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Gunter Severloh

Evolution Blue Edit

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Hey Guys,

Im doing a small edit of the MP mission Evolution Blue which is just for My unit and I as we play the mission alot, i have a few questions that are fairly simple and I have an idea of what to do but im not totally 100% sure if it is correct.

The 2 scripts below are for a Ka chopper and an Su34 fighter plane.

What i need to know is what is the spawn time on thechopper and plane as what id' lke to do is increase the spawn time for them, it seems like in the mission they show up way to frequent and it ruins the mission as one is getting shot down or blown up just to travel from one city to the next:

SQF makeka

if (not (local server)) exitwith {};
for [{_loop=0}, {_loop<1}, {_loop=_loop}] do
_starts = [ka1,ka2,ka3,ka4];
_poscreate = position (_starts select (round random 3));

_pilot = createGroup (east);
"SoldierEPilot" createUnit [_poscreate, _pilot];
_recy = [_pilot,"none",objNull] spawn {[_this select 0,_this select 1,_this select 2] call EVO_gRecy};
//if(isNull (units _pilot select 0)) exitWith {};
_heli = createVehicle ["KA50", _poscreate, [], 5000, "FLY"];
_heli setpos [getpos _heli select 0, getpos _heli select 1, 500];
_heli setdir (random 359);
_heli engineon true;

//"MarianQuandt" createUnit [position tpos1, _pilot];
(units _pilot select 0) assignAsDriver _heli;
(units _pilot select 0) moveInDriver _heli;
//(units _pilot select 0) setBehaviour "AWARE";
_pilot setCombatMode "RED";

_handle = [_pilot] execVM "scripts\flightpath.sqf";
{_x addEventHandler ["killed", {handle = [_this select 0] execVM "scripts\bury.sqf"}]} forEach (units _pilot);
_heli addEventHandler ["killed", {handle = [_this select 0] execVM "scripts\bury.sqf"}];

sleep 1.0;
waitUntil {not (alive _heli) or isNull (driver _heli)};
sleep 1.0;
if (alive _heli) then {_heli setdammage 1;};
if (alive (units _pilot select 0)) then {(units _pilot select 0) setdammage 1};
sleep 600.0;

SQF makesu

if (not (local server)) exitwith {};
for [{_loop=0}, {_loop<1}, {_loop=_loop}] do
_starts = [ka1,ka2,ka3,ka4];
_poscreate = position (_starts select (round random 3));

_pilot = createGroup (east);

"SoldierEPilot" createUnit [position tpos2, _pilot];
"SoldierEPilot" createUnit [position tpos2, _pilot];
_recy = [_pilot,"none",objNull] spawn {[_this select 0,_this select 1,_this select 2] call EVO_gRecy};
//if(isNull (units _pilot select 0)) exitWith {};
_heli = createVehicle ["Su34", _poscreate, [], 100, "FLY"];
_heli setpos [getpos _heli select 0, getpos _heli select 1, 200];
_heli setdir (random 359);
_heli engineon true;
_vec setVelocity [200, 0, 0];
_sumark = [_heli] execVM "scripts\sumarker.sqf";
(units _pilot select 0) assignAsDriver _heli;
(units _pilot select 1) assignAsGunner _heli;

(units _pilot select 0) moveInDriver _heli;
(units _pilot select 1) moveInGunner _heli;
//player moveInGunner _heli;

//_pilot setSpeedMode "LIMITED";
_pilot setCombatMode "RED";
{_x addEventHandler ["killed", {handle = [_this select 0] execVM "scripts\bury.sqf"}]} forEach (units _pilot);
_heli addEventHandler ["killed", {handle = [_this select 0] execVM "scripts\bury.sqf"}];
_handle = [_pilot] execVM "scripts\flightpath.sqf";

sleep 10.0;
waitUntil {not (alive _heli) or isNull (driver _heli)};
if (alive _heli) then {_heli setdammage 1};
sleep 600.0; //10 mins

what is the spawn time and what can i increase it to so that they are not so frequent?

Random Weather

also in the mission there is a random weather that we just dont care for, it causes lag, and prevents us from seeing at times, how can i remove the random weather?

I see the random weather triggers in the mission itself can i just delete the triggers, and markers for it or would that prevent the mission from running?

