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Buldozer does not show island

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I apologize for posting if this issue has been addressed in a previous thread.

Basically, I've followed the excellent Simple Arma2 Terrain Tutorial virtually to the end. There have been many issues that I have successfully resolved primarily using this forum.

Unfortunately, I have one issue for which I'm not able to find a solution. I cannot view the Island in Buldozer:

All I get is "sky":


Buldozer converted all png to paa successfully but I cant see anything.

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I don't have any land in my Oxygen, the object floats. I think this is normal behaviour afaik.

Do you have a model actually made? If so is it within a visible LOD (eg not within Geometry LOD etc).

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I'm going to attempt building a simple model in Oxygen to see if the buldozer will work there.

But I'm really more focused on Visitor and Map making.

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Have you inserted the command switch -buldozer in the system preferences for Buldozer in Visitor?

e.g. "D:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2.exe" -window -buldozer


Edited by Planck

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Yes, I set-up and tried the path both ways (replacing with the corresponding bin folder):

"C:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2.exe" -window -buldozer

and also

"P:\buldozer.exe" -buldozer -window

Buldozer starts, DOS window converts .png to .paa, then "blank" buldozer.

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No I haven't been able to see anything. The Tutorial Island (Sgt Ace's) is the only island I have used in Visitor and is the one I'm having problems with, viewing in Buldozer. Aside from being unable to view the landscape in Buldozer, everything up to that point appears to have been done as per the Tutorial.

As a side note, I created a simple object in O2. The buldozer has the same issue there as well. ( I can't see the object)

Just out of curiosity, I notice there is a p:\config.cpp file. Do the values in this file configure the buldozer at all.

Edited by hsvmann78

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I didn't read the part in the Tutorial about it being only for XP Users. I am using Vista! No wonder I can't get it to work.

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I use Vista and it works for me.

I hate to say this but I recommend starting over. There shouldn't be this type of error. (Big help, I know.)

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Running as admin doesn't work. It doesn't show or I can't acces the P:\drive from that program.


You're probably right in starting over. Sad thing: this is my third attempt already! I ran into this using Arma1 as well. I didn't get quite as far and I just gave up. The reason I'm hanging around is that I was pretty stoked when I got RTE 3D editor to work for me finally in Arma2, so I am very excited (aka determined) to get visitor working.

Incidentally, did you follow the Simple Arma2 Terrain Tutorial and create that island?

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Much as it pains me to say it - having done it once or twice myself - I'd also suggest backing up your "TUT" folder and doing a complete tools wipe and reinstall... I'm using Win7 x64 - and visitor/bulldozer is working fine (within its limitations of course)...

Though I've been around a while and this stuff isn't entirely unfamiliar, I hadn't looked at island design since the OFP/WRPedit days...

I followed Sgt Ace's tutorial, struggled with a few petty things like correct paths, did a fair bit of reading here and in the A1 island editing section and.... finally.... it's all pretty much going as it should now... A Million Year Undertaking - but the tools themselves ARE behaving properly...

I spent about 3 days utterly stumped by BinPBO - till I discovered one of my paths had a trailing "\"... one little "\" out of place! Dammit!!!

Hehe - yeah - the tools ARE that picky and unforgiving - but they DO work...

Determination is your Friend...


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I used any and every tutorial to get mine set up and, like the others, it did take some trial and error (lots of errors) to get it running smoothly. I also had to redownload the tools before I got it working.

I know it is a major pain but try to start from scratch and follow the tutorials to the letter. The sad thing is that once you get it working you'll enter a whole new level of headache. :)

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I don't believe it!

issue was caused by -window in the Command path to launch realtime viewer. After removing -window, buldozer runs perfectly!

I must have uninstalled and re-installed about 20 times today...

..now I just want to sleep. Glad its working.

Like you said, I can already feel a whole new level of headache coming on. At least there seems to be a continuous amount of help in amongst the forums, so I don't feel too scared :)

Edited by hsvmann78

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That is probably the main saving grace of this all - the community is the best.

Glad to hear you got it working!

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I just spent the better part of the day (speaking from a time perspective) trying to convert my island to .pbo in my Arma addons with an extreme amount of exasperrated unsuccesses. I must have re-written the pathes in BinPBO in every which way.

The only thing I hadn't changed was the destination folder. I kept it always at C:/ Arma 2/@TUT/Addons. But every time I would PBO my stuff on the P:/ drive nothing shows up in the @TUT/Addons folder.

I did a massive search of my computer, hunting for TUT_SampleMap.pbo. Nothing. Nowhere.

But then, what is this "Compatibility Files" button in Vista in my Addons folder toolbar. Oh yeah, says microsoft: "In Vista the rules are that if you don't have explicit (by requesting) elevated permissions to write to C:\Program Files, the system lets you think you are writing there but actually redirects (virtualizes) your writes elsewhere". So I clicked the button, and there are my "lost" files.

Is there a bang your head against the wall smilie somewhere.

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I hate to laugh at your expense but that is pretty funny, if only because I can completely relate.

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