This is a tough one, but so far no bugs or complaints.

I'm experimenting with different strategies...barreling through with the truck (I made it to the boat, but with a truck-load of dead soldiers), on foot...we survive for a while, but gradually get killed off. I'm not giving up though...just need to work through it.

Thanks for giving it a try.

If it is too hard I have a few changes in mind that should lessen the difficulty but keep the challenge there.

Also, if the soldiers are too much of a pain, I'll reduce them. I might just give you a medic with a sniper rifle and/or AT weapon.

In the next version I'll add a voice for the one solitary line. Might also put in the health and stamina addon again.

Yah i completed,by luck when i target bmp from t55 crew is dead.i get in as driver no one shoot at me i easliy completed this one.hurrah!


I thought I removed most of the fuel from it.

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Something you can do, to allow the player to select his prefered mission difficulty is this :

In your mission add a description.ext that will have

#define ST_LEFT      0
#define ST_RIGHT     1
#define ST_CENTER    2
#define ST_MULTI        16
#define ST_SHADOW       256
#define ST_NO_RECT      512
#define CT_STATIC    0
#define ST_PICTURE   48
#define FontM "tahomaB36"
#define FontHTML "CourierNewB64"
#define CT_ACTIVETEXT 11
#define CT_BUTTON   1
#define ST_FRAME   64
#define CT_EDIT    2
#define CT_COMBO                 4
#define CT_LISTBOX               5
#define CT_SLIDER     3
#define ST_HPOS       0x0F

class RscText
       type = CT_STATIC;
       idc = -1;
       style = ST_LEFT;
       colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
       colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
       font = FontM;
       sizeEx = 0.04;

class RscPicture
       type = CT_STATIC;
       idc = -1;
       style = ST_PICTURE;
       colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
       colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
       font = FontM;
       sizeEx = 0.04;

class RscActiveText
       type = CT_ACTIVETEXT;
       idc = -1;
       style = ST_LEFT;
       color[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
       colorActive[] = {1, 0, 0, 1};
       font = FontM;
       sizeEx = 0.04;
       soundEnter[] = {"ui\ui_over", 0.2, 1};
       soundPush[] = {, 0.2, 1};
       soundClick[] = {"ui\ui_ok", 0.2, 1};
       soundEscape[] = {"ui\ui_cc", 0.2, 1};
       default = false;

class RscButton
       type = CT_BUTTON;
       idc = -1;
       style = ST_CENTER;
       colorText[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
       font = FontHTML;
       sizeEx = 0.025;
       soundPush[] = {, 0.2, 1};
       soundClick[] = {"ui\ui_ok", 0.2, 1};
       soundEscape[] = {"ui\ui_cc", 0.2, 1};
       default = false;

class RscFrame
       type = CT_STATIC;
       idc = -1;
       style = ST_FRAME;
       colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
       colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
       font = FontM;
       sizeEx = 0.04;

class RscEdit
      type = CT_EDIT;
      idc = -1;
      style = ST_LEFT;
      font = FontHTML;
      sizeEx = 0.02;
      colorText[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
      colorSelection[] = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1};
      autocomplete = false;
      text = ;

class RscLB_C
       style = ST_LEFT;
       idc = -1;
       colorSelect[] = {0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1};
       colorSelectBackground[] = {0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1};
       colorText[] = {0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1};
       colorBackground[] = {0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1};
       font = FontHTML;
       sizeEx = 0.025;
       rowHeight = 0.04;

class RscListBox: RscLB_C
       type = CT_LISTBOX;

class RscCombo: RscLB_C
       type = CT_COMBO;
       wholeHeight = 0.3;

class RscSliderH
           type = CT_SLIDER;
           style = ST_HPOS;
           color[] = {0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1};
           idc = -1;
           sizeEx = 0.025;