I also see a script for fog and rain, and theres another script for rain but id rather not touch those being afraid the mission wont work when we put it on our server.

dammit i think this post is supposed to be in the


thanks for any help


Edited by Gnter Severloh

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Sometim's you just gotta wait. I made some post months ago and I have yet to get any help with. And yes this post is in the wrong area. Any who..... Look trough the two sqf files I reposted. At the bottom I placed the "SLEEP" in red. I'm not 100% sure but just change the sleep time to the time you want it to be at. Just remember it goes by seconds to 60 X the min's you want it be set at. (Example: sleep 60.0; //1 mins)

I made a post for people wanting to get the evo weather for ArmA II but I think is the same for ArmA located here http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=69538. The post will show you where everything is located so you can del it from the mission. I hope this post help's you. If you del the trigger and markers for the weather that will be okay but the mission will still try loading the scripts because they are present and set to run depending on the conditions set for the scripts to run. So over all it may not stop any lag just by del the triggers and markers but it will def help. If you have a problem let me know.


if (not (local server)) exitwith {};
for [{_loop=0}, {_loop<1}, {_loop=_loop}] do
_starts = [ka1,ka2,ka3,ka4];
_poscreate = position (_starts select (round random 3));

_pilot = createGroup (east);

"SoldierEPilot" createUnit [position tpos2, _pilot];
"SoldierEPilot" createUnit [position tpos2, _pilot];
_recy = [_pilot,"none",objNull] spawn {[_this select 0,_this select 1,_this select 2] call EVO_gRecy};
//if(isNull (units _pilot select 0)) exitWith {};
_heli = createVehicle ["Su34", _poscreate, [], 100, "FLY"];
_heli setpos [getpos _heli select 0, getpos _heli select 1, 200];
_heli setdir (random 359);
_heli engineon true;
_vec setVelocity [200, 0, 0];
_sumark = [_heli] execVM "scripts\sumarker.sqf";
(units _pilot select 0) assignAsDriver _heli;
(units _pilot select 1) assignAsGunner _heli;

(units _pilot select 0) moveInDriver _heli;
(units _pilot select 1) moveInGunner _heli;
//player moveInGunner _heli;

//_pilot setSpeedMode "LIMITED";
_pilot setCombatMode "RED";
{_x addEventHandler ["killed", {handle = [_this select 0] execVM "scripts\bury.sqf"}]} forEach (units _pilot);
_heli addEventHandler ["killed", {handle = [_this select 0] execVM "scripts\bury.sqf"}];
_handle = [_pilot] execVM "scripts\flightpath.sqf";

sleep 10.0;
waitUntil {not (alive _heli) or isNull (driver _heli)};
if (alive _heli) then {_heli setdammage 1};
[color="Red"]sleep 600.0; //10 mins<<-----(CHANGE THE SLEEP TO TO WHAT YOU WANT)[/color]


if (not (local server)) exitwith {};
for [{_loop=0}, {_loop<1}, {_loop=_loop}] do
_starts = [ka1,ka2,ka3,ka4];
_poscreate = position (_starts select (round random 3));

_pilot = createGroup (east);
"SoldierEPilot" createUnit [_poscreate, _pilot];
_recy = [_pilot,"none",objNull] spawn {[_this select 0,_this select 1,_this select 2] call EVO_gRecy};
//if(isNull (units _pilot select 0)) exitWith {};
_heli = createVehicle ["KA50", _poscreate, [], 5000, "FLY"];
_heli setpos [getpos _heli select 0, getpos _heli select 1, 500];
_heli setdir (random 359);
_heli engineon true;

//"MarianQuandt" createUnit [position tpos1, _pilot];
(units _pilot select 0) assignAsDriver _heli;
(units _pilot select 0) moveInDriver _heli;
//(units _pilot select 0) setBehaviour "AWARE";
_pilot setCombatMode "RED";

_handle = [_pilot] execVM "scripts\flightpath.sqf";
{_x addEventHandler ["killed", {handle = [_this select 0] execVM "scripts\bury.sqf"}]} forEach (units _pilot);
_heli addEventHandler ["killed", {handle = [_this select 0] execVM "scripts\bury.sqf"}];

sleep 1.0;
waitUntil {not (alive _heli) or isNull (driver _heli)};
sleep 1.0;
if (alive _heli) then {_heli setdammage 1;};
if (alive (units _pilot select 0)) then {(units _pilot select 0) setdammage 1};
[color="Red"]sleep 600.0;<<-----(CHANGE THE SLEEP TO TO WHAT YOU WANT)[/color]

Edited by tuocs

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Thanks tuocs, ya i got a little frustrated there at the end, but i do appreciate your help.

i edited the script, and got it going.

random weather

i deleted the triggers and i get no more random weather, but im getting real bad lag around the cities to capture.

