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Does Night-time Matter?

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Does it matter to the enemy AI's detection range if it is daytime or night time? Or is it the same to enemy AI just like they can see through grasses and fallen logs?

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I'm guessing in my ignorance and from posts I've read on AI seeing in grass, that it does not matter. It is a calculated event based on your actions. I.e. noise or sight prbability. A.I's do NOT see. But I do suspect that they cheat (with the help of calculations) every now and then...LOL.

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Hi ChiefRedCloud,

I'm guessing in my ignorance and from posts I've read on AI seeing in grass, that it does not matter. It is a calculated event based on your actions. I.e. noise or sight prbability. A.I's do NOT see. But I do suspect that they cheat (with the help of calculations) every now and then...LOL.

You guessed wrong!

The AI does indeed "see", night time as well as grass (and other vegetation) does matter!

I suggest you guys download Charons excellent TroopMon 2 addon and set up some simple test scenarios and see for yourself by viewing from the AI's perspective (try different times of day, with/without NVG's, different skill levels etc.) and you will learn more about the AI's abilities.

Does it work without any issues? Most likely not! I guess tweaking all the parameters that are involved for AI calculations etc - i.e to have the AI as close to our human capabilities/shortcomings they can - may still take some time but the latest patch was a big step in the right direction.


Edited by KeyCat

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In all honesty, the AI are HUGELY affected by day/night time.

Make it midnight, and set up a russian insurgent dude in the map. Take note he has no NVG's. Now make yourself an american, and slowly aproach him. He literally will not shoot because he simply can't see you. When he does finally confirm you are enemy, he will still be aiming like a headless chicken lol.

Set up the same scenario, but give the enemy AI NV goggles, and you won''t get near him without getting all sprayed up :p

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In all honesty, the AI are HUGELY affected by day/night time.

Make it midnight, and set up a russian insurgent dude in the map. Take note he has no NVG's. Now make yourself an american, and slowly aproach him. He literally will not shoot because he simply can't see you. When he does finally confirm you are enemy, he will still be aiming like a headless chicken lol.

Set up the same scenario, but give the enemy AI NV goggles, and you won''t get near him without getting all sprayed up :p

They tend to use grenades quite often in this situation. I was half detected once but since he couldnt get a fix on my position he just sortof threw grenades at where he though i was, was pretty cool to watch. :)

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They tend to use grenades quite often in this situation. I was half detected once but since he couldnt get a fix on my position he just sortof threw grenades at where he though i was, was pretty cool to watch. :)

Haha, that's awesome! Kind of like, explosive supressive fire xD

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for sure the IA are in black by night without NVG.


there is a situation quiet confusing in MP :

if the time on the server is not the same than for PLAYER's local pc : you can have night for u and daylight for IA : u can detect the trick because no IA wears NVG... we had this pb one evening in one of our R3F MP mission.

this use to happen on Domination but has been debugge.

the time has to be synchronise on server and player with a skiptime in the init_server of the missions.

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From the response so far, I gather it still makes sense to wait til nightfall before going on any "sneak in" ops, right?

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Oh yeah. You need to realize that most of the Russian infantry have no night vision. Only their team/squad leaders, compared to everybody in the USMC. Sadly, the static spotlight "gunners" don't do a good job of scanning their area, and won't even look at enemies shooting at them with the light. At least, not at minimal skill level, as a private...

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Ok, did this SEAL TEAM 6 campaign 3 mission during the night and yes, enemies really failed to detect me even when I crawled past them within 50m at night. :)

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