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Scriptors World

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hey community, i recently got back into scripting and making missions etc and making a mission i ran into a problem, i was stuck with 2 options,

1. search the net or the arma editing guide which usually takes a long time until you find exactly what you need.

2. go to a forum and post my problem and wait... wait... wait...

point is, if you run into a minor problem it can take hours to find a solution, so i came up with an idea. i still have a ventrilo server floating around with 25 slots waiting to be filled, so i was thinking, what if there was a ventrilo server where scriptors etc hang out to keep them company while they work on missions, addons etc? that way if people run into problems they could log on and ask the "pros" for tips and support. it would take minutes or maybe even seconds to solve a problem. the vent community could learn off each other while teaching each other, it would be like a database of editing knowledge

that being said, my server is now open to ANYBODY that wants to hop on the server, if you need help or just want to hang out, im looking forward to seeing some people on the server


server name: vent11.gameservers.com

port: 4784

thank you for checking this thread

Dog aka Mauro

sidenote, if this really takes off and allot of people hop on this vent server i will upgrade the slot count to as many as we might need.

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thanks for your support, hopefully more people will jump in on this so we as a community can establish something here ;)

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Dammit .. couldnt run TS instead?

Btw.. Im working on a Scripting framework - with a lot of stuff on it..

If anyone has any nice snippets to send me... do so!

We could also add eachother to xfire:

My xfire name is: Dharmaman

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oh wow, sorry guys havent been on vent for 2 reasons. 1. im currently in the field and 2. after a few weeks of having it up i havent had anybody join the channel, kind of gave up, but if people actually hop on there ill be there as well ;) bring some people with you ;) lets try to get something going here ;)

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