4) In the data\scripts\spawn there is the following


0 setFog 0.0;

0 setOverCast 0.0;

0 setRain 0.0;

is the 0.0 mean that the rain and fog are turned off?

Evo on another island

I transfered evolution to Nogova took me a couple of hours and its great, problem is on my unit's Arma server, the mission wont work.

I edited the mission with regular Arma no mods or addons, did the same for evo on saharani but the sahrani version works.

your waiting for the voting of the mission then nothing happens, you dont even go into the lobby for the mission that i put on nogova.

-i took out the randsom weather triggers

-increased the spawn time for the chopper and the fighter plane like you showed in your post

Any ideas?

Edited by Gnter Severloh

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random weather

i deleted the triggers and i get no more random weather, but im getting real bad lag around the cities to capture.

This is a common problem more so in arma. I dono what to tell you their other a higher end CPU would prob fix that problem. You see their is a lot of stuff going on inside the trigger area that you cpu is try to process along with evething else happening in game from other players what your doing ect... I belive the improved this problem in Arma II. Better options and such exist in arma II. May if you go around and edit the triggers in your evo mission to only activate one at a time once a trigger becomes true (such as clear of opfor). Over all this is a common problem in the arma games and when its all said and done a higher end CPU is probibly the best answer for the fix.

4) In the data\scripts\spawn there is the following


0 setFog 0.0;

0 setOverCast 0.0;

0 setRain 0.0;

I'm not sure what the above means. How ever to help stop the over all problem of have the weather their I would just del everything involving the weather. In doing so you should not have any issues with the mission load or game play.

As fare as the mission not load/working If I understand you right you too evo for sahrani, and placed in on different map all togeather. I'm not sure what the over all problem may be if you merged the mission and its mission contents into the new map/ mission folder their shouldnt be a problem. although I dont know how you did it or how everything is placed on the map. so I'm unsure onb how to help you their.

Edited by tuocs

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thanks for your repsonse again.

my question is as long as i have been in the editor (2001)and am still learning stuff how does the merge feature work, like i never used it, i always highlighted and copy and pasted from another island?

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The merge feature is use to "merge" mission's togeather (in it's own way copy and pasting) the content's of mission's such as marker's, object's, men, vehicle's, ect... and will copy and past all of these thing's on to the new map (any map you have chosen). To do this Follow these step's.


As I talk about this I will be using Evo, and Nogova for the example's sence that's the mission/map's you are using to help you better understand the process and myself. I will be very spacific on how to do this so please take no offence as to how I'm explaining it. I'm just making sure you get it, and understand it the first time.

1) To use all features of a mission such as respawning of the player's, and vehicels you will need to be in the muti player editor. (This is the best way to edit most of all PvP, and Coop mission's to ensure all of the mission's feature's are working properly)

2) Open a new Nogova map in the MP Editor.

3) Once the new Nogova map load's click on the "MERGE" button. This will bring up a window just like your going to load a new mission, and select the Evo mission and click ok or load which ever it is.


At this point you will notice all of the marker's, trigger's, object's ect.. from the Evo mission will now be seen on your new Nogova mission.

4) Now SAVE your new Nogova mission.

5) Go to your MP Mission's folder located: start\documents\arma\MP Missions. Here you will see all of your saved MP Mission's.

6) Open the Evo mission's folder and copy ALL it's content's but the mission sqf.

7) Open your new Nogova mission's folder that you just saved, and past all of Evo's content's you just copied.

DO NOT COPY, PAST, OR REPLACE EVO'S MISSION SQF FILE INTO YOUR NEW NOGOVA MISSION'S FOLDER!!! Leave the mission sqf file in the Nogova mission folder ALONE.

After you have completed the above step's load your new Nogova mission, and edit it.


While viewing your new Nogova mission in the "MP Editor" you should notice (if memery serves) 3 GREEN marker's surounding your main objective's. Those marker's are for that particular main objective's reinforcement's. (the reinforcement.sqf file in your missions script folder) If you move both the marker's, and trigger's for a main objective make sure you move those 3 GREEN marker's with it. (if memory serves the green markers are place a little distance away and on a road of some sort) So I would recommend following that guide line. (I dont think however it really matter's if the GREEN marker's are placed on road's, or how fare you have the marker's from the objective's) The GREEN marker's do however need to stay with it's respective main objective's to ensure your mission is working properly, and to help pervent any lag. With all that being said you should be good to go.

