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ARMA 2 needs "health reform"!

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I'm die-hard OFP player. One of the (from huge number of -)) things that I loved about OFP, you can call "I'm injured", and they will send you Medic from ANY nearest units... Was really really helpful in long missions when you do not have your unit nearby (or do not have it at all). Why it does not work in ARMA? Testing in-editor-made mission, I was shot, came to corpsman from friendly squad nearby, looking for help. Called "Injured!" - no response... Came right next to the guy, cried for help, - no response... Oh, NO!.. He just saluted me!.. HELP!!! #$&?! It looked like my health insurance had expired or they did not accept it anyway in the neighbor regiment...hmmm? :( We badly need a healthcare reform for ARMA 2! -))

Edited by starik

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Ive been healed by medics from other squads in the game, but they just seemed to do it automatically because they were near me, not because I was calling for them, I wasnt red screen injured either, just the "oh my arm" type..

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no, it works only for YOUR group... :mad: also, they do not save anyone from other nearby units... it looks ridiculous: the guy is bleeding and agonizing 5 meters away from other unit corpsman and he does not react… well... it does look like real life in US, when you do not have medical insurance, but I thought, at war, it should be a little bit more civilized -))

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