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Eagle Wing campaign broken

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Whenever i die and revert back to a checkpoint or even try and load up my progress the loading bar gets to the top but then stays there and the game seems to freeze. I can never revert back to previous saves or load saved games, i have start the campaign from fresh everytime and hope i don't ever die... its basically unplayable for me because of this.

im running latest version with ace mod, anyone else got this problem or know how to fix it ? i downloaded some rando eagle wing hot fix but it didn't fix anything

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Well its not really a campaign more of an extended mission, it worked for me, completed in about an hour all the way to the end.

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Not for me, Ive finnished the campaing without any problem

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What?An Arma campaign not working as it should?

Surely not.

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I can play the EW campaign without any problems... but when i am dead and loading a savedgame it takes about 4min to load... but i play with lots of mods... so this could be the problem...

Regards Culti

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