If you have any question's or problem's let me know. Just be patient I'm currently deployed in the Iraqi theater, and I don't have ArmA anymore I just have ArmA II. Most things in ArmA II are still the same though, but I might have to research any question's or problem's you may have before I respond.

Edited by tuocs

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Thanks for your insight, and knowledge, i will do this, sounds easy enough i know my way around the mp editor.

deployed in Iraq sounds interesting, didn't know any forces were still out there, watch ur back.

I have another question

i looked through the scripts and folders of evo and id like to know how the refuel, repair, rearm script,and trigger is setup, i cant seem to find the script for it, i see the trigger but i cant seem to locate the script, any ideas which one it might be?

Also how can i use the side mission thing in Evo where you go on the radio hit missions and a list comes up and in a couple of secs a mission is spawned at a location, i see the markers which i understand how yo use, they act like a respawn marker but i have no idea how i can implement something like that into a mission of my own creation?

When i make missions i have premade scripts for respawn for inf, and vehicles, same for arma 2, i make the mission, add the scripts then add any codes in the init lines with triggers or markers and im done, makes mission building a less tedious, and tasking thing, this way u spend more time being creative.

thanks again

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EVO_Repair = 
_vec = (vehicle player);
_type = typeOf vehicle player;
if(getDammage _vec > 0 or fuel _vec < 0.98 and not (_vec isKindOf "Man")) then
	_inrepairzone = ((_vec in list AirportIn) or (_vec in list farp1) or (_vec in list farp2) or (_vec in list farp3) or (_vec in list reng1) or (_vec in list reng2) or (_vec in list reng3) or (_vec in list reng4) or (_vec in list dock1));
	if(_inrepairzone and _vec != player and speed _vec > -2 and speed _vec < 2 and position _vec select 2 < 2.0 and (local _vec)) then

		 titleText [localize "EVO_014", "PLAIN DOWN",0.3];
		 for [{_loop2=0}, {_loop2<1}, {_loop2=_loop2}] do
		    sleep 0.200;	    		    
		    if (getDammage _vec > 0) then {_vec setDammage ((getDammage _vec)-0.0125);};
		    if (Fuel _vec < 1) then {_vec setFuel ((Fuel _vec)+0.0125);};
		    if (getDammage _vec == 0 and Fuel _vec == 1) then {_loop2=1;};
		    if(_vec != vehicle player or speed _vec < -2 or speed _vec > 2 or position _vec select 2 > 2.0) then {_loop2=1;titleText [localize "EVO_015", "PLAIN DOWN",0.3];};
		    _dam = (getDammage _vec)*100;
		    _ful = (Fuel _vec)*100;
		    hint format["Damage: %1\nFuel: %2",Round _dam,Round _ful];
		_vec setVehicleAmmo 1;
		if(_type == "AH6") then 
			_weapons = weapons _vec;
			if(not ("Laserdesignator" in _weapons)) then 
				_vec addMagazine "Laserbatteries";
				_vec addweapon "Laserdesignator"
				_vec removeMagazine "Laserbatteries";
				_vec addMagazine "Laserbatteries";
		if(_type == "DC3" and score player >= rank6) then 
			_weapons = weapons _vec;
			if(not ("BombLauncher" in _weapons)) then {_vec addweapon "BombLauncher"};
			_vec removeMagazine "6Rnd_GBU12_AV8B";
			_vec addMagazine "6Rnd_GBU12_AV8B";
			_vec addMagazine "6Rnd_GBU12_AV8B";

for [{_loop=0}, {_loop<1}, {_loop=_loop}] do
_time = time;
[] call EVO_Repair;
sleep 1.011; [b][color="Red"]<<<------You can change the sleep time (How long it take's to start repairing).[/color][/b]


This should be all you need. If this dosen't work then I gotta find where the rest of it is hiding. You will need the Airportin Trigger along with the farp triggers.

The side mission's is a little complicated. I'm not 100% sure on how to do this without doing it my self. You need the missions folder inside Evo. The dialog folder some of the #include ****** from the discription file some scripts in side the scripts folder. Its going ot be alot of work ot figure out and like I sad I dont have arma 1.

Edited by tuocs

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So far i added the repair script into my missions folder, im just making a test mission to see how the scritp works.

I took all the triggers probably even the ones that dont apply to the repair to make sure, i didn't add the helo ones , but i go to try the mission in mp and nothing happens.