class difficultdialog
 idd = -1;
 movingEnable = true;
 controlsBackground[] = {};
 objects[] = { };
 controls[] = {BUTTON1, BUTTON2, TEXT3};
class BUTTON1 : RscButton
 x = 0.19
 y = 0.3
 idc = -1
 w = 0.29
 h = 0.2
 style = ST_CENTER
 colorText[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
font = "CourierNewB64"
 SizeEX = 0.03
text = "Difficulty EASY"
action = "HARDdiff=0;okdialog=1;closeDialog 0"
default = false
class BUTTON2 : RscButton
 x = 0.51
 y = 0.3
 idc = -1
 w = 0.29
 h = 0.2
 style = ST_CENTER
 colorText[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
font = "CourierNewB64"
 SizeEX = 0.03
text = "Difficulty HARD"
action = "HARDdiff=1;okdialog=1;closeDialog 0"
default = false
class TEXT3 : RscText
 x = 0.35
 y = 0.14
 idc = -1
 w = 0.6
 h = 0.1
 style = ST_LEFT
 colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
 colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
font = "TahomaB36"
 SizeEX = 0.04
text = "Select the difficulty"

(dialog quickly done with the dialog maker )

Then in the init.sqs of your mission, have :


opnDlg = createDialog "difficultdialog"
?(okdialog == 0): goto "start"
? (HARDdiff == 1): goto "harder"

;;;there goes your commands

;;;there goes your commands

Ingame when launching the mission, there will be 2 button to click on.

Pressing escape (that usually close a dialog) accidentally will relaunch the dialog until the player have clicked on the option he wants.

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bmp has enough fuel to reach abonded base man,check that and try you can than know.

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Have only played it twice first time I died very fast because I forgot to wait for DAC to load which spawned a group right next to me.

Second time I just got out of the forest with the other mercenaries when I am surrounded by tanks and infantry and is massacred.


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Okay...I finished successfully yesterday. I met up with the group and then proceeded on foot south a ways, and then turned southeast through the forest. Moving quickly across open ground, using the terrain and going to cover when troops are spotted we were able to cross from one forest to the next, heading east. We did this until we got to the coast south of the boat. Then it was just a matter of following the coastline to the boat and leaving.

Never fired a shot and lost no one KIA or wounded. Only issue was the trigger for endgame is small and if you don't navigate exactly to it you'll cruise right by and miss it. I had to turn around and head back in until I hit it, ending the game. Maybe make it a larger north/south rectangle? Or put an LST out there as something to steer to?

The spawning units are great! There is no predictability and it makes for a great mission.

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Thanks for that Sanctuary! Looks great and I'll put it in the next version.

Thanks for the reports all. I'll make some changes.

- Fill "gaps" between the DAC zones

- Set it at night or at least with some level of darkness

- Reduce the AI buddies you get

- Bug fixes

The spawning units are great! There is no predictability and it makes for a great mission.

Thanks to the Dynamic AI Creator. One of the best things to come out for OFP.

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I've been playing - haven't finished. It's fun!

edit: Yes, setting it at night, or close to it, would improve the atmosphere.

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I think inserting paratroopers when player joinig his freinds will make this very hard,

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Mission updated to 1.0.




- Changed mission time to night

- Reduced friendly AI squadmates to 1

- Added more DAC Zones to fill gaps and add ambient combat. That shooting you hear? Western and Eastern troops fighting

- Added STGN's M4


WW4 mod:




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reducing friends in a mission is not good,but its your choice,going to try again,

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Flattered to see my M4 used, although if I had the choice I would have wanted the ACOG version for this mission. :)

the mission is quit difficult, not alot of fighting but sneaking and being very aware of the surroundings until you pass Montingac. Are the soldiers in the last base suppose to be dead or where that just the coalition forces random work?


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I find some unit in way,jungle path i use.but still it is easy mission.

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Flattered to see my M4 used, although if I had the choice I would have wanted the ACOG version for this mission. :)

the mission is quit difficult, not alot of fighting but sneaking and being very aware of the surroundings until you pass Montingac. Are the soldiers in the last base suppose to be dead or where that just the coalition forces random work?


Well it's a great addon.

I'll add in other the other M4 weapons for the next version. Feel free to open up the mission and change the weapon. The script to edit is STGNloadout.sqs IIRC.

Yeah, they are supposed to be dead. :)

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