Im wondering if the repair is specific to the vehicles and planes that are in the mission. If i add a plane go drop bombs and come back to rearm, refuel and repair if needed, then maybe the repair script and whatever else might be universal that it would basically RRR anything that enters the trigger area.

heres a good question and i seen it there, not sure how it really works, but

this script


EVO_Cscore =


_temp = compile scores_packed;

_scores = call _temp;

//_scores = ["KilJoy",400];

_max = count _scores;

_i = 0;

//titleText [format ["debug: scores = %1",_scores],"plain down"];

while {_i < _max} do

{ _unit = _scores select _i;

if (_unit == name player) then


//titleText [format ["match: %1 %2",_unit,name player],"plain down"];

player addScore (_scores select (_i+1));


_i = _i + 2;



i noticed that killjoy has 400 next to his name, is that his score?

I'd like to play a version of Evo where we start with 200 points and dont have to worry about access to weapons and vehicles and stuff, as i play with a group of 3-6 at times, would it work to just add my name i use ingame like he has there plus a number?

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  Günter Severloh said:
So far i added the repair script into my missions folder, im just making a test mission to see how the scritp works.

I took all the triggers probably even the ones that dont apply to the repair to make sure, i didn't add the helo ones , but i go to try the mission in mp and nothing happens.

Im wondering if the repair is specific to the vehicles and planes that are in the mission. If i add a plane go drop bombs and come back to rearm, refuel and repair if needed, then maybe the repair script and whatever else might be universal that it would basically RRR anything that enters the trigger area.

Here's what I would do first to the repair script.

1) rename the script something like repair.

2) Add that script to your missions folder.


_action = [] execVM "repair.sqf" << I think that will work or try execVM "repair.sqf"

Question: Is this still the Evo mission your want the repair script for or one you are creating from scratch??

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Tested the score thing, added my name to that script and it dont work not sure what to do there.

I tested evo, added a fighter jet to the mission, and a respawn script i use for vehicles, and what i found out is that repair, rearm, and refuel script is universal its not vehicle or plane specific.

For the plane i used, it was an F-15E with bombs that had a camera on them, u can lock onto a target and drop. I know that that plane wasn't in the list of planes where if u didn't have enough points you would get ejected, so u can pretty much add anything to the mission it seems.


_action = [] execVM "repair.sqf" << I think that will work or try execVM "repair.sqf"

there is no mission init.sqs

Assuming i make a trigger with a code in it's init line that will tell the script to do its thing when a vehicle or plane enters the trigger area.

I have a scritp already for RRR but im not to confident in its ability to work its a hit or miss, one reason im trying to find out how evo's works. I really not understanding how to do what he says here :

2. ExecVM the script (for example with a game-logic object) and pass the triggers name (Example: null = trigger1 execVM "vehicleMaintenance.sqf";).

Vehicle Maintenance Script by Dreadnought (Superdreadnought@gmx.de)

Version 1.0 (2007-07-21)


1. Create a trigger suitable for your maintenance purpose.

2. ExecVM the script (for example with a game-logic object) and pass the triggers name (Example: null = trigger1 execVM "vehicleMaintenance.sqf";).

In order to have multiple maintenance zones simply create multiple triggers and start a new script-entity for each of it.


while {(true)} do {


if (not (_x isKindOf "Man") and (count crew _x != 0) and (speed _x < 1) and (speed _x > -1) and (getPos _x select 2 < 1)) then {

_x setVehicleAmmo 1;

while {(count crew _x != 0) and ((damage _x > 0) or (fuel _x < 0.99)) and (speed _x < 1) and (speed _x > -1) and (getPos _x select 2 < 1)} do {

if (damage _x > 0) then {

_x setDamage ((damage _x) - 0.01);


if (fuel _x < 1) then {

_x setFuel ((fuel _x) + 0.01);


sleep 0.1;



} forEach list _this;

sleep 1;


Question: Is this still the Evo mission your want the repair script for or one you are creating from scratch??

Evo has its own script, so this would be for one from scratch, i just want to know how the one for evo works so that i can apply the same thing to any mission i create that would make use of it.

Im trying to establish a premade rearm, repair, refuel script, like i did for inf respawn, vehicle respawn, ect., as i use them to build missions for My Realism Unit (Grenadier-Regiment 187) and the Arma 2 WW2 unit im in (GD-Großdeutschland ) as im the main mission maker and well really the only guy that knows how.:j:

again I appreciate your help.

i will test the scritp out and post back with the results.

Edited by Gnter Severloh

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You need to create the init.sqs file then, and place one of the following in it:

_action = [] execVM "rearm.sqf"


execVM "repair.sqf"

Also while testing this your vehicle needs be damaged atleast 0.1 so in the editor have the vehicles health ammo status a little lower or half ect.

You can try placing one of those in the trigger but I don't think it will work like that for the evo repair script. What you need to do is place the above code in the init.sqs file so your mission knows it's their and can run the script. If you don't do this it simply wont work. If you do that and it still don't work that just means there's more to the script and I'll be able to find that np.

As for the unlocking of evo vehicles, ammo/weapons ect their is a very easy way of doing this. Simply go to evo's init.sqs file and I think at the top of it you'll see something like Rank1= 10; all the way through Rank6= 200; ect.. just change the points needed for each rank their. That's the easest way of doing it.

The point thing your talking about is the admin login feature evo has in it I think. I don't know how that works.

Edited by tuocs

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Guess what i found the repair script byt Killjoy himself who is the author of Evo. I just got a hunch last night about something, and sure enough, he made a repair script template that is the one used for Evolution.

It comes with a test mission, which i looked at and it had 2 triggers, tested it out and it works teh same as in Evo. Mission accomplished!

heres what the script code looks like:

F_Repair =


_vec = (vehicle player);

_type = typeOf vehicle player;

if(getDammage _vec > 0 or fuel _vec < 0.98 and not (_vec isKindOf "Man")) then


_inrepairzone = ((_vec in list RZoneA) or (_vec in list RZoneB) or (_vec in list RZoneC) or (_vec in list RZoneD));

if(_inrepairzone and _vec != player and speed _vec > -2 and speed _vec < 2 and position _vec select 2 < 2.0 and (local _vec)) then


titleText ["Servicing", "PLAIN DOWN",0.3];

for [{_loop2=0}, {_loop2<1}, {_loop2=_loop2}] do


sleep 0.200;

if (getDammage _vec > 0) then {_vec setDammage ((getDammage _vec)-0.0125);};

if (Fuel _vec < 1) then {_vec setFuel ((Fuel _vec)+0.0125);};

if (getDammage _vec == 0 and Fuel _vec == 1) then {_loop2=1;};

if(_vec != vehicle player or speed _vec < -2 or speed _vec > 2 or position _vec select 2 > 2.0) then {_loop2=1;titleText [localize "EVO_015", "PLAIN DOWN",0.3];};


_vec setVehicleAmmo 1;




for [{_loop=0}, {_loop<1}, {_loop=_loop}] do


[] call F_Repair;

sleep 1.011;


this is where u can get it, id assume it will work for Arma 2 as well, as do all the scripts i use in Arma work.

Refuel, Rearm and Repair Template


very easy to implement, just put script in your mission folder and copy the triggers into your mission, done.

it refuels, rearms and repairs all vehicles, planes and choppers.

tuocs really appreciate your time and effort.

one thing i tried in the past was have a radio trigger that would trigger a squad or an armored squad to follow a waypoint, which is simple todo, but for the sake of lag cant have a ton of units and vehicles and stuff on teh island waiting for me to call them, it would kill performace.

As this mission im building which im getting ideas from Evo is a figlht training, as well as other stuff what i want to learn how to do is how to create any of the following:

-squad of Inf

-squad of armored


-fighter planes or choppers

i want to be able to click on a radio trigger and call any one and the would be spawned in at a location specified by a marker, and or spawned in and patrol an area.

isn't there a createunit command that can be used to do such a thing?

I swear i seen a script by Norrin somewhere, where a squad is created and then it goes on a patrol within a designated area using Kronzky's UPS


which i ahve used several times before.

how do I do this?

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Guess what i found the repair script byt Killjoy himself who is the author of Evo. I just got a hunch last night about something, and sure enough, he made a repair script template that is the one used for Evolution.

It comes with a test mission, which i looked at and it had 2 triggers, tested it out and it works teh same as in Evo. Mission accomplished!

The script works the same but just remember the other features in evo such as addactions like build a mash, engineer building a farp, anything like that wont work (if your using any of Evos scripts in your mission)You'll still need to create a trigger named Airportin so your playable players are able to still you those addActions. And you'll need your playable players to startthe mission, and respawn in that triggers area.

The following script requires you to create a center to ensure the scrips works correctly.


If soldiers of one side are to be generate while the mission is already running and no unit

of the respective side has already been placed, it’s important to allocate a center to this

side to make sure that these units can communicate with each other. Then the setFriend

order has to be used and the both sides needs to become enemy's to each other.

Otherwise the AI wouldn’t start shooting the enemy side. It’s necessary to define the

setFriend order and the center within the init.sqs script. If one has already placed units

from all parties on the map, then these centers will be generated by the engine

automatically. In the following example you can get the entries for the example Init.sqs:


For center, you can just place an enemy unit on one of the outlying islands somewhere, then when you use the createUnit command it works no problem for me. It's only when there are no enemies in the map it won't work. Or you cna place one of the folling (depending on what you want ot do) in your missions init.sqs file.


Createcenter EAST

Createcenter WEST

WEST setFriend [EAST,0]

EAST setFriend [WEST,0]

As how Center can be created, it can be deleted again by using deleteCenter SIDE. But that

would be unnecessary.


if (isServer) then {

GroupSquad1 = CreateGroup East;
_leader = GroupSquad1 createUnit ["SquadLeaderE", [(getMarkerPos "Squad1") select 0,(getMarkerPos "Squad1") select 1,0], [], 3, "FORM"];
_unit = GroupSquad1 createUnit ["SoldierEB", [(getMarkerPos "Squad1") select 0,(getMarkerPos "Squad1") select 1,0], [], 3, "FORM"];
_unit = GroupSquad1 createUnit ["SoldierEB", [(getMarkerPos "Squad1") select 0,(getMarkerPos "Squad1") select 1,0], [], 3, "FORM"];
_unit = GroupSquad1 createUnit ["SoldierEB", [(getMarkerPos "Squad1") select 0,(getMarkerPos "Squad1") select 1,0], [], 3, "FORM"];
_unit = GroupSquad1 createUnit ["SoldierEG", [(getMarkerPos "Squad1") select 0,(getMarkerPos "Squad1") select 1,0], [], 3, "FORM"];
_unit = GroupSquad1 createUnit ["SoldierEMG", [(getMarkerPos "Squad1") select 0,(getMarkerPos "Squad1") select 1,0], [], 3, "FORM"];
_unit = GroupSquad1 createUnit ["SoldierEMG", [(getMarkerPos "Squad1") select 0,(getMarkerPos "Squad1") select 1,0], [], 3, "FORM"];
_unit = GroupSquad1 createUnit ["SoldierEAT", [(getMarkerPos "Squad1") select 0,(getMarkerPos "Squad1") select 1,0], [], 3, "FORM"];
_unit = GroupSquad1 createUnit ["SoldierEAT", [(getMarkerPos "Squad1") select 0,(getMarkerPos "Squad1") select 1,0], [], 3, "FORM"];
_unit = GroupSquad1 createUnit ["SoldierESniper", [(getMarkerPos "Squad1") select 0,(getMarkerPos "Squad1") select 1,0], [], 3, "FORM"];
_leader = leader GroupSquad1;
wp1 = GroupSquad1 addwaypoint [position SquadAttack, 0];
wp1 setwaypointtype "MOVE";

sleep 1.0;
hidebody _this;
sleep 5.0;
deleteVehicle _this;

if (true) exitWith {};

[color="red"]You can place as many groups as you want including the vehicles in this script 
just repeat the script changing the group's name, or create a new script for each group namng 
it anyhting you want. The getMarkerPos can still stay the same if you wish or just create a new 
marker for that group.[/color]

The above code spawns that particular group at a Marker called "Squad1".

wp1 sets up a waypoint, and their waypoint is set on another Marker named "SquadAttack". To add more waypoint's just repeat the following step slightly changing the marker names and placing them on the map where you want them:

wp1 = GroupSquad1 addwaypoint [position SquadAttack, 0];
wp1 setwaypointtype "MOVE";
wp2 = GroupSquad1 addwaypoint [position SquadAttack1, 0];
wp2 setwaypointtype "MOVE";
wp3 = GroupSquad1 addwaypoint [position SquadAttack2, 0];
wp3 setwaypointtype "MOVE";

[color="Red"]and so on till you have all the waypoints you want.[/color]

With the waypoints theres a few more commands you can use to set their alertness (Safe, Careless, Combat etc) if you look it up somewhere. The "FORM" area is where you put "NONE", "FLY", "FORM" etc. And "SoldierESniper" defines the type of unit to be placed.

_leader defines which of the units is going to be in charge of the group.

This is the best way of placing units on the map to ensure good preformance sence they only appear when the trigger you set conditions become true.

I'll have to look into createing vehicles. More than likely I'll take a look at Evo and see how its done.


1) What type of vehicles are you wanting?

2) Do you want the enemy using them/driving/flying/inside?

3) How many of each vehicle?


To call the script (getting it to work) you must place the following in your missions init.sqf file or in a Triggers on act line:

null = [] execVM "GroupSquad1.sqf"

If you wish to place the scripts inside a your missions folder and inside a nother folder called scripts be sure to tell the Init.sqs or the Trigger that for example:

If you have the GroupSquad1 script in the following place your mission\scripts\GroupSquad1 you'll have to place the script init code like so null = [] execVM "scripts\GroupSquad.sqf" ect....

Edited by tuocs

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hey, been workin a little.


1) What type of vehicles are you wanting?

2) Do you want the enemy using them/driving/flying/inside?

3) How many of each vehicle?

1. uazs, brdm,s bmps, t72s, just like Evo

2. yes, static targets ok, but when they shhot back makes more of a challenge

3. I'd assume based on what a group would consist of like an armor group would be tanks and bmp and maybe a bdrm, then a convoy would be an uaz w/mg as well as urls, and maybe 1 armored.

basically something like evo, the mission has a decent setup which id like to be able to apply to any mission.

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I was wondering in Evo, how do you get it where when you enter a city that the enemy is created and basically stays there.

As my problem is i made an edited version of evo where all the cities are on sar.lite, the problem comes up when i enter a city on foot, it triggers the enemies to spawn in, and when i die, the enemies dissapeer, and are not there anymore, basically the town is empty til you enter the trigger on ground again. Its liek whatever you killed makes no difference the enemy is reset, i find this rather annoying and really breaks mission immersion.

how do i keep the enemy from dissapearing after i had entered the trigger the 1st time and then die, or leave the trigger area?

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Well its best to have it that way to avoid the lag issues. The way it works atleast ot my understanding is your using a trigger to spawn the opfor and in doing so once the triggers params a met it spawns the enemy, and once the trigger param's are false the trigger deactivates. The Only way I know to have the enemy stay is to simply place them on the map where you want them. I'm almost cirtain you can force the trigger to stay true but I'm not sure on how to do that without testing it myself.

As fare as your previous question I'm in transit on my R&R leave from Iraq, and I don't have any way of getting that info to you. Once I'm able I'll get it to you. However this may be 15 plus days before I can do so. Or maybe someone else can help you whitchever happens first.

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having played arma 1 evo for 2 years - we used to position 7 AI's at 100m dispersion in a semi circle around the city and have them go stealth and hide in bushes just inside the circle. Thisway, when you die the enemy stays in same position so you dont have to update the sitrep each time you respawn... and it takes the pressure off the last guy alive to stay alive just to massage the script glitch to conform with realism etc.

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Thanks for your feedback guys, Im sure theres many ways to do it, the best obviously would to have all teh units and such there already without a group creation, but again for every city, and theres about 7 cities, thats asking for some bad lag possibly.

I just want it so that once you enter the trigger that all the enemy spawn in, and the only way for them to rebuild their ranks is from the reinforcements they get, whatever is in the town is it. Reentering the trigger and they spawn in is ok, but once you leave either by getting killed or moving to another location they should still be there, not vanish and then come back after you renenter.

I notice to that only ground units can trigger the trigger, choppers, and planes wont trigger the enemy to spawn.

Another idea was to make the trigger bigger, but problem with that is you have more enemy to figh as the size of teh enym is equal to the size of teh trigger.

The only vehicles on the map that dont spawn in are the Shilkas for evo blue, and the vulcans for red version

I have another question.

I was wondering is there a script or someway to have it so that I can transport armored vehicles and tanks, by helicopter, with out messing with the existing scripts in evo?

when we start assaulting cities that are far away its tedious to have to drive all that way to possibly get killed again, i think it be faster if it was possible to transport the tanks and stuff to the area you want.

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have a look at my old arma 1 evo's here:

called modded Evo arma 1.zip

This zip contains all of the evo's we used to play including 2 types of winch script, 2 types of RED, BLUE and BRIT (almost all are modded I'm afraid - either track down the necessary mods or just cannibalise the scripts).

In arma 2 I'm making a perfect evo first unmodded then i'll do the modded ones. This way, I won't finish up with the fixed evo relying on external mods.

still a lot of blood sweat and tears went into those evo's so please use what you can from them.

on the subject of spawning from the air - all it takes is one public pilot to come into your server and fly around the map and on about city 4 the server freezes... this happens in the revolt versions in my zip (based on hohei evolution) because it somehow doesn't cull destroyed groups so the group count is exceeded eventually.... which just hangs the server. hence in amra 2 evo - you do each city in sequence...

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